“So, what do you all want to eat?” Levik asked as he dragged his new best friends down a long, winding street. Everything was a bit too small, because the Tillian sub-district of Palaestra was mostly meant for Spasts, but towards the end of the street were a few nice, multi-race restaurants ad take-away places. Now that Levik had properly settled down, was getting a decent salary and was now also semi-famous, he wanted to treat Psiksi, Timik and Abius to a nice dinner, somewhere fancy.
“Honestly, not really fussed as long as it’s meat!” Timik grinned. He and Psiksi had enjoyed helping Levik train, and, to their amazement, he had learned very quickly. So quickly, in fact, that Timik’s idea/plan to form a new mixed-race Dessaron team would probably happen sooner rather than later.
“What about you two giants?” Psiksi didn’t like Timik’s description of him. “Dude, I’m the second shortest person here.”
“Well, yeah, but you’re massive for a Skyavok, and you’re a giant metaphorically!”
Abius nodded in agreement, then ducked under yet another decorative flower banner and string of lights. Since Spasts were somewhat similar to bees, they liked to decorate everything with flowers and lights, showing off beautiful colours. At least, they did when outside normal Spast territories. The Spast home world of Calestia was utterly covered in massive flowering plants, it didn’t need any more.
“You alright there, Abius?” Levik squeaked. There was an almost 2m height difference between them.
“I am fine. I am used to this.”
“You sure?” Timik asked.
“Are Rethan territories alright for you?” Psiksi also asked. “Like, most Rethans are around 2.4 to 2.6 metres tall, but there are very few short Rethans, and almost no Rethans between the size of 2.7 to 2.9 metres, you lot kinda just jump straight up to the 3 metre mark.”
Abius thought for a moment, then shrugged. “I honestly do not know. I have lived here on Palaestra for most of my life, and the Skipou district and my home are both plenty large enough for giants like myself.”
“So… you’re kinda just… fine?” Levik blinked in surprise.
“Yes. Giant Rethans are not that rare. We are accommodated for, I can get what I need without issue. That is not quite the case here, but I do not expect non-Rethans to accommodate for me.”
Levik hesitated a little. “The place I’m thinking of might… be a bit small. Although they do have outdoor seating.”
“Does the place you’re thinking of serve meat?” Timik asked.
“Then we’re cool, right?”
Levik nodded, then picked up the pace, trotting off towards somewhere in particular. There was a particularly bright and shiny restaurant with tables outside, and, even better, it was built with not just Spasts in mind. At the very least, Psiksi and Timik would be able to sit down. Levik did wonder how Abius would cope, but as the waiter outside greeted them, Abius solved the problem themselves, by happily sitting on the floor. Clearly Abius had been in a similar situation before.
“Hello!” the waiter beamed. They were a pretty, white and pink Spast, holding a tablet on which they were ready to take orders. “How are you all?”
Levik smiled. “Heya, Tannis, I’m good, I brought my friends along!”
“Wonderful! I take it you are all sitting outside today?”
“Of course!”
Tannis smiled some more. “So, what do you all want to drink?”
Levik turned to his best buddies. “You can drink, if you want. I know a good taxi service that can take even Abius home!”
Abius was unbothered. “I do not drink alcohol.”
“Most Rethans don’t drink at all!” Psiksi explained. “Being drunk gets in the way of their duties as protectors and guardians.”
Levik glanced at Abius. “You are in protector mode all the time?”
“It is how we are raised. To protect others, no matter what. But it is fine. I do not really like alcohol anyway.”
“That’s fine, I’ll drink for you!” Timik grinned. “I’d love some mead. Any mead, I don’t really care. Don’t normally drink it unless I’m with Rethans anyway. What do you want, Abius?”
Abius shrugged. “For now, can I get a diet cola, please?”
“Of course, sir! What can I get you, mister Psiksi?’
Psiksi shrugged. “I don’t fancy drinking, but I kinda want to try some honey-based Spast energy drinks. The sugar and caffeine content will blow me away, probably, but I’m willing to have a go.”
“We have a few flavours to choose from!” Tannis explained. “Would you like apple, strawberry, mango, lavender, Tilloul, lime or grape?”
“Huh… A lot of choices… What does Tilloul taste like?”
Both Tannis and Levik shrugged. “It’s hard to explain.”
Psiksi shrugged as well. “Can I order both a mango and a tilloul energy drink please? I should be fine with mango at least.”
“No problem! Levik, what do you want?”
Levik thought for a moment. “I think I’ll have an apple energy drink, for a change. Normally I get lime flavour.”
“Wonderful!” Tannis tapped everyone’s orders down on her tablet. After just a minute, a small drone popped by and delivered everyone’s drinks. Tannis then handed everyone some weirdly long menus. “Do you want to order now or should I come back in a bit?”
“We’ll need some time, thanks!” Levik waved.
Satisfied, Tannis waved back, then headed into the main restaurant to serve some other customers.
Everyone glanced at their menus aside from Levik. He already knew what he wanted, because he always got the same thing: high sugar, low protein pancakes with maple syrup and an assortment of chocolate sweets on top. However, Timik was struggling a little. There wasn’t much that was pure protein only.
“What are you all having?” Timik asked after a moment of silence.
Psiksi had already chosen. “To hell with my diet plan, I want a massive waffle filled with honeycomb ice cream!”
Abius shrugged again. “I think I will get pancakes. I like the fluffy ones. Levik, is it a problem if I order two dishes of pancakes?”
Levik smiled. “It’s fine by me. You’re massive, you need your food. What do you want, Timik?”
“I don’t know. There’s not much meat.”
“There’s eggs on the back!” Levik exclaimed. “Eggs are protein, right?”
Timik immediately perked up as he flipped his menu over. “Oh, cool. I like eggs, but these all come with crepes.”
“You can just order two dishes of the fried eggs, bac and give the crepes to Abius?” Psiksi suggested. “This is a place meant for Spasts, their portion sizes won’t be huge. Assuming you’re fine with that, big guy?”
Abius smiled. “I am completely fine with that.”
Timik smiled back. “Awesome. Shall we order then?”
Everyone nodded in agreement. Levik raised his drink quickly.
“To us lot! A toast to us!” Levik bounced with excitement, so happy that these three gladiators both respected him and were willing to be his friends.