An Introduction for Psiksi

“So,” Psiksi glanced left and right, tugging on his armour nervously. “I want to accept your invitation and join the Dessaron, but I… I have a question…”

“Sure, what’s your question, kid?” Tenuk smiled. “Feel free to ask whatever you want.”

“Well…” Psiksi’s nervousness increased with every passing second. “Uh… Um…”

“Take your time.”

Psiksi continued to hesitate. “Uh… what exactly do you actually do as Dessaron these days?”

The Skyavok expected everyone to start laughing at his stupidity, so he was surprised when no one did that. Instead, Tenuk got down onto Psiksi’s level, talking calmly.

“No, that’s understandable. We haven’t actually done anything major since Arkay left us. And you seem a little young to remember our more famous escapades.”

Tenuk smiled, then began to explain. “Basically, our job is to deal with things that make no sense. We’re explorers, sent off to places and returning home with data, while also protecting those who need it.”

“We’re technically mercenaries…” Retvik interrupted.

“No we’re not!” Tenuk protested. “We’re employed by the Reth-Vrekan Union! We go where no vok has gone before!”

“And sometimes we kill beings at the request of the Union because they pose a threat to innocents…” Retvik added. “We do a lot of things. Many of them strange and weird. We have discovered new planets, we have been chased by Banikans, we have killed or imprisoned Kronospasts who were trying to start a new war, we have found ancient relics and cities made of silver… and when we have some spare time, we do exhibition matches in the Palaestra Arena because people like to watch us fight for some insane reason.”

“But we have free reign to do whatever we want, really!” Elksia grinned. “The whole point of the Dessaron is to be a group of four that makes things better for other people, particularly those of the Union. Since they’re the ones who pay for some of our bills.”

“Some of them?” Psiksi asked.

Retvik grunted. “Tenuk is incredibly wealthy, what with both being exempt from the majority of local tax laws and being the kid of the leader of the Kronospasts. Really, the Union only pays for things like fuel and paperwork.”


“Really…” Retvik seemed a little unsure about things himself. “Sorry if I sound grumpy. I missed a deadline and that bothers me. Also had to sign off from my normal duties… My brother did not like that…”

“Rethais can suck your tail!” Elksia exclaimed. “Us getting back together and getting a new guy and going back to exploring and stuff is the best! Everyone loves it when we do that, even your pissy brother!”

Retvik glanced at Elksia, tutting. “You realise my brother is the Vice General of the Retha, yes?”

“He’s still a tail sucker!” Elksia beamed. “But you don’t need to worry about that, Psiksi! You’re here to join us in adventures across the universe and through space! But not time. We’re not doing time travel. Fuck that shit.”

Retvik smiled slightly. “Yes, no, we try and avoid any dealings that interfere with time. Too risky. That has only happened once though. Do you have a better idea of what we are now?”

Psiksi remained silent, thinking to himself. Eventually, he spoke.

“So you’re basically mercenaries then.”

“That’s exactly what I said literally five minutes ago!” Retvik shouted. “Yes. We’re basically mercenaries. Mercenaries who go on adventures.”

Psiksi shrugged, then smiled. “That sounds awesome. When do we start?”

Tenuk glanced at the others. “Uh, well, now, I guess…”