Catch Ups and Parallels

Spiritdrainer: Hello.

Souldrainer: Hello, little brother, how are you?

Spiritdrainer: Well, all things considered. I apologise for both not contacting you much and the fact that I have only sent you bad news as of late.

Spiritdrainer: The Allbirther has some sort of ‘plan’ for helping poor Arkay but according to pretty much all the deitic tracking groups have reported the same thing, that Arkay has not had any notable contact with any mortals since being reset.

Souldrainer: Dear, Kuta… you…

Souldrainer: You do not need to report this to me any more. I have accepted that Arkay is gone.

Spiritdrainer: I know. I feel the same way. The Lady of Light got what she wanted. And it seemed that Arkay accepted this fate as well, so all we can do is move on.

Souldrainer: Have you?

Spiritdrainer: Yes. I am happy now. I have a poten-partner who loves me dearly. Retvik and I had a lovely time at the Kolasi resort, I re-learned how to swim and we both got drunk together. And now I am back in Phos, working normally, it seems that my fellow Below Twenty Generals are more accepting of me.

Spiritdrainer: Speaking of which, Ritlir managed to arrange something wonderful.

Flamebearer: Who is Ritlir?

Flamebearer: Also, hello, little Kuta. Are you well? It has been a while since we spoke.

Spiritdrainer: I am doing very well, thank you, Kyr Retvik. I am actually glad you are here because I think you may… appreciate this good news?

Flamebearer: Good to hear.

Spiritdrainer: General Ritlir is the new General of Hidden Internal Affairs, they are one of my former captains that I had promoted after I became General of Deitic Affairs. Lovely Rethan. Secretly worships the Allbirther. Has a thing for matchmaking others. With a little help from me, Ritlir has just successfully made the best match ever.

Souldrainer: Dear, we do not really know the people in your universe.

Spiritdrainer: You technically know some of them. We were not killed, we were rewritten into new lives, and new lives were created to fill the gaps. Hence why I am dating a younger, fitter and less-on-fire Retvik.

Flamebearer: Does this mean that… that Gath is not dead?

Spiritdrainer: General Gath is definitely alive, but they were rewritten as well and are not the same Gath you and I remember. They have lived a very different life.

Flamebearer: I would like to know. If you do not mind me telling me.

Spiritdrainer: Of course!

Spiritdrainer: Gath is the General of the 1000th Legion, the Legion of Rethan Heroes, and is known as the Keeper. They saved a vast number of eggs, younglings and adult Rethans from a rogue Torr/Temthan terrorist incursion, single-handedly, although they did sadly lose their partner and their unhatched kid in the process. But they are one of the most well-respected Rethans alive.

Spiritdrainer: And Ritlir and I successfully managed to get them to overcome their years of grief and find a new poten-partner.

Spiritdrainer: General Gath is now dating Relkir Rethianos, the High Advisor.

Flamebearer: …

Souldrainer: You matchmade Gath with Elkay?

Spiritdrainer: That strange Elkay fellow is… related to you, Kyr Retvik?

Flamebearer: In our old universe, yes, Elkay is my half-brother. He would have been called Relkir Rethianos had he been an official part of the bloodline.

Spiritdrainer: Well, you, Rethais and Relkir are accidental triplets in this universe. Relkir though is a bit of a runt, shorter than I am. Which makes the fact that they are dating the Keeper, who is somehow still 3.2m tall and looks the same but is a different colour, even cuter and funnier.

Flamebearer: Are they happy at least?

Spiritdrainer: They are probably the cutest couple ever, and Ritlir considers their new poten-partnership the pinnacle of their work as a servant of the Allbirther.

Souldrainer: People actually worship that serpent?

Spiritdrainer: Yes.

Spiritdrainer: I think she is… better than she used to be. Certainly less rape-y. She keeps on asking me to have kids but has not asked to sleep with me yet.

Flamebearer: Wow. Surprising. Do you worship her?

Spiritdrainer: Oh, no, not at all. I have not worshipped a deity since I was young. Most Rethans no longer actively worship either, and those who do tend to do so quietly and in private.

Souldrainer: If you do not mind me asking, you are clearly quite resourceful, would you be able to find information on some of our other counterparts? You have already stated that you cannot locate a Litvir at all, you are dating a new version of Retvik and you mentioned that a parallel version of Phovos exists, but I am curious as to how those bastard Life Goddesses filled the gaps made by our fellow Thantir.

Spiritdrainer: Would you be able to give me some names? I admittedly do not really know anyone else among your crew outside of you, Retvik and big scary Galyn.

Flamebearer: We should start with Tenuk and Elksia, I guess.

Spiritdrainer: I have met a Tenuk. He is this little blue Spast that is part of Retvik’s Dessaron team. Very talented shapeshifter. Also very honest for a Spast. I do not know of an Elksia though, can you give me a surname?

Souldrainer: Her full name is Elksia Ksiou. She is a Time Drake now.

Spiritdrainer: She is… uh… the Queen of the Vrekans now.

Flamebearer: I doubt you will be able to find anything about a male Vohra called Tahvra, but the other old-universe beings we have here who we do not know about their new-universe selves are Teekay, Eksi and Akah.

Spiritdrainer: Is Akah a Lanex?

Flamebearer: Yes, actually. How do you know?

Spiritdrainer: I have met someone called Akah Icebreaker, he is the Imperator of the Frozen Scythes, in charge of the Lanex police and military forces. Rather cold and strict but they get on very well with the High General. Actually, Rethans and Lanex get on quite well overall. I unfortunately cannot help with the two… Skyavok, I assume? Teekay is the second most popular name among K-Class Skyavok and Eksi is THE most popular Ξ-Class name. I have met a Teekay Askotin, who is a body guard to the All-Ksa, but they are rather young, only about 35 years old, I di not think they are the same as your Teekay.

Souldrainer: Huh. Skyavok have surnames in your universe.

Flamebearer: Oh. Well, I think our Akah would be happy to hear that the new version of him is successful. He had a miserable mortal life. This has been rather… enlightening, I guess?

Spiritdrainer: I have enjoyed providing this information. I can admittedly be a little data-gremlin-y myself.

Flamebearer: What do you mean by that?

Spiritdrainer: Each race defines themselves behind a specific duty. Us Rethavok are protectors and guardians. The Skyavok are archivists and data-gatherers. They tend to ask a lot of questions, and us Below Twenty folks sometimes call them data-gremlins as a joke.

Souldrainer: That is a good name. I might use the term to describe Kal. They ask a lot of questions, are small and occasionally annoying.

Spiritdrainer: Who is Kal?

Souldrainer: They are a team of small, robotic Decay Lords, noble beings who just want to help others. We work with each other, curing others of Corruption and other nasties. They look like mechanical Vohra.

Spiritdrainer: Huh.

Souldrainer: I apologize, we need to cut this short. Someone has arrived and we need to meet them.

Spiritdrainer: Oh, no worries! It has been nice speaking with you both. Have a good day! Or whatever it is you have outside universe!

Souldrainer: Have a good one, little brother. Say hi to your Retvik from my Retvik.

Flamebearer: Please do not complicate things.

Spiritdrainer: Haha. Good bye. Stay safe.

Spiritdrainer is now offline.