Too Many Teekays

Deathbringer started a new group chat.

Deathbringer invited Telecharm, Loopblade-1, Loopblade-2, Loopblade-3, Loopblade-4, Loopblade-5, Loopblade-6, Shocktrooper and Electricshadow to the chat.

Telecharm is online.

Shocktrooper is online.

Loopblade-1, Loopblade-2, Loopblade-3, Loopblade-4, Loopblade-5 and Loopblade-6 are online.

Shocktrooper: Oh hi Arkadin. Thought u went no-contact or smth?

Deathbringer: Oh piss one Teekay too many. Sorry.

Deathbringer: Go say hi to everyone and hug Elkay for me.

Shocktrooper: W8 WTF?

Deathbringer: I need to talk to these other Teekays from the time before I was a death god. Because something is bothering me.

Shocktrooper: I’m 100% telling Retvik.

Deathbringer: Yeah, whatever, but I’m doing this group chat then buggering off again.

Loopblade-6: Uh hi?

Shocktrooper: KT don’t fucking move I’m OMW to u right now.

Deathbringer removed Shocktrooper from the chat.

Telecharm: Hi Arkay, been a while! We haven’t spoken in ages!

Telecharm: Like… a couple of years.

Deathbringer: Yeah, I’m sorry, TK, life’s been fucking awful for me.

Loopblade-1: Arkay? As in… our Arkay? RK0019K?

Deathbringer: Alright seems like I found the right fuckers. Which of you bastards is claiming to be my ex partner?

Telecharm: I mean, we spent a brief time together as Veth but we were never official or anything, Arkay was busy being Death.

Loopblade-4: Who the fuck are you, Telecharm?

Telecharm: Hi! I’m TK, formally Teekay Theanon, TK0016K, Veth of Kinisis, I now work as a video editor for the media arm of Deathven.

Telecharm: Arkay and I were born in the same universe.

Loopblade-3: Uh, guys, we missed one.

Loopblade-4: No shit, Three.

Loopblade-6: Hello, Telecharm. I’m sorry to say that you are the same person we all are, but clearly something happened because only Arkay became a Veth to the Cycle, he was the Veth Prime.

Telecharm: Uh.

Loopblade-6: According to Elksia, the resident Time Drake of the Thantir, she believes we were stuck in some sort of time loop where Arkay was forced to fight his siblings by the Cycle, they were killed, the universe started dying at the Cycle’s command, I… uh… someone called TK0016K would escape out into the Void and become a Decay Lord and the Dragon God of Time would reset history to before the time Arkay was forced to kill his siblings.

Loopblade-1: As far as we are aware, this happened at least six times. But clearly it happened more than that, because you, Telecharm, are the same person we all are.

Telecharm: Except… Arkay never killed his siblings? He did kill me and I became a Veth but the whole reason Arkay died young was because he gave his soul to Kinisis in exchange for Kinisis leaving them alone.

Deathbringer: Exactly!

Deathbringer: Wait, what?

Telecharm: For a bit, you became Telos, the Avatar of Death, and I kinda died because a building fell on me because someone tried to assassinate Elkay-en. Uh, again.

Deathbringer: I… don’t remember that. I just remember me and the other two old Veth trying to keep things together and then… that… I don’t remember much.

Telecharm: It’s fine, it was a fucking long time ago and you did recently go through some memory-altering piss.

Telecharm: What happened to you anyway, Arkay? You messaged me a while back about some sort of body guard bounty for a Life Goddess then you vanished!

Loopblade-6: I too want to know.

Loopblade-1: We all want to know, Six.

Loopblade-4: Yeah quiet Six.

Telecharm: Well well well seems like you alternate versions of me are all dicks.

Loopblade-6: You have no idea. We’re all insane.

Loopblade-2: You should have an idea, Telecharm. You lived the same damn life we did. You saw what happened, you saw the six siblings fight the terrible Thantophor, you lived through the Cycle tearing through the universe, killing hundreds of trillions! You saw it all!

Loopblade-1: Most of the universe was killed!

Loopblade-3: I thought it was just trillions? Like, a big chunk of the universe.

Loopblade-5: Uh it wasn’t that bad.

Loopblade-6: It was about 50 billion beings.

Telecharm: I think… I think things went a bit differently between each of your iterations because Arkay only killed a few million a day, and the whole, uh, event only lasted two weeks, outside of a single planet of one billion that was hit by a solar flare that kinda just happened at the same time.

Deathbringer: I regret starting this conversation.

Telecharm: As far as I’m aware, it’s not like you’re getting a kick from any of this. You were forced to be the Thantophor.

Loopblade-6: So you… you’re where the loop ended, Telecharm? You would be our Loopblade-7, and Shocktrooper is someone else entirely?

Telecharm: Uh…

Telecharm: I have no idea who Shocktrooper is.

Deathbringer: Shocktrooper is a Teekay from the universe where I was a death god from the start, the universe Kinisis made after she let Corruption eat our universe, Telecharm.

