Trial of the Thantir Decaylings

Canteen Chat

Today had been a pretty productive day for the Thantir Decaylings. They had done some combat training with some of the lower Phantai, they’d done problem solving activities with Galyn and they had just finished a short mental resistance training session with Litvir, who seemed way, way too happy...Read More »

Trial Documentation

“Huh, looks like they have changed things again…”

“They keep on doing that…”

The package was surprisingly large, considering what it contained. Inside were forty metal bands, each with several indicators on them, individually marked. Also present was a LOT of documentation and information. Information which Retvik, Litvir, Vikalos, Galyn and Itaviir...Read More »

Questions to Settle Nerves

Things were quiet on the Shimmering Blade. The Phantai were taking some time off to celebrate the demise of the Crystal Doom, as they hadn’t seen a single Voidborn ship in the last two evs. Meanwhile, the Thantir were keeping to themselves. Their eight Decaylings were soon to do their...Read More »

Decayling Promises


Vikalos glanced up to see Elkay standing in front of him, looking rather upset.

“Is something wrong, deary?”

Elkay sighed, then nodded. “I want to speak to my fellow Decaylings in private, without anyone overhearing. I need to get some things off my chest and I… I do not want you elders...Read More »

Decayling Plans

You are not alone. Fight until you eight are alone. Kill everything corrupted, or be corrupted yourselves.

The eight Thantir Decaylings gathered under the tiny wooden shelter, reading the small, holographic message laid out in front of them. Cruel, cold winds blew by, and there was a scattering of rain. The...Read More »

Decayling Alterations

“Hm, I think we need a better way of getting rid of these bodies…”

What had started off as a trickle of corrupted beasts had turned into a constant onslaught, to the point that corpses were piling up the ice walls Akah had made, and he’d had to angle them outwards...Read More »

Decayling Actions

“So we have to… kill a small sun?”

The eight Thantir Decaylings were currently sheltered inside a large, icy dome, with walls at least 30cm thick. Akah was doing his best to make sure that the walls remained intact as they were steadily being clawed away by the horde of blackened...Read More »

Decayling Graduation

“So, uh, did we do it?” Teekay asked as he picked himself up off the floor, not having noticed the colossal monster of a being standing before them.

“Maybe?” Eksi replied, surprised that he and Teekay were the first to climb to their feet. They were followed by Tenuk, Tahvra and...Read More »

Decayling Return


The Overlord was caught unaware at how quickly a member of the Thantir would make their way to the main Deathven base and rudely interrupt a council meeting between the Overlord and his fellow Higher Decay Lords. The Overlord thought he’d have at least ten...Read More »

Decay Lord Celebration

“Hey babe…”

It was incredibly difficult to do so, but as Elkay heard the voice of his beloved partner and felt their hand brush his, Elkay immediately grabbed onto Teekay and pulled him into a tight a hug as he could manage. Which, considering how drugged up he was, wasn’t very...Read More »