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KL1492L: yay we did it

IceShield: We did, good job!

While Kayel may not have understood, well, anything about this strange game, mostly because all the voice acting was in a language he didn’t know, he was slowly getting the hang of things. Thanks to this friendly IceShield guy, Kayel had slowly made his way through the first couple of planets. What surprised Kayel the most though was that he could read the language the game was written in and that, despite IceShield being a person from outside Kayel’s universe, he understood him perfectly.

Actually, that was a good question to ask.

KL1492L: um i have a question. how comes i can understand u?

IceShield: What do you mean?

KL1492L: u come from outside my universe but u speak panlex

IceShield: I assume Panlex is a language in your universe?

KL1492L: ye

IceShield: I honestly don’t know. I assume the game auto-translates a lot of stuff. Most Decay Lord stuff does auto-translate into something you can understand. Text-based stuff at least. After all, I can happily chat with people from different universes no problem.

KL1492L: huh weird. what languages do u speak?

IceShield: Panglish was the main language of my universe, now I seem to just automatically speak the Decay Lord language. How about you?

KL1492L: i speak panlex and shadowtongue which is a language that arkay made.

IceShield: Neat! Your universe seems pretty nice.

KL1492L: ye it is but epani makes it suck sometimes

IceShield: Epani, as in the Panelix, yes?

KL1492L: ye. did u know her?

IceShield: No, I never met any of your universe’s deities aside from, briefly, Yisini and Arkay.

KL1492L: oh u call her yisini too. same as thassalin. did u know thassalin?

IceShield: No, I don’t know who that is.

KL1492L: oh alright.

Kayel thought to himself. He liked this IceShield person. He kinda wanted to just ask them more questions. Sure, the game was fun, sure he was making progress, but that data-gremlin Skyavok tradition of information gathering was gnawing at his mind. The intrusive voice won out, and Kayel decided to ask IceShield some questions. After all, IceShield was a person who literally was from a different universe. Or something.

KL1492L: so how did u become a decay lord thingy?

IceShield: Uh, it’s rather complicated.

KL1492L: how comes?

IceShield: I was a Divine Guardian, working for a Life Goddess called Kinisis. She didn’t ever listen to us though and she got herself killed. Me and my friend Tahvra, we got picked up by a team of Decay Lords, joined a sect called the Thantir and, well, a lot of stuff happened, we did a trial to prove ourselves and I became a Decay Lord myself, alongside some of Kinisis’s other, still-living Divine Guardians.

None of that made much sense to Kayel, but there was one word that stuck out: Kinisis. That was the name of the horrible corruption monster that Kayel had helped kill.

KL1492L: i thought kinisis was a corruption?

IceShield: She was a Life Goddess once.

KL1492L: was she nice? sini is nice. epani isnt nice. i dunno if life goddesses are supposed to be good or bad

IceShield: No. She was horrible. Cruel and manipulative, happy to exploit others. But she hid it beneath fake kindness.

KL1492L: tbh i kinda guessed.

KL1492L: what is ur name?

IceShield: My name?

KL1492L: ye. my name is kayel. im a skyavok.

IceShield: Oh! I know some Skyavok! Two of them, in fact.

KL1492L: there are skyavok outside my universe?

IceShield: Well, there’s two Skyavok. One called Teekay, one called Eksi.

KL1492L: how?

IceShield: I think it’s… basically, my universe existed, but it was… replaced by your universe, and the two Life Goddesses Epani and Yisini made a lot of similar stuff. Or, like, rewrote a lot of stuff? I don’t really know. Litvir kinda knows better than I do, he saw it all happen.

IceShield: Me and Tahvra, we… somewhat got catapulted out into the void and drifted on our own for ages.

KL1492L: who is tahvra?

IceShield: He’s a very intelligent, immortal Vohra.

KL1492L: lol i know a very intelligent immortal vohra but she is called talok. r u a spast?

IceShield: As in… a Kronospast? Oh heck no. I’m a Lanex.

IceShield: My name is Akah.

Kayel smiled to himself. He really liked this Akah person. And he was glad they were a lanex. Lanex were neat, and he found it cool that a Lanex existed outside the universe, the same as two Skyavok did.

KL1492L: ur pretty cool akah.

IceShield: Hahaha I should hope so, I have ice powers.

KL1492L: lol thats y ur called iceshield and use that frost guy

KL1492L: tbh i like my electric guy but is there like someone who does teleports and ninja stuff? or stabs stuff?

IceShield: Hm. I suppose we could farm for an Ash. He has a teleport-and-backstab sort of thing. I don’t have one myself and I do somewhat need it for mastery. But he’s in Railjack missions and I don’t think you can do those yet until we get you a jetpack.

KL1492L: thats alright. how do we get a jetpack?

IceShield: It’s a quest a couple of planets away. I think you can get the blueprints for a jetpack from the clan lab but you need to do the quest first to be able to equip it.

KL1492L: sounds fun. what is railjack?

IceShield: It’s a mission type where you fly a space ship through the void and shoot down other ships.

Kayel blinked in surprise. He’d noticed that there was a lot of varied stuff in this game, he just hadn’t reached it yet. But he had no idea that there were space ships. While, sure, Kayel liked shooters, his favourite games were driving and flying games, and the fact that this game had a flying section made him want to try a bit more.

KL1492L: alright i really wanna do this space ship stuff. i love flying games.

IceShield: We’ll work towards that then!

IceShield: I’ll be honest, it’s nice having someone to play with. Litvir doesn’t really care about this game, and I never got to play it with Arkay, he… kinda stopped playing before I started playing.

KL1492L: tbh i hope arkay comes back becoz i kinda wanna play with him too. but i dunno any more.

IceShield: Yeah, it sucks. From what I’ve heard, Arkay just never managed to catch a break.

KL1492L: basically ye

KL1492L: fuck this stupid thing needs charging again and my charger doesnt have anywhere nice to sit. can we do this a bit later when my things charged?

IceShield: Sure! I keep the game open almost all the time (the clan is part of an alliance that keeps a specific Fortuna 69 instance open and I idle there to help) so just send me a message when you’re back.

KL1492L: tnx dude. ur the best. u lanex are always cool dudes.

IceShield: I appreciate that, thank you. Have a good one!

KL1492L: tnx, u too.

Kayel smiled some more as he quit the game and put it on to charge. It was getting dark anyway and he needed to turn a light on, plus the console charged faster when everything was turned off. The only problem was, Kayel didn’t… really have anyone to share this new information with.

“Ugh… wish you were here, Arkay…” Kayel sighed to himself as he decided to do something else for a bit.