Abrupt Arrest

The evening had turned out quite nice, but Kuta was still somewhat shocked at how they had been so blatantly ‘adopted’ into this small family of friends. Admittedly, Kuta hadn’t really said much. They had sat back and mostly just listened in, but they definitely felt like they fit in. As time passed, everyone had drifted off to bed. Well, Kayel had fallen asleep on the sofa opposite, but Tenuk and Nyssi had both gone up to their bedrooms. Retvik though had remained firmly by Kuta’s side, awkwardly waiting for everyone else to sort themselves out so he could say what he wanted to say.

“Are you feeling better, Kuta?” Retvik asked, disturbing the silence.

“Yes, I am…” Kuta muttered. “Thank you. You did not have to be so kind and open to me, but you have been more than wonderful. That being said, I ought to leave, I have work tomorrow.”

“Oh… That is a shame…” Retvik considered continuing that sentence, but didn’t. Instead, he looked Kuta up and down, clearly thinking about something. Despite intentionally trying not to use their telepathy, Kuta could sense Retvik’s thoughts and the conflict in his mind. Still Kuta was still surprised when Retvik briefly grabbed them and kissed them on the cheek, before immediately letting go.


“I am sorry!” Retvik instantly got up and apologized. “That was wrong of me! It is just… You know how I feel. You try to do your best but everyone just sees you as an outsider who does not belong…” Retvik’s shoulders dropped. He felt uneasy and was struggling with his words and emotions. “You do what Isaar did to me. I want to hold you and protect you, but I am not allowed to.”

Kuta shrugged, then stood up as well, putting a hand on Retvik’s shoulder. “That will change soon.”

“Will it?”

“Yes. I am certain. A little more bureaucracy and you will be free. But at the same time, I do have to go. After all, I am part of said bureaucracy…” Kuta paused, then began to gather up their belongings, not that they had brought much apart from their standard satchel. “I do want to visit more often though. Would it be possible to set up a, uh, large, shadowy area though, so…”

Retvik nodded, then led Kuta upstairs, to Retvik’s empty bedroom. He pointed at a dark shadow in the corner. “Kayel has a shadow in his own room that he uses, but, you can use this one. I like to sleep in complete darkness anyway, so it is always dark in here.”

“Well, thank you, Retvik. Unfortunately, it will be a few days before I can get back here, as I have… quite an aftermath I need to deal with. Thank you for your kindness and patience.”

“Thank you for coming!” Retvik smiled. “Let me know when you wish to visit again.”

“Will do… Have a good day, dear…” Kuta bowed slightly, then closed their eyes, concentrated on where they wanted to go, and stepped through the shadow.

After an awkward, cold moment, Kuta opened their eyes again, and found themselves in their office. Everything was as they had left it. With a tut, Kuta checked the time, realized that they needed to start work in five hours, and decided to lie down on the sofa bed they had always kept in their office, for times like this. Luckily, Kuta had planned ahead, and they had left a set of Below Twenty armour they could put on in the morning, but for now, Kuta just took off the bulkier, metal parts of their current armour set and put it all to one side. Kuta then folded out the sofa bed and laid down.

As Kuta’s head hit the pillow though, there was a knock on the door. With a hint of frustration, Kuta sat up and glanced at the nearest clock. It was 3am, who was around? Apart from Kuta, of course?

Tutting, Kuta got up to answer the door. However, they hesitated, then waited a moment. Closing their eyes, Kuta used their telepathy to answer their previous question. To their surprise, there were seven Rethans outside, led by General Vaksavar, the Master of Generals. And Vaksavar’s intent was… very concerning.

Another knock. They knew Kuta was in there. Kuta did consider running, they could have just used the shadow in their office to jump back to their apartment across town. But Kuta knew Vaksavar wasn’t stupid, they would have sent soldiers there too. Instead, Kuta turned to their communicator and checked their calendar. There had to be a reason why Vaksavar was here, at 3am. Turns out, they had a meeting with the High General and the Generals of External and Hidden External Affairs. A video call with the Torr, who lived a very different time zone and always demanded that the Rethans speak to them in hours reasonable to the Torr, not the Rethans. Kuta’s own staff had all gone home hours ago, and, most likely Kuta’s allies in the 10th Legion were on their skeleton crew right now.

