Checking on the Dragon

The familiar sound of large, flapping limbs highlighted the appearance of the Panelix as she flapped around Kairos’s crystal home. She continued to float around until Kairos appeared, tutting and sighing.

“Hi, Epani, what do you want?”

Epani grinned, her massive mouth filled with teeth. She swooped down towards Kairos, dropping a parcel at his little dragon feet. Kairos picked up the parcel and tentatively opened it, revealing a perfectly smoked ham.

The Whenvern glanced at the gift, then at Epani.

“What is all of this about?”

“I wanted to make sure you were well!” Epani beamed, hovering closer. “You had a rough time. You need to be checked on.”

Kairos eyed the smoked ham. Epani eyed it too, hinting that Kairos should totally eat it right now. Kairos held the ham, then took a bite out of it. He had no idea what sort of meat it was, but it was pretty tasty.

“Better?” Epani asked.

The Whenvern grunted. “Yes… but seriously, why are you here?”

“Because no one checked on you.”

“I don’t need checking on.”

“Yes you do!” Epani hovered closer, until she was practically in Kairos’s face. “You went through the same traumatic experiences Yisini and Arkadin went though. You need to be checked on!”

“I disagree.”

“Well you are wrong!” Epani chirped, before summoning another smoked ham. “Eat up. You do not eat enough!”

Kairos sighed, ate the two hams as asked, then sighed again. “Seriously, Epani, I am completely fine. I got put in a box. I got out of the box. I dealt with the problem. That’s it.”

“You also took control of Decay and nearly murdered a Voidborn with it.”

“Yeah but the problem is all solved now and, fingers crossed, none of that will happen again!” Kairos snarled. “It’s all been dealt with. It’s not a problem any more.”

“Yet something is bothering you…”

Kairos didn’t answer. He didn’t want to talk and Epani’s presence was beginning to grate on his nerves.

“Like I sad, I think you need to talk.”

The Whenvern grunted. “I don’t want to talk.”

“But you do.”

“Why are you doing this?”

Epani smiled, playfully flopping around in mid air. “You do want to talk. You forced Arkadin to talk and Yisini went to you to talk but you do not have anyone to talk to.”

“It’s not me I’m worried about though!” Kairos suddenly snapped. “I’m worried about Arkadin!”

The Panelix paused. “Why?”

“I think…” Kairos also paused. He wanted to change the subject. And he didn’t want Epani evolved in this. She was not really the right person to talk to when it came to things like emotions and all that.

“You can talk to me.”

“I can, yes. But it is not my matter I should discuss with you.”


“Because it concerns Arkadin and his… stability.”

Epani shrugged. “Does that not concern all of us then? Why are you worried about him anyway? You spoke to him then let him be.”

Kairos shook his head. “I think he is… potentially suicidal.”

The Panelix blinked, then floated closer to Kairos. “If you believe that, then why are you refusing our assistance? And also… Arkadin has killed himself multiple times in the past, why are you concerned now?”

“He might do it again?”

“And then he will feel better afterwards, yes?”

Kairos didn’t answer.


“Maybe. I don’t know.”

Epani tutted. “Do you want me to keep an eye on him?”

Kairos finally gave in. “No. We should leave him alone.”

“So why are you upset?”

“I don’t know.”

The Panelix tutted again. “Do you want some ice cream?”

The Whenvern blinked, staring somewhat blankly at Epani. “Why?”

“Ice cream is nice.”

“True…” Kairos picked himself up. “Sure, let’s go have some ice cream…”