Birthday Surprise

“Happy birthday!”

Nyssi really didn’t like how Kayel and Tenuk were standing over her. Especially since Nyssi had returned to her little home in the Torn Islet for the weekend and, somehow, Kayel and Tenuk were in her house.

“What the fuck are you both doing here and how the fuck did you get in?”

Tenuk snickered. “I’m a shapeshifter and your locks suck. I mean, I broke into Arkay’s apartment in the exact same way. Anyway, we brought cake and presents!”

“Yeah but… you need a 4×4 to get here. Kayel’s cute little FitCar thing would get ruined if you drove!”

“I’m not gonna lie, Tenuk’s ability to turn into a Thraki and fly anywhere within a 3 hour distance is pretty handy…” Kayel shrugged. “Sure, it’s kinda scary being high up, but, well, it’s not nearly as bad as riding Thassalin’s back, since Tenuk always grows some handy spikes for me to hold on to.”

With a sigh, Nyssi sat up. Kayel pulled Tenuk back a bit to give her some space.

“Honestly, kinda amazed that the hunter groups didn’t shoot you down, Tenuk. Thraki kinda aren’t really allowed here.”

“They know us!” Tenuk beamed. “They accepted Kayel here and he’s a fricking former assassin, and that was BEFORE we killed that Corruptiid that popped up here. Gonna assume that there weren’t any more or the stuff we gave to the Torn Islet allowed the hunters to kill any others they saw or something…” Tenuk trailed off, then dragged the conversation back to the reason why Tenuk and Kayel had broken into Nyssi’s house in the first place. “Anyway! It’s your birthday! You’re 37 years old now! We should celebrate!”

“No, we shouldn’t. 37 is an unlucky age. For me, at least.”

Tenuk climbed onto the bed and sat next to Nyssi, only to change his mind and get back off because Nyssi was properly naked. He admittedly hadn’t realized since Nyssi’s waist was covered with a thin sheet and he was nearly naked himself, only wearing one of his magic pairs of white, shapeshifter-proof shorts.

“Like, I know it’s unlucky, but you only have a birthday once a year!” Tenuk tried to argue. “There’s only one day a year where everyone has to be nice to you, everyone has presents for you and-”

“You don’t get it, Tenuk. It’s a… Torn Islet tradition thing. The first three daughters from the Torn Islet were killed at the ages of 35, 36 and 37 so-”

“Gonna be blunt!” Tenuk interrupted again. “That’s a stupid tradition. There’s good and bad traditions, but refusing to celebrate your birthday for three years because three people died at those ages a thousand years ago is… like, I don’t want to say ‘dumb’ but it’s a bit silly, really! Especially since you’re both young and a female Temthan and you don’t live as long as male Temthans!”

“I’m immortal though.”

Kayel shrugged. “Well, we’re unkillable by normal means, we might not be actually immortal. Tenuk’s got a point though, we’re not going to be young forever. We ought to make the most out of these young years. It’s why Tenuk ran away and all that shit, because his time as a kid was being ruined. You’re not even 40 yet, we should make the most of it.”

Nyssi frowned, but she quickly relented. “I was going to bitch and moan, but you’re totally right. It’s a silly tradition, and I ought to celebrate while I’m young. Which reminds me, Kayel, when is your birthday?”

Kayel immediately fell silent. He blinked a few times, then frowned. “Fuck! I missed it! I turned 32 in April and I completely fucking forgot because we were doing that stupid shit on Kolasi!”

“Well, we could, like, celebrate your birthday as well?” Nyssi suggested. “Like, everyone here knows it’s my birthday and I kinda don’t want to draw the ire of my fellow villagers, but I’m totally down for the three of us going to the beach at the lake and having fun and stuff.”

“Yay!” Tenuk cheered. “Before we go though, you need to open your gifts. And have some cake. Because I don’t think the cake will survive a trip to the lake. Either via your truck or my shapeshifted wings.”

Tenuk disappeared briefly, then reappeared, holding a large, greasy cardboard box. He opened it up, revealing a cake made out of minced pork and beef, set upon a flattened, breaded chicken breast and topped with some sort of creamy sauce. Little bits of parsley had been dropped on top as decoration. Admittedly, the cake had tipped to one side, but it did smell nice. Tenuk placed the box on the bed, then disappeared again, grabbing some plates from the kitchen.

“Uh, how do you know where all my stuff is?” Nyssi asked.

“Tenuk went through all your cupboards looking for the glasses to pour himself a drink. Turns out, flying is hot, thirsty work. Also, Tenuk owes you a bottle of water.”

Nyssi waved her hand dismissively. “It’s fine. I mean, you turned into a Thraki and flew over to my place. It’s like an hour and a half by car but still, pretty tiring!” With a smile, Nyssi climbed out of bed and rummaged through some drawers, grabbing out and putting on a cute, yellow bikini. Tenuk did his best to look away (it was a bit hard not to, Nyssi’s room was pretty small) but Kayel clearly didn’t care. “So, cake now, then beach?”

Tenuk settled down a bit now that Nyssi’s sexual parts were no longer on display. He wondered for a moment why Kayel was blatantly not interested, but quickly remembered that he was a Skyavok, and Skyavok weren’t bothered about breasts. While Tenuk was lost in thought, Kayel pulled a question-mark-shaped candle and a lighter from his little ruck sack and placed the candle on the cake and lit it.

“So, do you want us to sing you a happy birthday song, or are you going to make your birthday wish right now?” Kayel asked.

“Birthday wish?” Nyssi asked back.

“Uh, yeah. Not a big wish, like, not endless peace or a permanent end to hunger or something. Just a little, personal wish, a desire for something you want to happen. Don’t need to say it out loud, you just think about it then blow out the candle.”

Nyssi eyed Kayel briefly, then shrugged and thought to herself for a moment. After a few seconds, she smiled, then blew out the candle, which prompted Kayel and Tenuk to both cheer. Kayel grabbed several plates and sliced the cake, handing a piece to everyone, alongside a small fork. Nyssi loved the cake and Kayel quite enjoyed it, but it was a tad too meaty for Tenuk, and he mostly just licked off the cream sauce.

“You guys got beach stuff?” Nyssi beamed as she finished off her piece of cake. “Or do I-”

A beep interrupted Nyssi. She reached for her phone, realizing someone had sent her a message, but she quickly went back to smiling. It seemed that Retvik had great timing, and he had texted her, wishing her a happy birthday and apologizing for not calling, since he didn’t want to wake her. Nyssi texted a thank you back to her Rethan friend.

“Nah, we got everything. Towels, sun block cream, umbrella, drinks cooler with drinks and ice, a couple of rubber rings we haven’t inflated yet. Just need to strap everything back onto Tenuk’s back with the rope we brought.”

Nyssi frowned briefly. “We can take my truck, you know. Means I can’t drink but still.”

Kayel though shrugged. “You’ve got third party insurance, and I don’t mind being designated driver.”

That cute, toothy smile returned. “Really?”

“Of course. It’s your birthday.”

Nyssi grabbed Kayel and Tenuk and hugged them both tightly.

“You two are awesome. Thank you.”