Alternate Access

“Litvir! Are you busy? Can we talk?”

Akah skidded past the open door to the joint Thantir Leaders’ office, span around and peered inside. Being someone used to walking on icy terrain, Akah knew how to not slip over and since both the main villa and the patient areas were always kept spotlessly clean, the floors were always a little slippy. Really, the floors were a bit of a health and safety hazard, but they needed to be smooth and easy to clean because toxic liquids being spilled was somewhat common. In the patient areas at least.

Luckily, Litvir was in the office, and he had gotten up to see what was going on.

“Oh, hello, dear. Is something wrong? Your emotions are rather abnormal today.”

Akah straightened himself out, clicked a couple of times then frowned. “I hate to sound awfully cliche, but I really need to show you something.”

Litvir glanced back into his office, at a time table on the wall, before turning back to Akah. “You are supposed to be sleeping right now.”

“Yes, well, I was busy playing the space ninja game and I never slept that much anyway, even when I was mortal. But I REALLY need to show you something. Concerning the game.”

“Is it another cutscene? You know I care little about that game’s story. The last thing you showed me was some sort of strange cut scene featuring the annoying stalker person and a strange, baby-ridden angel thing.”

Akah shook his head. “No, no, not at all… And yes, that… that whole quest was rather messed up…”

“Before you continue, is that how female Lanex carry babies? Inside their wombs? For an obscenely long time?” Litvir asked.

“Ah, uh, yes. For about 9 months.”

“Nine… months?” Litvir blinked. “I thought the month Rethans spent with an egg in side them before laying was too damn long… Sorry, what is wrong?”

Akah frowned, shook his head again then perked up. “It’s… good news. I think. Maybe… And it’s about the game… It would be way easier if I just showed you.”

Litvir relented, then followed Akah outside, up to his personal quarters. As predicted, Akah had the space ninja game open, but he also had a folder open with a lot of screenshots in it. Litvir scanned the screen and immediately picked up on something.

“You found someone with an account username the same as my actual name?”

“Yes. And it’s Arkay’s account!” Akah moved to the screenshots folder, where he had two almost identical pictures laid out side by side. “The account name is different, but it’s the exact same person. Same items, same achievements, same usage statistics, everything! I’m not sure, but I think Arkay was playing on a different device with a merged account or something, and the name hasn’t carried over. More importantly though, this Litvir account came online and spoke to me!”

Litvir blinked, then inspected the text some more. Akah was absolutely right, someone had messaged with him, and they’d even told Akah their real name. However, somewhat annoyingly, Litvir didn’t recognize who this “Kayel” person was.

“Is this all the information you got from them?” Litvir queried.

Akah clicked in frustration. “Yes, unfortunately. As you can see, they said their device, whatever they were using, possibly something handheld, was running out of battery, and they went offline a few seconds afterwards…”

Akah trailed off, then turned back to the open game. He had noticed an icon in the corner, a notification, saying he had a new friend request. Akah opened the pause menu, went to the communications menu and inspected the account that had sent him the request. It was a brand new account by the name of KL1492L, with an electric starter frame, coloured yellow from the default colour palette. Akah quickly accepted the friend request but he didn’t message them straight away.

“I will go and fetch my laptop. Back in a moment…” Litvir muttered as he stepped through a shadow back into his own personal quarters. While Litvir sorted himself out, Akah waited to see if this person would message him. Eventually, he did get a direct message.

KL1492L: hi sorry i found a charger. also i decided to add u as a friend on my account coz i dont want to break arkay’s stuff. ur a decay lord right?

Akah typed a message back, just as Litvir reappeared, having logged in as well. Before he sent his message though, Akah invited this person to the clan he and Litvir were in.

IceShield: Hello! I am a Decay Lord, yes. Are you Kayel?

KL1492L: ye

KL1492L: typing is hard af on this thing so sorry if im slow

IceShield: It’s not a problem. I sent you an invite to the clan Arkay made.