Still, that was a good sign. Kuta sent a quick message to General Lysar to see if they were still around and to ask why Vaksavar was standing outside, then turned on the sound recorder on their device and placed the device in a pocket in their stomach wrap. Kuta made their way to answer the door, only to find that Vaksavar had grown tired of waiting. The door smashed inwards, coming off its hinges, knocking Kuta back. Heavy, gold-clad claws wrapped around Kuta’s neck.

“Kuta Tieridos, you are under arrest.”

Kuta tutted, then responded calmly and clearly. “I demand to know why I am under arrest, I demand my right to a legal representative and I will use my right to remain silent until you have satisfied my demands.”

Vaksavar didn’t answer at first and instead pressed Kuta against the wall, turning them around and pinning them back, before tying Kuta’s wrists with several zip ties.

“Are you not going to give me my basic rights?” Kuta hissed. Vaksavar snarled, pressing Kuta against the wall further.

“Due to your unnatural abilities, you have been deemed a danger to Rethan society and the Rethan government. Your recent actions and decisions have also put you on the high risk list, and you are to be locked away and observed until you are deemed safe.”

“If that is the situation, then why is General Ritlir not handling this case, as it is among the duties of the Legion of Hidden Internal Affairs?” Kuta protested. “You have no right to be arresting me and you still have not given me my-”

Kuta was unable to finish their sentence as Vaksavar grabbed Kuta by the neck, smashed their head against the wall, silencing Kuta completely.

“As a danger to the Rethan government, you currently do not have rights. You need to be re-evaluated.”

“I still have rights under interspecies law…” Kuta muttered. They considered using their telepathy to force Vaksavar to let them go, but they knew that would just cement Vaksavar’s claims and get them into even more trouble. Instead, they closed their eyes and reached out, mentally looking for someone to help them.

“I would recommend keeping your right to silence!” Vaksavar continued to snarl as they picked Kuta up and dragged them into the hallway.

“I would recommend letting go of your fellow General right now!” a third voice bellowed down the hallway. Kuta, Vaksavar and Vaksavar’s soldiers all turned to see who was speaking. Flanked by four heavily armoured guards with black and red armour, High General Rethais marched down the corridor.

Vaksavar immediately let go of Kuta and backed off. “High General, Kuta is-”

“I do not care! You do not have the authority to roughly handle another General!” In a rather unusual display of power, Rethais pushed Vaksavar back, then helped Kuta to their feet properly and drew a small, ceremonial dagger, which they used to break the zip ties keeping Kuta bound.

“Rethais, according to the Potentially Dangerous Hidden Abilities Law, Kuta is showing traits that MUST be contained and analysed! They have obtained the ability to travel between planets and solar systems. They are too dangerous to be free and have to be locked away immediately. They have done multiple shadowjumps between here and to several locations on Portalia, avoiding planetary entrance security! If they can do that, what is stopping Kuta from entering your private home and murdering you in your sleep?”

“If that is the case, then you follow laws and protocols and report Kuta to the 10th Legion, and THEY will assess them!” Rethais snarled. “You are taking things into your own hands, and I am genuinely considering demoting you right now.”

“High General, I-”

“Silence. I hereby dismiss you for a week, unpaid, until you sort yourself out, Kuta decides whether to press charges against you for assault and I decide what to do with you and your recent inappropriate behaviour. Leave, now.”

Vaksavar lowered their head. “Yes, High General.”

With a snarl, Vaksavar turned around and left. Vaksavar’s soldiers all bowed to Rethais, then filed out, following their General. Once the coast was clear, one of Rethais’s guards came over and checked Kuta up and down to make sure they were not hurt.

“Thank you, Kyr Rethais…” Kuta eventually muttered.

“Why are you thanking me?” Rethais tutted. “Vaksavar’s behaviour towards you has been inexcusable. You have loyally served the Rethavok your entire life. Vaksavar though has been acting oddly ever since the Lady of Light disowned us, and is taking their frustrations out on you.”

“Am I going to be reported to my former Legion?”

“I will not report you. As far as I am aware, you have not shown any new abilities, and Portalia, being a mixed species neutral world, has no laws on illegal entry. However, I am going to recommend that you also take a couple of days off and stay at home, in case a report does go through and you need to be questioned.”

Kuta sighed, then nodded. “I shall do as you ask, High General. Thank you.”

Rethais patted Kuta on the shoulder. “I apologise for your ill treatment. Go home and get some rest.”

“Of course, High General…” Kuta frowned as they limped off. “Good night…”