Looking on the Wrong Channel

“I am beginning to think that we are doing something wrong…”

Retvik had held his tongue for hours now, as he and Galyn had fruitlessly combed through a myriad of data channels and frequencies in one of the biggest activity hotspots around. No one around had paid any attention to the tiny Thantir ship, quietly scanning the airways for an incredibly specific signal though. Thantir ships did that all the time, and this ship was clearly no different.

Frustrations on board the ship though were tense. Mostly because Galyn had been getting more and more annoyed. He wasn’t a particularly ancient Decay Lord, but he was one that was used to getting results, and, more importantly, getting them quickly.

“This is how you scan for frequencies, little one…” Galyn almost snarled, but Retvik didn’t find it particularly threatening. “This is what I have done every single time I have needed to find someone specific.”

“But this clearly is not working. We have been here for ages and have found nothing.”

Galyn grunted, returning to his work, determined to find something. Retvik however just sighed and tried to find something else to do. He wanted to be helpful, but whatever he was currently doing clearly wasn’t enough.

The being they were trying to find wasn’t a normal being though. It was of a specific, foreign origin. Foreign even compared to the local Voidborns and Life Goddesses. And Galyn and Retvik had very little to go on. Just a basic description and the fact that this being used a certain signal.

Suddenly, Galyn growled and slammed his fists down in frustration. Tiny sparks flew from the console Galyn had just smashed.

“Why can I not find this being?”

Retvik shrugged. “Because we are using the wrong method?”

“This method always works!”

“Clearly not…”

Galyn glared at Retvik. “So, what do you suggest?”

Retvik shrugged. “We are looking at Voidborn and Decay Lord channels, yes? Have you looked at the Life Goddess channels?”

“No, why would I? The thing we are looking for is either a Voidborn or a Decay Lord. Why would they not use those channels?”

“They might not know that they are supposed to use specific frequencies? I mean, if they are like me, they might be completely clueless. I did not know we were supposed to use all these different frequencies when communicating, but then again, I was not communicating. Also, they may or may not have gone silent because Kal went silent?”

Galyn tutted. “No one goes completely silent.”

“Maybe this being has. They travel weirdly anyway. Perhaps they just left the area?”

Another tut. Galyn was considering Retvik’s words. “I… I am not sure. But you do have a point when it comes to other channels…”

Galyn returned to the slightly smashed panel, then tweaked some settings. He waited for a moment, typed in some more information, then frowned. Something beeped on his screen.

With a grunt, Galyn turned back to Retvik.

“What?” Retvik asked, trying to hide his smile.

“I… I think I found our mysterious being…”