There was a very long delay as Kayel tried to accept the invite. Eventually, the Clan Chat tab flashed, and the new account appeared in it. As soon as Kayel was in, Litvir jumped into the conversation and welcomed them to the clan.

Phovos: Hello, Kayel. Welcome, how are you?

KL1492L: hello

KL1492L: i know some1 called phovos but shes not a decay lord. shes kinda immortal like me tho

Phovos: Do you know someone called Arkay?

KL1492L: ye but i wanna know who u r and how u know Arkay.

Litvir glanced at Akah. Akah shrugged.

“He already knows what Decay Lords are and that there’s things outside his universe, and he’s friends with Arkay apparently, so it can’t hurt?”

“I will tell him…” Litvir sighed as he rested his laptop on the edge of Akah’s desk and started typing properly.

Phovos: Before he was made to be a deity within your universe, Arkay was part of a trio alongside myself and my partner Retvik. We became Decay Lords together but unfortunate events caused us to separate, and Arkay’s memories were erased. We have been trying to keep in touch with Arkay but it has been understandably difficult.

KL1492L: i see. r u kuta’s sibling?

Phovos: You know my brother, Kuta?

KL1492L: ye. kuta said they have a sibling who is a decay lord. u both have a girlfriend called retvik lol

Phovos: That is unfortunately true, although Kuta has told me that his Retvik is not on fire the same way my Retvik is.

KL1492L: do u mean that literally?

Phovos: Yes. My Retvik has blatant fire powers.

KL1492L: and u and ur retvik are rethans too?

Phovos: We are old-universe Rethavok. Rethavok from the universe that your universe replaced.

Litvir decided to change the subject somewhat.

Phovos: Is Arkay alright? We have not heard from him in a long time.

KL1492L: uh i dunno. he got attacked by epani and she kinda stabbed him but kuta and retvik saved him and he disappeared. sent me a message that he was going into hiding. i let him stay with me while he tried to break out of epanis mindcontrol shit. he nearly did it.

KL1492L: tbh i miss him. a lot. kinda think i love him too.

Phovos: Well, friend, you are not alone there. Retvik and I miss him dearly. I very much appreciate the update.

KL1492L: im sorry. i tried to help.

Phovos: It is not your fault.

KL1492L: ye i know. its epanis fault. shes a bitch. ruined retviks birthday party

Litvir’s eyes widened. Akah picked up on Litvir’s sudden surprise. He’d been reading the chat and taking screenshots alongside Litvir but didn’t know why Litvir seemed concerned now.

“Uh, are you alright, sir?”

“Assuming both Retviks share the same birthdays… I missed my Retvik’s birthday.”

Akah shrugged. “None of us know when our birthdays are these days. Or even how old we are. Time is weird now.”

Litvir sighed, then turned back to the conversation.

Phovos: Well, please wish your Retvik a happy birthday from me and my Retvik.

Phovos: Actually, maybe not. Us Decay Lords are not supposed to communicate with intra-universal entities.

KL1492L: haha

KL1492L: im gonna go now its late and i need to sleep. can i tell kuta i spoke to you?

Phovos: Of course. I occasionally speak to Kuta anyway

KL1492L: on here?

Phovos: No, on a different application. Neither of us play video games, and I only play this game because Arkay did. Either way, I shall let you go. Sleep well, and please feel free to get in touch whenever. @IceShield has the game open almost all the time so he’ll pick up on your messages.

KL1492L: alright tnx. goodnight

Kayel’s name disappeared from the online list. Litvir took a deep breath, taking a moment to digest what he had just seen.

“Are you alright?” Akah asked.

“I am, actually…” Litvir eventually smiled. “This is… good news, I think. Thank you for letting me know about this, Akah, please let me know if this Kayel fellow returns. I have to get back to work now.”

“Not a problem, sir!” Akah smiled back. “See you later.”