Questions for Vikalos

Vikalos frowned as he monitored each little beep and click, checking a wide array of apparatus, while occasionally glancing out the window. Outside, there was nothing but darkness, although it felt darker than usual. Storms were erupting in said darkness, making the overall atmosphere unpleasant.

Said atmosphere at least was going to improve a little, as Vikalos heard a tiny voice at the door. Arkadin was one of the three Decaylings that Vikalos and his team were currently grooming into Lordhood, and he was by far the smallest and quietest of the group. He always preferred to figure out things on his own, so Vikalos was almost glad to see that he’d come to see him.

“How are you doing, Arkadin?”

“I’m doing alright, I guess. That manic episode of depression finally wore off and I feel normal again. I… I actually wanted to ask you about a few things…”

“Oh, like what?” Vikalos did his best to appear happy and open to Arkadin. “How can I help?”

A beeping sound interrupted the pair. A transmission was coming in. But Vikalos could tell it was unimportant and he could deal with it later.

“Well…” Arkadin pulled out a small sheet of paper with some scribbles on it. “Uh… there’s a lot of things… Like… I don’t really know where to start…”

“Is something troubling you?”

“A little.”

Vikalos tapped on the empty seat next to him. “I am happy to listen. Come and sit down and we can talk”.

Arkadin hesitated, then did as he was told, scrambling into the chair. It occurred to Vikalos just how tiny Arkadin was, about a third his size.

“Guess I’ll start with the easy things…” Arkadini stuttered, reading through his list. “Like, the T&T session we’re gonna have… I’m having trouble picking a race.”

“How comes?” Vikalos asked. “Do you not like any of them?”

“I do… but wouldn’t me playing a halfork be weird since they’re, well, considered dark creatures and I’m supposed to be a cleric?”

“If you can think of a background for them, then anything can work. Maybe your character was adopted and raised by a church? Maybe they were saved by a cleric and wanted to become one themselves?”

“Huh…” Arkadin trailed off briefly. “Hm… That might work actually… Maybe the tribe didn’t have a healer and a wandering adventurer saved them, that inspired Grug to try and do the same…”

Vikalos smiled. “Sounds interesting. What else is troubling you?”

Arkadin returned to his list, scribbling down an idea, before turning back to Vikalos. “Well… That exam we did… It kinda set me off. I fucked it up pretty badly and was, well, considering retaking it. But it really, really stressed me out…”

“You passed the exam though. Not a great grade, but you still passed.”

“I feel I should have done better.”

“You passed though.”

“So…” Arkadin paused. “You… don’t think I should retake it?”

Vikalos tutted. “No, I do not. It stressed you out and made you upset. You do not need to make yourself stressed and upset just to improve one single grade which will not affect you in a meaningful way in the future. Just try to do better next time.”

“Ah… Alright…” Again, Arkadin trailed off. He shifted somewhat uncomfortably in his large chair, then turned back to Vikalos. “Uh… I have a… a bigger question…”


“It’s… big… and probably not really my place to talk about…”

“Go on.”

“Why did you take me on? I understand you all taking Retvik, he’s basically a mini version of you. Even Litvir makes some sense, he has a lot of traits that I can see Galyn and Itaviir working on. I don’t know how I fit into any of this. Especially since… well, I don’t really get your plans. You’re making the three of us into a team of adventurers like yourselves. But aren’t we all eternal beings? You’re not getting old! And I heard the actual… process when you do become a Decay Lord is… physical…”

Vikalos smiled, clapping his hands together. “Very well. Let us take apart your list of questions. The reason why we took you on is because we felt that you have the same strengths as Retvik and Litvir. Just because you are not tall and proud like they are, does not mean that you are not a powerful being yourself.”

“But I’m a mess.”

“All of us are messes, little Arkadin. We have all been in your place. We accept that we have our problems and work to improve ourselves. You just need a little more time and space to do so yourself. You have the added benefit of being with two similar beings, beings you know and care for, to help you develop.”

“You think we could be like you Decay Lords?”

“Indeed. Potentially better than us even. And while we Thantir Decay Lords are happy to continue as we are, one day, one of us may want a change of pace, we may want to retire or move on. By then, you three will be working yourselves, on the same path we are on now.”

“And what about… us actually becoming Decay Lords?”

This time, Vikalos’s answer wasn’t as sweet. “Unfortunately, we… we cannot really say too much about it. The change from Decayling to Decay Lord is different for everyone, and yes, it is a physical process. A metamorphosis. You relinquish the grip your former universe had on you and turn into someone… new. As to what this actually entails though, I cannot say. You may slowly change over time, it may happen in a sudden blast of energy, or you may form a cocoon and reform in a new shape.”

“Does it… hurt?” Arkadin quietly asked.

“Only if you make it hurt.”

“Ah… I see…” Arkadin fell silent, pondering over what Vikalos had just told him. After a few moments, he looked up at Vikalos again.

“Is everything alright?”

“Yeah…” Arkadin shrugged. “Do you mind if I just sit here with you for a bit?”

“Of course, be my guest…”