A Very Good Idea

“Yisini! YisiniYisiniYisiniYisiniYisiniYisini! I gotta talk to you! Right now!”

The Allbirther peered down the small drain in the sink, where the voice was coming from. She was quite surprised to see a tiny little Thantophor, bouncing around excitedly.

“What are you doing in there, Arky? What’s going on?”

Arkadin pulled himself out of the drain, then made himself a little bit bigger. Yisini had been working in a mostly sealed room, dealing with a very large, bulky body. A body that Arkadin had… caused, for lack of a better term.

“I worked it out!” Arkadin paused, taking a good, long look at what Yisini was doing. The body in the middle of the room, suspended by a creaking table and large chains, looked both horrific yet peaceful. The broken shell of the Void Lord glimmered in the bright, white light.

“You worked what out?” Yisini asked, snapping Arkadin back.

Arkadin cleared his head then flew up, perching on Yisini’s shoulder. “I did a damn good job fucking him up.”

“Hehe, yeah, you did, actually. It’s given me a challenge, something new to work on. And frankly he fucking deserved it. I’m gonna assume you want to say goodbye to me before Kinisis shoves you in a box for the rest of eternity?”

“That and the fact that I worked out what we’re doing wrong!” Arkadin started bouncing up and down again, remembering why he was there. “I worked out how we can bypass basic mortality!”

Yisini’s eyes widened. She carefully picked Arkadin up and placed him gently on the nearest counter to properly pay attention to him.


“I worked it out. I mean, I haven’t got it 100%. But I have a plan.”

Yisini leaned forward, until she was almost touching Arkadin. “Tell me.”

“We don’t need to worry about making the body immortal. We just need to make the mind or the brain immortal and find a way to transfer that mind to a new body on demand!”

The Allbirther blinked. “What?”

Arkadin tutted. “You know how you have a computer and it has a hard drive with the data saved on it? Well, assuming the hard drive isn’t damaged, when the computer dies, you can put the hard drive in a new computer and carry on as normal. I’m suggesting we do the same with brains.”

“… What?”

“I don’t kn-“

“No, I get it…” Yisini crossed her arms, seeming almost angry. “It’s just… how… how did I not think of this sooner? It’s so fucking obvious! Okay, I have to figure out how to actually make a bio-organic way to transfer brain matter into a new body, and I have to also work out how to create an organism that creates a new body for itself on the fly to put said brain into, but… WHY AM I ONLY CONSIDERING THIS NOW?”

Arkadin shrugged, not sure how to respond. “To be fair, single-body perma-immortality is a much more interesting and desirable goal… but we can work that out after we work out brain-based immortality. And, to be doubly fair, I only realised this myself yesterday when Kinisis was talking about fixing Kenon and him being in a mortal body…”

Yisini grunted. But her grunts turned into a massive smile as she realised she now had obtainable goals. She very gently patted Arkadin on the head, beaming.

“You’re the best, Arky.”

“Well, we need to actually get it working first.”

“Yeah, but you’re still awesome!” Yisini beamed some more. “I gotta get to work on this. It’s gonna be hard but it’s gonna be soooo worth it!”

Arkadin smiled back at the Allbirther. “I know I’m gonna be in a box for a while, but… could you give me updates?”

“I’ll do my best!” Yisini grinned, moving away from Arkadin and hurriedly writing things down on a scrap of paper. But she suddenly paused. “Are you… going away now?”

“Sadly, yes.”

“Aw. That means I can’t do this with you…” Yisini’s smile faded.

Arkadin frowned, but quickly perked up. “Don’t worry! The quicker you get Kenon back on his feet, the quicker I can get out of the box!”



Yisini’s smile returned. “That’s not too bad… That’s not bad at all! I got a lot of work to do now…”