A Humble Ceremony

Early Ceremonial Planning

“Hey, angel!” Teekay beamed as he brought in several bottles of drink, several sheets of paper and a tape measure. He had just finished his secretarial shift at the Purification Centre, which was what the Thantir were currently calling the work areas of their new base. The base itself was...Read More »

Witnesses Accepted

“So, let me get this straight, because I don’t quite get this…”

Tenuk was tired. He’d just finished his shift and was about to go and get something to eat, but he was currently being held hostage by Teekay, who should have been going to bed now. The Thantir currently worked...Read More »

Marriage Permission Forms

“They’re not going to try and stop us or anything, are they?”

Litvir shrugged as he started the engines of the ship. To his right was Teekay. Behind him were Elkay and Elksia. Souldrainer’s Plight, a small fighter ship that had been a parting gift from the Phantai to the Thantir,...Read More »

Assorted Invitations

Shocktrooper: Hi guys, how u all?

Loopblade-5: We’re fine.

Telecharm: Oh hey! Skyan Teekay! Been a while!

Telecharm: What’s up?

Shocktrooper: Was gonna ask KT to ask u all but thought I should do it myself.

Electricshadow: KT?

Electricshadow: Also, hello everyone. Sorry I have been inactive. Been busy.

Shocktrooper: All cool, dude.

Shocktrooper: Also, forceahabit, Skyans shorten...Read More »

Chats About Awful Relationships of the Past

It took a moment for Retvik to pick himself up off the floor. He didn’t think he was that heavy, but clearly, being a 3m tall armoured monster who was also on fire was too much for the chair he had just sat on.

“Uh, you alright boss?” Teekay asked. He,...Read More »

Hen Night

For once, things were somewhat quiet at Savepoint, the Thantir’s new base, to the point that the Thantir could take a few hours off. During this time, it had been decided that they were going to have a Singles’ Party for Teekay and Elkay, since they were going to get...Read More »

Stag Do

“You know what, we’ve been sitting here drinking and talking this entire time and we don’t know how any of the multiple couples present got together!” Vikalos laughed as he downed yet another beer. The magic food and drink vendors had been working overtime that evening, as most of the...Read More »

First Guest

Teekay growled as Elkay suddenly climbed out of bed and stood up straight in a rather panicked state. They were supposed to be snuggling and making out, but Elkay had abruptly stopped and stared at the door, looking rather anxious.

“Hey, babe, what the fuck are you doing?”

“There is someone here.”

“Whoever...Read More »

Technically A Legend

“So, you’re Souldrainer? The terrifying psionic mastermind that tore through the highest levels of security on Deathven Sector Alpha and broke one of the Overlord’s biggest secrets?”

Litvir put his drink down and turned his attention to the Decay Lord who had sat down opposite him. Telecharm, who was apparently called...Read More »

Additional Voidborn Guests

“Oh, I am so, SO glad to have help these days!” Vekeus exclaimed loudly as he waltzed into the one actually nice pub in the Ventra Expanse that also served Adogtic Voidborns. Behind him were two other Voidborns, the old-fashioned Kesistatir and the almost-normal-looking Theocydes, who would have been fine...Read More »

A Very Large Gift

The Thantir Eight were sitting around after locking the place up for the day, and they were now all working on the finer details of Teekay and Elkay’s wedding ceremony. Joining them were Kaytee and Telecharm, who were technically the same person, and Litvir, who Elksia and Akah were awkwardly...Read More »

Dagger Choices

“So why did you accompany us, Tah?”

Tah shrugged as he followed Retvik around the mall, occasionally teleporting forward to catch up. “Why did you insist that Litvir not come on this trip?”

That was a good question. Retvik wasn’t sure if he could answer it right away. Not because Tah was...Read More »

Final Wedding Clarifications

“I am not sure I fully understood what you just said…” Litvir rubbed his eyes as he went through a list of things with Teekay, Elkay, Eksi and Elksia. “You… want me to spend the hour before the ceremony drinking alcohol?”

Teekay and Eksi nodded enthusiastically. Elkay nodded as well but...Read More »

Another Early Guest

“Not gonna lie, these mini-houses are awfully convenient!” Phovos mused as she watched Akah and Nuh finish setting up a row of them. They weren’t anything fancy, literally just a tiny room with a bed, a chair and close access to some community bathrooms and showers, but since a lot...Read More »

A Lack of Nerves

It was getting late and everyone else was heading off to bed, but Elkay was sitting on the small beach, watching the waves from the weird, nonsensical lake that made up about a quarter of the floating island of Savepoint. Should there have even been waves? Elkay wasn’t sure, especially...Read More »

Pre-Wedding Fun

The Thantir Purification Facility on the floating island of Savepoint, located just off the Athata Rift, was technically closed today, but there were quite a few ships in the freshly resurfaced parking area, all in different shapes. A familiar orange and silver Phantai cruiser ship; a small, refurbished Ventra ship...Read More »

A Humble Ceremony

Elkay shuddered briefly as he made his way down the stairs, towards where everyone was sitting, watching and wating. By his side was his brother Retvik, who had kindly offered to walk him down the aisle. In front of them was Tahvra, the adorable little Vohra who had taken the...Read More »