Battle for Kolasia Nest

Chaos echoed throughout the Kolasia nest. Across its entirety, Kalsa Warrior and Ksa worked together to fend off a seemingly never-ending attack from a swarm of mindless Vohra. It was a battle of attrition, a constant battle of endurance. Whoever fell first would fall forever.

But despite being outnumbered twenty to one, the rebels were holding their own. While the Ksa held the exits, trapped groups of Vohra and tricked them with powerful telekinisis and telepathy, the Kalsa Warriors used their elemental abilities to kick them out of the nest completely, washing them away in floods of water, sand and stone. The rebels though were unwilling to kill their attackers, but the Vohra had no such qualms, pushing onwards on the demands of their cruel Vayra Queens.

It hadn’t all been so simple. The rebels had been caught off guard, and it had only been the appearance of several groups of Ksa, the majority of the L-Class, the K-Class and one of the Θ-Class, who had helped turn the tides of battle. With more Ksa on every entrance and exit, the Kalsa Warriors could concentrate better on flooding out enemies while the Ksa dealt with damage control. It was the release of the Varga though that had really given them a chance. Their pent up rage stampeded through the Vohra ranks, causing their former Vayra masters to scream and retaliate with anger of their own.

Vohra started to fall in larger and larger numbers, but they kept on coming. The Vayra were determined to not let these rebels have their freedom, considering them a festering wound that needed to be sterilized. They didn’t understand that all the rebels wanted was to govern themselves in their little nest.

Suddenly though, the Vohra took a new course of action. Rather than trying to kill the Kalsa Warriors and the Ksa outright, they opted to trap them. The numbers of attacking Vohra quickly thinned out, as parts of the swarm stepped back and sealed exits.

Before long, the rebels were trapped inside their own base, alongside not only captured attacking Vohra, but the innocent Vohra sleeping happily inside the nest. It was obvious something was going on. Rather than fight them directly, the Vayra were going to destroy the entire nest.

How, no one was sure. Poisonous gasses? Nuclear weaponry? Some sort of plague?

The rebels once again worked together, sealing up every entrance and exit as much as they could, before creating more blockades further in. The nest’s ventilation system was turned off on the outer parts of the nest, and every living being, Vohra and Retha alike, retreated to the deepest parts of the nest. There, they might have been safe.

At the very least, whatever weapon the Vayra chose to use against them would take longer to start killing them all. Whether it would be a long death or a short death, no one knew. Many of the non-combatants decided that sleep was a better option, but the Kalsa Warriors and the Ksa remained strong.

There was nothing they could do though. All they could do was wait.