Articles of Interest

Basic Constitution of Rights of the Reth-Vrekan Union

This Contract ensures the Rights for All Members of the Reth-Vrekan Union, regardless of Race, Gender or Location. These Rights shall not be infringed by any means, not by members of the Union, not by members not of the Union. The damaging of these Rights shall be punished by the...Read More »

The Religion of Kiniseos

The Kiniseos Religion is the main religion for Temthans and other Temthaic species, but we welcome all beings, regardless of race, to worship with us. Our Religion is a religion based on love for both each other and oneself, worshipping creation, reproduction and happiness while striving against hatred, hunger, thirst...Read More »

A Quick Introduction to Prosopeutic Universes

There are an infinite number of universes out there and an infinite number of ways to categorize them. But one type of universe that stands out is the Prosopeutic Universe. A Prosopeutic Universe tends to have certain characteristics that make said universe far more lively and mobile than other types...Read More »

A Theory of Something

I’ve been thinking lately.

About everything. About nothing. About some things.

A lot of conscious beings think about everything around them. Many will take their observations and turn them into absolutes. After all, there are some absolutes that all beings must follow. A being must be born, must consume matter to convert...Read More »

Pictures from the Phoviverse


For Inktober, I decided to draw things from the Phoviverse. Here’s the 31 things that I drew.

Day 1 – Kinisis

Kinisis is the personification of the Phoviverse, the universe’s avatar and its creator. Nearly 14 billion years ago, the deity settled down in a little corner of the multiuniverse and gave...Read More »

Tenuk's Guide to Dealing with Deities - Introduction

Hi there! Welcome to my little guide on dealing with deities! Now, I know what you’re thinking, you’re thinking that this guide is pointless, that deities never deal in mortal affairs and why the hell would you personally need to know how to interact with them? And you know what,...Read More »

A Quick Guide to Meeting Deities

There’s a horrendously powerful being in front of you and you’re pretty sure that it’s some sort of deity. But which one? What should you do? What is going on? Well, remain calm, as long as you don’t do anything stupid like trying to attack it or insulting it, you...Read More »

Magical Items and Their Creation

Within this universe, there is such a thing as magic. The source of this magic comes from the Allmaker Herself, the Grand Goddess of All, and what us mere mortals use are simple remnants of her power.

Magic comes from one main source: cosmological background radiation, often referred to as CBR...Read More »

Magical Elements

When it comes to our otherwise rather basic forms of magic, there are many different metaphysical elemental properties, often shortened to just elements, you can play around with, assuming you can imbue them on magical items. These elements are based off of a myriad of natural effects and forces of...Read More »

Inktober 2019

Inktober is a challenge where you draw an item a day, generally following a list of prompts and using some sort of ink. 2019 is the third year I’ve done this and, aside from a couple of pics, I’m actually pretty happy with what I’ve drawn. A quick heads up,...Read More »

Relic-Old Rules

Dear Denizens of Deathven and Lifean,

Over the past few hours, a disagreement has occurred. A confrontation began on Deathven Sector Alpha and an unknown entity, causing a multitude of deaths and injuries, as well as damaging part of Deathven Alpha’s secondary engine. We here at Deathven Alpha attempted to solve...Read More »

Kinision Quartz Theory

The Kinision Quartz Theory, often shortened to “Kinisi Quartz”, is a simple colour and gemstone based philosophy, teaching the importance of looking after oneself and keeping spirits high. Colourful gemstones, all made up from quartz, allow the follower to focus on themselves.

The standard practice of Kinisi Quartz involves sitting outdoors,...Read More »

Races of the Phoviverse

There are twelve species in the Phoviverse. Each race is free to live and worship as they please, but they are all individually looked after by the four deities of the Phoviverse.

Kaironian Species – Time-Blessed races of the Whenvern

The races chosen by the Whenvern see themselves as superior...Read More »

List of Leaders and other Important Beings


Archmage Vokulunaax

The Mages’ Circle:






Lord King Ahvra Tou Krysanth

Lord Princes: Tanos Tou Ahvran (missing), Levik Tou Ahvran, Kohra Tou Ahvran (current heir)

Lord Advisor Psevra Tou Krysanth


The Great Listener


High General: Rethais Rethianos of the 44th Legion

Vice General: Lepidas Ksifon of the 389th Legion

Master of Generals: Vaksavar Ethranios of the 100th Legion

Keeper of...Read More »