Drunk and Awkward Messages

Spiritdrainer: Hello, are you there?

Spiritdrainer: Litvir?

Spiritdrainer: Litvir are you available to talk?

Souldrainer is now online.

Souldrainer: Hello, deary! I am!

Spiritdrainer: Oh good. Because I have a very awkward question and I am very embarrassed.

Souldrainer: That has not stopped you before!

Souldrainer: Please excuse me, I am very, very, very drunk.

Souldrainer: Very.

Souldrainer: I should probably stop drinking. But I am happy and everything is alive and we killed a LOT of Voidborns.

Souldrainer: Probably made a few mistakes along the way. Accidentally slept with Retvik without a rubber so I need to be more careful but it was worth it.

Souldrainer: Was like the first time Retvik and I slept together and he absolutely filled me up and it was so nice.

Spiritdrainer: You do remember the last time we spoke that you said I was giving you too much information? You are giving me way, way too much information.

Souldrainer: Oh.

Souldrainer: My apologies. Like I said, I am very drunk.

Spiritdrainer: Why? You were never one to drink. If I recall, back on the Thantir Two, only big grumpy Galyn drank semi-regularly and I am certain that was because he was depressed. Is ser Galyn still depressed?

Souldrainer: Hah, Galyn went through a very rough spot, but he has been reunited with his two partners and they are all very happy now.

Spiritdrainer: Huh. I… I did not think Galyn was into polyamory. Or relationships.

Souldrainer: Galyn’s partners are quite nice. Vikalos in particular, I spent the other, uh, night, I guess, drinking and playing games with him. Very friendly. Itaviir is rather cold, but he can be approached eventually.

Spiritdrainer: Oh, so Galyn and his partners are like us Rethavok?

Souldrainer: No. They are all singularly male.

Spiritdrainer: Huh… A polyamoric, homosexual relationship. Definitely not what I expected from Galyn. However, you must know him better than I do, I only knew him for several months.

Spiritdrainer: Why are you drinking anyway? You only ever drank whenever something amazing happened and lots of beings died.

Souldrainer: Did Arkay not tell you?

Spiritdrainer: Did you and Retvik blow up a second Voidborn ship?

Souldrainer: Oh no. We are just still celebrating. Is Arkay well, by the way? He did… strain himself.

Spiritdrainer: I was quite concerned, he was very very tired and had no energy, but he seems fine now. I am not exactly sure what happened though and Arkay does not seem to really remember. He mentioned something about seeing Retvik and that was it.

Souldrainer: He somehow managed to use astral projection to protect Retvik and stop him from dying. Apparently Arkay should not have that ability and…

Spiritdrainer: He said he broke reality.

Souldrainer: Yes.

Souldrainer: I am thankful for Arkay doing… whatever he did though. Otherwise Retvik would be rather dead. But Retvik is alive, Arkay is alive, you are alive, I am alive, everything is good.

Spiritdrainer: I do agree there. Things are definitely good for once.

Spiritdrainer: I did want to ask you some questions though. Some rather awkward ones.

Souldrainer: How awkward can it be? I literally just told you how I enjoyed being filled by my partner.

Souldrainer: Hm. I need to find a way to do a pregnancy test, just in case. Getting Rethan-specific medication is… impossible out here. Actually, getting any medication outside of painkillers is difficult.

Souldrainer: I apologise. Ask away.

Spiritdrainer: Well, since you have already brought it up, I have to ask, is Arkay fertile in any way?

Souldrainer: I am pretty certain Arkay is sterile. Last time we spoke, he openly admitted to the fact that his two Life Goddess slave owners spayed and neutered him.

Spiritdrainer: Ah alright. Because I was considering starting taking birth control again, in order to be able to sleep with Arkay without him doing all the safe stuff, and so we have back ups in case a condom breaks again.

Souldrainer: You used to take birth control tablets?

Spiritdrainer: A long time ago, yes. I used to get awful mood swings around the end of the month because of my cycles, leaning towards desires of suicide. Thankfully, now I am middle-aged, it is not a problem, but I do still have potentially thirty years of fertility left in me.

