Another Early Guest

“Not gonna lie, these mini-houses are awfully convenient!” Phovos mused as she watched Akah and Nuh finish setting up a row of them. They weren’t anything fancy, literally just a tiny room with a bed, a chair and close access to some community bathrooms and showers, but since a lot of drinking was expected to happen during Teekay and Elkay’s wedding and most people were arriving by ship, they needed somewhere for people to sleep off their drunkenness before they left.

“Oh, they definitely are!” Akah smiled as he dusted off his hands. “Do you need something, Phovos?”

“Oh, no. I’m just taking a break after my daily blood donating session. Elkay went a little too hard today and he’s being pampered for a bit by all the Skyavok, so I decided to leave them to it and wander around.”

“He needs to be a bit more careful…” Akah frowned. “Elkay has that weird “I must protect everyone” streak I’ve seen on a few Rethans and it scares me a little…” Akah paused, then turned back to Nuh. “Hey, uh, do you need me for anything else?”

Nuh shook his head, his crystalline eyes lighting up brightly, suggesting that he was in a good mood. “No, we’re all good, if I need anything, I’ll grab one of my brothers. Go spend some time with the nice Life Goddess.”

“Please don’t call me that.”

“Sorry. Go spend some time with the nice lady, Akah.”

Phovos eyed Nuh, but Nuh clearly didn’t pick up on Phovos’s annoyance and went back to what he was doing, mostly using his gravity powers to put sheets on the beds. Akah shrugged, then walked Phovos over to the canteen.

“He’s just being nice.”

“I know, but you all know I hate my heritage.”

Akah shrugged as he grabbed a drink for them both, just some diet cola, and they both sat down.

“I get that, but you can’t be too mean to yourself. At the very least, you’re the nicest Life Goddess in existence.”

“Eh… Still…”

Sensing that Phovos didn’t want to talk about her being a Life Goddess, Akah dropped the subject and discuss something else.

“So, looking forward to the wedding?” Akah asked.

This made Phovos smile. “Yeah, actually. I find it cute that Teekay wants as many people here as possible. He believes it makes his wedding more real, he’s proving and sealing his love in front of the whole, uh… multiverse? Void? I dunno.”

“That actually explains a lot, because I was always under the impression that Teekay didn’t like to make a show of things, even when he was mortal, but he is making a big show of this wedding.”

“Yeah, it’s a typical Skyavok thing. Saw it before when Arksi and Nenth got married.”

Akah thought for a moment. “Is Arksi one of Eksi’s siblings?”

“Yep. Perfectly fit the strict oldest brother stereotype, but he was a fine gladiator. Weirdly, Eksi used to be quite shy and gloomy, but I suppose now he’s out from underneath his siblings’ shadows, he’s much perkier. And much more of a dick. Although I think that’s more because Eksi’s telepathy broke his filter.”

“I… I don’t follow.”

Phovos shrugged. “You know all Skyavok have telepathy, right? Well, they have something they call a filter, which stops them from using their telepathy all the time and also prevents them from saying things they don’t mean to. I’m certain Eksi’s filters no longer work right, and he’s saying stuff out loud and not even realizing it…” Phovos paused, noticing someone approaching them. “Oh, heya Litvir! Wait… you’re not Litvir.”

The being in question did very much look like Litvir, they were a Rethavok-like being with light grey skin and purple plating, wearing white armour and a long, white cape. However, what made them not look completely like a Rethan was the odd four-pointed star-shaped armour that ran across their head plate.

“I am not Litvir, no! In fact, I am looking for Litvir. He invited me to this location to watch some sort of wedding ceremony, but I think I messed up and arrived a little too early.”

“Um, I think Litvir is in a meeting right now with Retvik and the big guys, but you’re free to join us for a bit and tell us why you look a lot like Litvir?” Phovos suggested. Akah quickly got up and fetched a bottle of water for the stranger.

The being glanced around somewhat anxiously, looked Phovos up and down briefly, then did as they were told and sat down. “My name is Letharus Kaldesia, codename Dreameater. I am a Decay Lord that works in Deathven Sector Ypsilon as a grief and trauma counsellor, assisting young Decaylings. Litvir, Retvik, Arkay and Galyn saved me from slavery, and, thanks to them, I was allowed to live my own life for once. I have no idea why Litvir and I look alike though.”

“Hello, Letharus! Nice to meet you! I am Akah Icebreaker, codename Shattershield, and this here is Phovos Tromou, codename Lifetaker. Are you a Rethavok?” Akah politely asked.

“Is that the name of Litvir’s species?” Letharus asked back. “No, I am not. But I find it odd that this name has something similar to the name of my own species. I am an Astravok, but we often called ourselves Astrans. Named after the four-pointed star plating we have on our heads and chests, and our affinity for space travel.”

“That… that’s kinda creepy…” Phovos muttered. “The word ‘Retha’ means ‘sun’ in Old Vohra. They are the Sun Beasts, your kind are Star Beasts. Skyavok are Shadow Beasts, and I’m sure the word “Beh’e” means something too. I’m going to take a guess and say that the Life Goddess of your universe was a Mother from the old Golden Paradise?”

Letharus nodded. “Indeed. In fact, she looked a lot like you, dear Phovos, you are both not gold in colour and far more beautiful.”

“Oh… uh… thanks… You really are like a good guy Litvir.”

That statement made Letharus frown. “Well, Litvir is a formerly bad person who worked hard to redeem himself. I was a good person, but I was twisted beyond recognition until Litvir and the rest of the Thantir saved me and brought me back to the light. Speaking of which…” Letharus suddenly got up and turned around to greet Litvir, as they had both sensed each others’ presence. Both Litvir and Letharus bowed to each other, then shook hands.

“Letharus! You look utterly wonderful!” Litvir grinned. “It is wonderful to see you again, in a much, much better state.”

“I would not be here if it was not for you, Litvir!” Letharus smiled back. “Your friends were just chatting with me, you all seem very nice. Clearly the Thantir have grown since we last met.”

“Oh, definitely, we are a fully fledged sect again. Please excuse my tardiness, I was in a meeting with Retvik, Saahro, Vikalos and several members of Kal, discussing a potential up-tick in an annoyingly infectious strain of Corruption. Let me show you around, then I can introduce you to the couple-to-be.”

“Sure… hang on, did you say Vikalos?” Letharus suddenly exclaimed.

“I did, yes.”

“As in, Lord Vikalos?”


“Is your Vikalos a colossal, armoured bear being?”

Litvir nodded. This made Letharus smile.

“I forgot that Lord Vikalos was a former member of the Thantir, he retired from his Decayling duties a while ago and I wondered where he went. I would quite like to see him.”

“Of course!” Litvir also smiled, before abruptly pausing and pulling out a communicator from a pouch in his stomach wrap. He had received a message, and from the sudden disappearance of the smile on Litvir’s face, everyone could tell it was a bad one. “Um… Please excuse me, I have to sort something out, and, unfortunately, it is rather sudden and urgent. Phovos, do you mind taking Letharus to see Retvik and Vikalos? I will come back later.”

“Yeah, sure. Where are they?”

“Main office, in the villa!” Litvir sighed as he rushed off. “Sorry about this, back soon!”