Haunting Tears

Trismit sighed as he opened up his hand, letting the crushed remote controller fall through his fingers. This was the second time in two days that Trismit had destroyed something.

“Is everything alright?’ Relkay called from upstairs.

Trismit glanced at the bits of plastic that now littered the floor. “It’s fine…”

“You do not sound fine.”

“I broke the remote controller for your television screen…”

Footsteps echoed from the floor above. Relkay had a bit of a confused look on his face. “You broke the controller?’



Trismit frowned. “I am not sure.”

“Oh. Why did you break it then?”

“I… I am not sure. I felt very angry for a moment.”

Relkay wandered over and sat next to Trismit. “Are you alright?”

“You already asked me that…” Trismit tutted. “I am as fine as fine can be.”

“You do not sound like you are fine. You seem angry and upset. Do you want to say something but can not do so? Is something in particular bothering you?”

“A lot of things are bothering me, but I do not want to talk. Seems fruitless.”


Trismit sighed some more, then crossed his arms. “I cannot explain it. Does not even make sense to me. It is like a sudden surge of panic and anger. But I should not feel like that because I am certain they are dead.”

Relkay looked more confused  now. “Who are they? Someone you know? Family?”

Suddenly, Trismit threw the remains of the remote controller against the wall next to the television, hissing in anger.

“I killed him. I killed them both! But the voice in the back of my head, the feeling in my gut, they say otherwise.”

Relkay looked completely stumped now. “Are you saying that you are being haunted or something?”

“No… Maybe… Kinda?” Trismit stuttered. “I saw them both die. They were dead. But for the last few weeks, I keep on thinking that I am seeing them. Before that, I was fine. But it is both random and scary to me. I should not  be thinking about them, they are dead.”

“Who are you talking about?” Relkay asked. “Is this to do with something in the past, before you were adopted by us?”

Trismit nodded. “Yeah. They are.. from… my time in the 11th Legion. Both of then are dead, I watched them die, but I can still feel them.”


“General Litvir and Captain Kuta.”

“You killed them?” Relkay was not really sure what else to say.

“They killed each other. I watched. I assisted. They died but I can still feel them.”

Trismit rubbed his eyes, aware that he had made himself upset.

“I hate how I feel. I feel like a failure.”

Relkay got up and put his arm around Trismit. “You are not a failure.”

“You think so?”

“Of course!” Relkay smiled. “You are a good person having a time. We can help you with whatever it is you need.”

Trismit stared at Relkay, then wiped away his tears.

“Thank you…”

“You do not need to say thanks, you can always count on us. Whatever it is you need…”