Spiritdrainer: I assume my ovaries will run dry eventually, even if I physically have not aged since I was thirty. Which bothers me greatly.

Souldrainer: To be fair, when you were mortal, you stopped ageing properly at the age of 30 anyway, and were physically stunted.

Souldrainer: Thank you for your body, by the way.

Spiritdrainer: Uh, what?

Souldrainer: You all cut my head off when we were mortal. Our bodies were put in cryopods because we were Kaldieridoi. The Void Lord Kenon placed my consciousness inside your body, not mine.

Spiritdrainer: You are in MY body?

Souldrainer: I assume so, yes. How else can I explain the fact that I am 20cm shorter and far, far less muscular than I used to be?

Spiritdrainer: Yes but I was 2.3m tall when I was mortal, the same height I am now, the only difference now is that my plating is white instead of black. And we both had black plating with some purple, not the mostly purple and grey you have now.

Souldrainer: I am sure my… your… our body was changed when we… I was briefly made into a demi-deity to fight the Golden Protector Voidborns. I mean, Retvik grew a lot when he became a Decayling and continued to grow when he became a Decay Lord.

Spiritdrainer: Litvir, we were both properly dead and body-less.

Souldrainer: I was found and brought back by an incredibly powerful Voidborn and you were trapped inside me. I am certain he fixed up our bodies or my body or whatever, was unaware of who was who and just stuck my consciousness back in a body.

Spiritdrainer: A body. Could have been anyone’s body. Every single Kaldieridos body was kept in cold storage, and you and I captured a few of our more evil but also somewhat normal siblinigs.

Souldrainer: Oh.

Souldrainer: I am too drunk for this conversation.

Spiritdrainer: Fair enough. I am a little too sleepy anyway. Did have a nice time yesterday though, went to Palaestra with Captain Taliv and a couple of my soldiers and met the Raptor. Nice vok. Worryingly old.

Souldrainer: Who is the Raptor?

Spiritdrainer: She is an ancient Ksithan warlord who runs the Great Arenas.

Souldrainer: Is her name Phovos?

Spiritdrainer: Uh… how do you know that?

Souldrainer: Apart from me, there seems to be a counterpart of every one of the Thantir Decaylings. One of them is called Phovos Tromou, she was the ruler of Palaestra back in our own universe.

Spiritdrainer: I assume the counterparts are not 100% accurate. Because the Phovos I met, her full name was Phovoula Tromeros. Either way, she was quite nice. I wonder if she went and spoke to that pretty pale blue Ksithan we both saw?

Spiritdrainer: Actually, that brings me back to what I originally wanted to ask.

Spiritdrainer: Are you sexually attracted to Skyavok?

Souldrainer: Yes.

Souldrainer: You should know that. You set me up with Eksi.

Spiritdrainer: True.

Spiritdrainer: I mainly ask because I find myself staring at Arkay whenever he is in a Skyavok form. And I do not know if my memories are fuzzy or if I have always found him attractive like that.

Souldrainer: We both find him attractive like that.

Souldrainer: And while he does not find normal Skyavok attractive and he would never admit it out loud, Retvik finds Arkay attractive too.

Spiritdrainer: Ah.

Spiritdrainer: Alright, I am not losing my mind then. That is good. I feel better now.

Souldrainer: Good to hear!

Souldrainer: I ought to go to sleep or something. I am very drunk.

Spiritdrainer: Drink plenty of water, so you do not get a hangover.

Souldrainer: Good idea. Maybe I will also see what Retvik is up to. I definitely would not mind snuggles right now.

Souldrainer: And by ‘snuggles’, I mean being being railed by the hottest Rethan ever. Metaphorically and physically.

Spiritdrainer: By the Light you are drunk. Go to sleep. And use a condom if you choose to do the latter.

Souldrainer: Heh. I will.

Souldrainer: Have a good one, brother.

Souldrainer is now offline.