Yisini’s Silly Thoughts

Epani had just finished terraforming a planet and was now sitting idly in the planet’s orbit, toying with its newly formed moon, while Yisini inspected her new masterpiece.


“Mhm?” the Panelix wasn’t paying much attention to what Yisini was doing. She was probably testing the temperatures of oceans, working out where to dump collections of proteins.

“What would we be called if we were merged into a single deity?”

The Allbirther’s question caught Epani by surprise. She stopped fiddling with the moon’s orbit to face Yisini directly.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, we both occupy similar spheres. Both of us are creation gods. What if we were merged into a single deity?”

“Why would that even happen?” Epani blinked. Only moments ago, they had been playfully chatting about what the best tasting plant was, and now Yisini was asking about… things that Epani never liked. “We are two separate entities. Yes, there are things in common, but us becoming one…”

“It bothers you!” Yisini butted in. She had a silly look on her face. A playful one. This made Epani relax a little, realising that her sister was joking. Epani never liked the idea of potentially losing her godhood, or worse, no longer existing. She knew that one day, billions, if not trillions of years from now, she would die. But by then, she would probably be over those fears.

“Yes, of course it does, sister!” Epani tried to explain. “The process of us becoming one could be potentially painful and certainly damaging to our personalities, possibly destroying our individuality! Plus, what benefit would there be?”

Yisini shrugged. She stuck her finger in her mouth, then stuck her finger into one of the larger, warmer oceans. “We could create so much more life if we weren’t waiting on each other all the time. Would be easier to fight Arkadin too.”

“But then…” Epani sighed. “If you are proposing we become one being, what if Kairos and Arkadin became one being too? They are closer in their godly spheres than we are.”

“I ain’t talking about those two!” Yisini beamed. “Just us! It’s just some silly thoughts, you know! What would we be called though? Episini? Yisiani? Lots of ideas!”

The Life Serpent uncoiled herself, loosening her grip on the new planet. She slithered up to the little moon and began to inspect that, wondering if she could put life there too.

“Can you put an atmosphere on this?” Yisini suddenly asked.

“I guess…” Epani grunted. “Would be thin though. The gravitational pull of the moon is rather low, it would not be able to cling onto much of the air.”

“If you make it mostly carbon dioxide, it should be okay, right?”

Epani shook her head. “Most likely no.”

“Water vapor maybe? Mixed with nitrogen and some argon?”

“I can try that.”

Yisini grinned. “Yes! Let’s try that! We can leave it to settle for a while, then I can come back later and maybe try some different protein strands.”

The Panelix grunted. “Assuming that no asteroids get in the way. This area is rather clear, but you can never tell.”

Yisini continued smiling, dragging the conversation back to previous topics. “So what about us merging?”

“It will not happen!” Epani growled. “Not willingly, anyway.”

The Allbirther’s smile faded. “Aw.”

“Please, Yisini…” Epani finally relented. “Please don’t give Kinisis any ideas…”

“They’re just silly thoughts though…”

“You know what Kinisis is like.”

“Yeah…” Yisini fell silent. Her silence though turned to giggling as she coiled around Epani then used her as a springboard to leap off into space. “Let’s go and make more planets!”