Twisting Limbs

“Alright… Deep breaths…” Levik closed his eyes and controlled his breathing, settling down his heart rate before stepping out into the large, bland, sandy arena. After his (in his opinion, awful) battle against Ora Soundsheer, it had been decided to give Levik some easier matches against an array of Temthan, Vrekan and Ksithan open challengers, … Read more

Skyan Rambles

Kayel glanced down at his navy hoodie and matching black and navy gloves, socks, stomach wrap and loin cloth, then glanced at the two people sitting with him. Teekay was just wearing a loin cloth and a stomach wrap, but Kaytee was wearing a full set of white and silver armour, but he almost never … Read more

Furry Phone Call

“Hellooooo! Litvir Kaldynik, one of the leaders of the Thantir speaking, who is this?” Litvir leaned back on his brand new, fancy office chair. Several hours ago, an old Ventra ship popped by, its owner hit with a spot of Corruption. As always, the Thantir had patched them up, but the owner, an old, wobbly … Read more

Giant Advisor

“Hello, little one!” Despite technically only being 2 months old, Litvir was somewhat taller than average. And because they were skinny and adolescent, physically about 15 years old, it was possible that Litvir would grow taller. However, most beings, Litvir included, felt absolutely tiny when confronted with Gath, the Keeper, the General of the Legion … Read more

Little Brother From Another Mother

“Hey little bro, saw you coming!” Arkay smiled a little as he climbed into Elksia’s little guard tower. For the longest of times, Elksia had been the head of security around Savepoint, using her short-duration Time Drake powers to warn whoever was on guard of any immediate dangers just before they happened. But ever since … Read more

New Job for the Travellers

“Good day, Wanderer, Starsoarer, Spiritguide, my Travellers.” Eta Carinae and Orion both glanced at each other awkwardly as they and their fellow Trio member Ziital were abruptly teleported in front of the Overlord. Eta was mostly thankful that their ship was stationary at the time of the teleportation, but Orion had always disliked how the … Read more

Uncle-y Text Messages

Mimicblade: So, uh, I’ve been putting this off for ages. Mimicblade: Flaming Ethran-type Retvik said it was fine, but it’s still weird. Mimicblade: I thought the Corruption claimed you, when Kinisis abandoned her universe. Mimicblade: Sure, we briefly saw each other, during that Pentathax shit, but I’ve been meaning to write down how I feel. … Read more

Perpetual Homework

“Hey, Litvir, are you alright?” Aster asked as he entered the great hall where the Twelve Anew normally held their meetings. Yet again, Aster had accidentally left his shield there, and, yet again, Litvir was sitting there, at the main table. However, today, Litvir wasn’t asleep, they seemed to be heavily focused on their work. … Read more

Fixed Drake

The amount of snapping coming from the unconscious Time Drake was rather concerning, even though the Twelve Anew had chained Kairos up to stop him from moving. Even with Aster manipulating gravity around the Whenvern to make him too heavy to really move, Kairos would still occasionally suddenly break free from Aster’s grasp and flail … Read more

Dragon Purification Plans

“WHAT?” Dalosisaar backed off ever so slightly as Epani stood up from her throne. “Uh… we think Kairos might be a little… Corrupted…” “Because he attacked Elkay?” “Because he attacked Elkay, was spouting nonsense and wasn’t using his time powers. In a fair fight, he would have frozen all of us because he literally controls … Read more

Elkayne Delirium

Elkay wasn’t sure why, but he felt oddly nervous as he stepped into the Crystal Palace, one of the Whenvern’s four massive, diamond-coated homes, scattered across the corners of the universe. He had questions, asked by his fellow Twelve Anew, that Elkay himself couldn’t answer. But also questions that Elkay wasn’t quite willing to take … Read more

Shifter Shattered

For reasons unknown, neither Levik nor his opponent knew who they were fighting against until they entered the arena. And, admittedly, because Levik was currently shapeshifted into a short, green-plated Rethan with black skin and red eyes (just a Rethan in Levik’s default colours), his opponent had no idea who Levik was at all. But … Read more

Post-Exam Reassurance

Ret grunted to himself as the annoyingly attractive old-universe Rethan rang a small bell and collected Ret’s papers. The eight Decaylings had just sat some sort of exam, and Ret was certain he had failed. He’d barely answered anything. He’d also nearly forgotten to write his name down and had spent far too long reading … Read more

Gentle Brushing 6

Vikalos smiled to himself as he finished what he was doing, drying his fur with a towel after exiting the Thantir’s decontamination showers. Sure, they had special blow-dryers to dry folks off, and Vikalos could manipulate fire and instantly raise the ambient temperature to dry himself completely, but he did like to use a towel. … Read more

Secret Bouncy Gladiator Training

“Okay, I have a question! Actually, I have lots and lots of questions, and they’ll get progressively more annoying the more you have to listen to me, but my question right now is why are we training in secret?” “We are training in secret?” Abius asked, answering Levik’s question with a question of their own. … Read more