Massive Toys

Dariak sighed as he glanced around the empty shop, waiting for someone to come in. Like almost all the retail staff at this mall, Dariak was technically a Divine Guardian, he worked for the Polizonta Life Goddesses that owned the mall and the shops and franchises inside it. The only beings around here that weren’t Divine Guardians were the security guards, who were Decayons that worked for a large Deathven-based security and protection company. Dariak though wasn’t particularly special. He was just a red and blue reptilian being that had no real past, having being found by a Life Goddess and dumped at a nearby Divine Guardian college, before deciding to get a real job. Working in retail, as awkward as it was sometimes, was way safer than working for a Life Goddess directly.

The majority of the retail staff were kept on their toes, providing services for the Divine Guardians, Life Goddesses and Decayons that passed by, but Dariak was currently working in MegaTechnic, a shop that sold various brands of construction toys. It was a good, cushy job, but it also got rather boring.

Mostly because not many people came in. At least, not around here. This mall in particular was located on the edge of the Goldtorn Remains, and most beings that visited the mall were always just passing through. They didn’t have younglings that would be interested in buying toys. In fact, Dariak was certain that 90% of his customers were Beh’ena, looking for something to distract their kids for five minutes. The other 10% were curious Decay Lords from other sectors who wanted something to play around with while on long journeys.

In fact, the only interesting beings that had come in in the last six or so evs was a strange, armoured bear creature that had come in with an adorable little something Dariak had assumed was its kid. Which was why Dariak was surprised to see the cute little, round creature again, but on its own. No, not on its own. It was followed by six…

Dariak paused, then glanced at one corner of the shop, then glanced back at the six robots that looked like mechanical versions of the small, round thing.


“Hiya!” Tahvra beamed as he waved at Dariak.

“Uh… hi, little guy…” Dariak waved back weakly. “You uh… here to… uh… Alright, I’m going to be bad at my job, why the fuck do you have… big versions of time of the toys we sell here? I know the Void is huge, but I didn’t think Bohrok were fucking real.”

“What’s a Bohrok?” one of the mechanical creatures, one with green metal skin and red, crystalline eyes asked. “Also, Tah, can I swear? Because I really want to say that this is awkward as fuck.”

“You know what? For once, Leh, yeah, go ahead and curse as much as you want. Because this IS awkward…”

“So…” Dariak hesitated some more. He yet again glanced at the corner of the shop, where they sold a range of buildable figures. One of the more popular series of buildable figures were a set of six, colour-coded robot toys that folded up into balls and looked way, way too much like the robots that had just walked in. Rather than speak to the robots, Dariak decided to talk to the little armoured guy. “So, uh… Tahvra, your name was… where’s your dad?”

“My… my dad?” Tahvra had already made his way over to the DIY build-a-figure section. “Uh, Vikalos ain’t my dad. He’s, like, an old god of hell from a universe that died to an integer overflow error. I’m technically an adult.”

“And a Decay Lord…” the white robot added as they joined Tahvra.

“You’re all Decay Lords?” Dariak asked.


Apart from the green and red robots, the other robots didn’t seem as confused or awkward now. They all started wandering around and looking at the toys. The red one shrugged, then approached Dariak.

“So, uh, what are those toys?” the red creature asked.

Dariak eyed the creature. “They’re Bionicles. Really popular among kids. A lot of the BrickyToys are, but that range is, like, an own-brand range with its own story, rather than being licensed toys based on other products… Alright, please, tell me your name is Tahnok or something!”

The robot clicked. “No. My name is Cleanser Kal Wehl-Tah. Tah for short. That’s awkwardly close though. Probably some sort of weird, parallel similar universe or something.”

“That is… insanely close!” Dariak exclaimed. “Like, I thought those Melek-Glatoras were weirdly close to Toa but organic, but you… you’re called Cleansers?”

Tah nodded.

“And you… like… cleanse the lands?”

“We did, yes.”

“And you were destroyed by a team of six masked, elemental heroes?”

“No? We fought multiple teams of Imperators. The first team that defeated us was a team of eight. After that, as we got more desperate to fulfil our duties, we fought armies of them.”

“… Oh…” Dariak trailed off. “So you guys… escaped your universe and somehow became Decay Lords? What… what’s it like being a Decay Lord? What do you… do? Because most of the Decay Lords I’ve seen that pass through here are massive armoured guys that fight Voidborns and Corruption. And you guys are… tiny.”

Tah tried to look vaguely cool by leaning on the counter but failed to do so. Instead, he clicked some more and stepped back a little so Dariak could see him. “We’re purifiers. Used to work for the Metrum until they disbanded, worked on our own for a bit and now we’re members of the Thantir. We make sure other Decay Lords, and, well, people in general, don’t get ill with Corruption, die from Kenic Spores or have their minds destroyed by Voidborns.”

“Huh. Neat. See, I always kinda assumed that most of the toys here were based on universes somewhere. My mate Deoxis once ran into a guy that literally was from a video game he once played. Just didn’t think it’d ever happen to me. Must be insanely weird realizing that there’s a whole line of toys vaguely based on you.”

“I think it’s all just a massive coincidence. The multiverse is infinite, after all…” Tah paused, then turned around. “Uh, Nuh, what are you doing with all of those?”

While Tah had been talking with the nice Divine Guardian, Nuh had grabbed a basket and completely filled it with miniature buildable versions of himself. He’d also picked up a pile of different space ship sets.

“Building an army.”


“Zip it, Tah. I have money. I’m spending it on something I actually want for once. Hey, salesperson, do you get paid any sort of commission based on sales?”

Dariak frowned. “Only if I sell a stupidly large amount of gear.”

“Well, kid, today’s your lucky day!” Nuh exclaimed. “You got any more of these toys? I want your entire stock. I’m also buying whatever Tahvra wants as a treat for completing his Decay Lord Trial. And if you want something too, Tah, I’ll buy it for you.”

“Nuh, you know-”

“Shush. Shut up and let me not be a meanie for once and let me make everyone’s day…” Nuh turned back to Dariak. “Actually, mate, is there something you want? Let me buy that for you as well.”

“Uh… sure…” Dariak blinked in confusion. “Let me just see if I have any more of those toys you want…”