Plague of the Collector’s Son

Sudden Voidborn Assault

“They want to kill you. Have fun killing them.”

The telepathic command had been simple enough, and Elksia was definitely making the most of things. She was currently in the middle of doing two things at once: stabbing a bunch of invading Voidborns and stopping said invading Voidborns from stabbing her...Read More »

Waking Up Mid-Surgery

Elkay couldn’t help but grunt as consciousness returned to him. Thankfully, he wasn’t dead, but he also seemed to be strapped to a table. Again, that wasn’t too weird, after all, back at home, most Rethans were strapped to operating tables because they moved a lot while they were unconscious....Read More »

Yet More Arguments


Retvik hardly moved as Voidblade wrapped his claws around his throat. He simply grunted and tutted, waiting for Voidblade to calm down. When that didn’t happen, Retvik snapped his fingers and waited some more. After a couple of seconds, Voidblade abruptly let go of...Read More »

Voidblade's Terror

Psehon felt weirdly uneasy as he made his way to the third level of the Shimmering Blade, the colossal, armoured vessel that acted as the headquarters for the Phantai Decay Lord sect. The third level was mostly off limits to the majority of the Phantai and consisted of 14 rooms....Read More »

Gentle Brushing 2

Things were quiet. Too quiet. So quiet, in fact, that Phovos couldn’t help but jump as someone knocked on the door of her private quarters. Awkwardly climbing out of bed, Phovos made her way over to the door but didn’t open it, instead peering through the small peep hole she’d...Read More »

Inward Portal

As consciousness returned to Telin, he swiftly noticed that everything was wrong. He was completely unable to move anything apart from his eyes and mouth, he was secured to an operating table in a room lined with plastic and there was a Decay Lord standing on his chest. Granted, the...Read More »

Broken Network

Gah beeped to himself as he restarted his body, trying to recall what happened to force him to restart in the first place. As vision sensors reactivated, Gah quickly remembered why. There was a portal. A gold portal. With things coming out of it. He and Nuh had managed to...Read More »

Panicked Snap

Krohniak needed to be careful. He was currently enjoying himself. Joining in on watching this large Decay Lord sect bend to his will and attack a smaller Decay Lord sect Krohniak didn’t even know about. When news slowly began to spread about his father Ahkron’s death, no one was really...Read More »

Manipulated Afterthoughts

“So it’s in to the void, my men and my sons, from mother’s hands we fly. We’ll be sailing to the sun, ’til our souls are gone, then we’ll be resting in the void up high.”

Almost the entirety of the Phantai Decay Lord sect was present in this single, colossal...Read More »