Godly Request

“This place looks nice…” Levik muttered to himself as he and his two siblings wandered around. Their ship had been somehow teleported into a large field in the middle of nowhere, and they were the only three beings awake to see what was going on. Everyone else inside the now very cramped ship was fast asleep. On the edge of the large field was a small cottage. When they’d arrived, it had been derelict, but the strange Ksithan outside it was waggling her hands around and magically fixing it up.

“That’s Arkadin’s house…” Tenuk explained. “We’re in Arkadin’s territory now.”

“That creature though isn’t the Thantophor…”

“Yeah, she’s Kinisis…”

Levik glanced at the others. “You mean the Goddess of the Gods?”

“The Goddess who made everything.”

Kinisis turned to the three brothers, smiling calmly. “Ah good, you are all awake. We need to talk.”

The house continued fixing itself. As it did so though, heavy bars appeared over the windows. Everything else looked normal, apart from the bars.

“Talk about what?” Kohra asked. “About… all that stuff that happened?”

“Yes…” Kinisis sighed as she summoned several chairs and a small table so they could all sit down. On the table, a vast array of snacks and treats appeared. “You all did very well. The situation has been contained, punishments have been doled out and sentences have been given. But I need something from you all.”

“What do you need?” Kohra kept on asking questions. “Like, what was the deal with all of that? Why were the gods so angry? I’ve met Arkadin a bunch of times and he was never like that! Not even when he was in hiding!”

“I know…” Kinisis looked at the group, heavily suggesting that they sit down and have a drink. The brothers did as they were told, helping themselves to some tea. “Arkadin was in pain. He reached breaking point and lashed out. While he was justified in his anger, the moment he turned against not just his siblings but his own friends, I knew that Arkadin would have to be… put away for a while.”

“You’re going to imprison him?”


Levik glanced at the others. “So why do you need us?”

“Because you twelve are the only beings I trust to keep guard. The only beings Arkadin trusts to not harm him.”

“Wait…” Levik and Kohra were both really confused. “You want us to be guards for the Thantophor’s prison?”


“You do realise we are mortals, right? With limited lifespans?”

“His imprisonment will not be for very long. Twenty years at most. And I will compensate for your missing years,” Kinisis explained. “I just need beings that Arkadin is comfortable with. He needs reasons not to escape and go on a murderous rampage again.”

Tenuk crossed his arms. “Is there something in it for us though? We’re mortals. We have needs.”

“Food, water, shelter, entertainment. All provided. For all of you. You will live here, with free access via a portal to a location of your choice. Whatever you need, you will receive.”

“Yeah but…” Kohra was still really confused. “But… he’s a death god. And we’re going to… guard him?”

Kinisis nodded. “I should be clear, I am not giving you any choice over this. You will do as I ask. Not because I will harm you, but because if Arkadin breaks free again, we will all very likely die.”

Kohra blinked “But… what is stopping him from… escaping now?”

The Allmaker stood up and led the trio towards a nearby window. Inside was nothing but darkness. By squinting, they could just about see hints of yellow.

“He is currently sleeping. He will not remain like that forever. When he wakes up, he will need reassurance that he is safe. Having your three teams guarding him will make him… slightly more comfortable…” Kinisis sighed. “I do apologise for this, but I think I speak for everyone when I say that I’d rather not have this universe destroyed.”

In the distance, the three Kronospasts could hear voices. Others had woken up and were trying to work out what was going on.

“We’ll do it, but let us talk to the others first…” Tenuk sighed as they walked back to the ship.