Loopblade-1: What.

Loopblade-1: That is wrong! The Dragon God of Time RESET the universe after you killed your brothers!

Loopblade-6: One, we explained this already. The whole fucking reason we are even able to have this conversation is because, at some point, our Loop broke! The universe STOPPED looping! After my reset and, I assume, during Telecharm’s loop, Arkay DIDN’T kill his siblings!

Deathbringer: Ugh yeah super regretting this…

Deathbringer: I never killed Elkay-En, Veekay, Arksi, Thitaksi, Eksi or Psiksi. They are why I gave myself to Kinisis, to stop her from harming them. And she tried to break her end of the deal completely because she kidnapped them and wanted to turn them into Thantophors too.

Deathbringer: Admittedly, after that, I don’t remember much. There was a struggle. There was a Corruption. Kinisis buggered off. Last thing I remember from that universe was being impaled while trying to save Kairos.

Loopblade-4: Who is Kairos?

Deathbringer: Uh, the Whenvern.

Loopblade-6: Our old Dragon God of Time.

Telecharm: I suppose, to fill in the gaps, after the six siblings returned, Arkay and two other Veth started maintaining the universe while Kinisis… did something. Then I died and became a Veth for like five minutes, THEN Corruption attacked our universe, and that was when I slipped out and became a Decay Lord.

Loopblade-1: How the fuck did we miss both you AND Shocktrooper?

Loopblade-5: There was kinda like, shorter and shorter delays between each of us.

Loopblade-2: Five’s right. The death toll dropped between each loop.

Loopblade-6: So we had less and less time between each pickup, you guys expected there to be an even smaller gap between my loop and Telecharm’s loop, but instead his loop lasted longer, so we missed him that way.

Loopblade-2: Six making sense again.

Telecharm: The fact that you call yourselves numbers is disturbing.

Loopblade-6: It’s why I’m going to start calling myself Kaytee when I join the Thantir.

Deathbringer: Fuck Retvik and Litvir are letting you all join?

Loopblade-6: No, just me.

Loopblade-1: Unlike Six, who is a whiny prick, we all enjoy working for the Phantai.

Telecharm: The Thantir are your sect, right, Arkay?

Telecharm: Also, fucking congrats on being part of a Named Trio!

Deathbringer: I don’t know what that means.

Telecharm: You’re recognized by the Overlord!

Deathbringer: He totally tried to kill the three of us.

Telecharm: But you survived.

Deathbringer: Mate, I’ll be honest, I got sent to Deathven for like a year, I remember none of it and I’ve been trapped inside a universe for… well, for me it’s been two billion years. For you it’s been… six months?

Telecharm: Damn that sucks. How are you on Wyvern then?

Deathbringer: Space ninjas.

Telecharm: Ooooooooooh. Neat.

Loopblade-1: So, uh, Arkay… are you… uh… available?

Deathbringer: Fuck off, you already had your chance.

Loopblade-4: HAH you fucking thought, One.

Loopblade-1: Shut it.

Loopblade-6: I have a question. Who is Electricshadow?

Electricshadow is now online.

Electricshadow: I thought that maybe I had been invited to a random chat by accident but I am now very, very disturbed.

Electricshadow: My name is also Teekay. And I knew someone called Arkay. And I am very concerned that everyone in this chat is a short, 1.7m tall being with large eyes, organic natural plating, a long tail, a head plate and two claws and a thumb on each hand.

Telecharm: Huh.

Loopblade-5: Maybe you’re, like, a Loopblade-0?

Electricshadow: I don’t think so. What you all described didn’t happen to me. My question is, are you all black-skinned with blue eyes and red and silver armour?

Telecharm: No, I have grey skin and silver and crystalline orange armour.

Loopblade-3: We’re all the same.

Electricshadow: Do you all have wings though?

Telecharm: Yeah.

Loopblade-6: Yes. But Shocktrooper has energy wings.

Electricshadow: Deathbringer-Arkay, did you used to have wings, but one of them was badly damaged and the other was shot off?

Deathbringer: …

Deathbringer: Yes.

Deathbringer: This was a fucking mistake. I’m having an existential crisis now and I can’t afford to do that while also being the God of Entropy.

Deathbringer: All I wanted to do was ask you all to not call yourselves my ex or my former partner or whatever.

Deathbringer: Fuck this, I’m out.

Deathbringer is now offline.

Deathbringer has left the chat.

Telecharm: That is 100% Arkay.

Telecharm has added Shocktrooper to the chat.

Telecharm has renamed the chat to Too Many Teekays.

Shocktrooper: OK WTF

Telecharm: Heya, mate. You’re called Teekay too, yes?

Shocktrooper: Yeah, but I already told Loopblade, I ain’t part of their loop. I just got caught up in Arkay’s stuff back in my universe.

Loopblade-1: You belong here then.

Electricshadow: Welcome to the club, fellow Teekay.

Shocktrooper: Uh… thanks…