A Massive Crisis of Confidence

“This place looks very scary and very bad…”

Phovos stared out of the cockpit window, out into the depths of space. Ahead of them was a colossal golden gate with electromagnetic gravitational projectors around each side, each the size of a small moon. The projectors stopped anything, from ships to meteors and wandering planets, from getting through. This field encompassed the entirety of the centre of the universe, and the golden gate was the only way in.

But there were also three massive beings, each almost as large as the gate itself. Three deities, seemingly just talking to each other. They were waiting for something.

“I’m thinking…” Kohra suddenly piped up. “Why don’t we just take this ship and head home?”


Phovos and Timik both stared at Kohra. Kayen blinked, not sure how to react.

“We have no idea what we are doing.”


Kohra pointed out the window. “There are three deities out there. Possibly more. What are we doing? Do we even know? Those Banikans told us to talk to the Thantophor and gave us some vague directions, but seriously, what are we actually doing?”

Timik hesitated. “I… I don’t really know. I thought we were just sneaking in, getting the Thantophor then getting out?”

“Yes, that’s the basis of what we’re supposed to do, but how in the name of the Whenvern do we actually do that? Speaking of which, I’m pretty sure that’s the Whenvern outside right now. Next to a familiar serpentine goddess of life and what I can only assume is the Panelix with those massive jaws… We’re going to sneak past them, I assume?”

Kayen wandered over and put a hand delicately on Kohra’s arm. “We’ll be alright. We’re just sneaking in and out and then we’ll be back home in no time.”

“Will we though? I mean you and Timik both said that, but we don’t even know what lies beyond those gates…” Kohra rushed over to the window. “Look! It’s all nothing but darkness! There looks like some sort of structure in there, but is that where we’re going? Do we know where the Thantophor might be? What happens if the Thantophor doesn’t want to leave? What if those gods see us? What happens if we get caught? We can’t just keep on playing it by ear!”

“It’s worked for us so far!” Timik smiled a little.

“Just about…” Phovos was now acting a little hesitant too. “We are taking a huge risk here.”

“We might not even make it out alive!” Kohra couldn’t explain how he felt. “I just… Are we part of some sort of prophecy or are we just four unlucky sods who managed to get caught in the middle? Those Banikans, they knew about all of this stuff yet they chose to send us to do whatever it is we’re supposed to do. Why can’t we head back home, gather an army and go in that way?”

“He…” Kayen sighed. “he has a point.”

Phovos shrugged. “I guess you’re right. Maybe we should, I don’t know, send out some transmissions, raise awareness, maybe get some more ships so those Banikans can some along as well. Sure, they gave us supplies, weapons, armour and this ship, but they would probably want to meet their deity. Maybe…”

Before the Raptor could finish, the whole ship began to shake and shudder. Outside, the deities had begun to move as the gigantic golden gates began to open up.

“What the…” Phovos tried to get to the ship controls, but the shaking was too much. It threw the four friends across the ship, before suddenly stopping, leaving them in darkness.

“Please don’t tell me we lost power…” Timik grunted as he picked himself up.

“Life support’s still on at least…”

Suddenly, the ship began to move. Gusts of solar wind seemed to be dragging it towards the open gates, alongside a number of rocks and space debris.

“We should get the engines restarted…” Kohra began to panic as Kayen and Phovos tried to get the ship running again.

“I would but everything is fucking dead!” Phovos growled, a hint of panic in her voice.

“Strap yourselves in!”

The four beings closed their eyes as their ship was sucked in, through the gates and towards the centre of the universe. But to their amazement, they didn’t hit anything.

The winds carried the ship through the darkness, through a maze of damaged ships, tattered asteroids and other, less recognisable objects. In the distance, a strange, oddly flat landmass could be seen. Ahead of the ship, the three deities drifted through the littered landscape, uncaring about the rubble around them. Behind them, the gates slammed shut, disintegrating anything caught in their path.

“Well, guess we have no choice now…” Kohra sighed.