Beh’en Warmth

“Where are we?”

Itaviir rubbed his eyes as he sat up and tried to work out where he was. By his side was Galyn, who clearly wasn’t quite awake yet, and was curled up by Itaviir’s side. It would have been rather cute had both Itaviir and Galyn not been 4m tall armoured monsters with blades in their arms, massive teeth and claws and a crown of horns sticking out from beneath their heavy head plates.

Noticing that Galyn hadn’t answered, Itaviir prodded Galyn, forcing him to wake up.

“What?” Galyn yawned, rolling onto his back. As he opened his eyes fully though, Galyn’s briefly relaxed mood immediately disappeared. “We are not in your personal quarters. Why are we not in your personal quarters? Also, why are we naked?”

Itaviir blinked, then glanced down at his stomach. He wore specially made custom armour plating across his back and stomach all the time, even in bed, and he only ever took it off to wash himself. And even then, admittedly, Itaviir never really washed himself that much, because, having always been some sort of deity, he didn’t really get dirty.

“I… I do not know…” Itaviir stuttered. “We did not have THAT much to drink.”

“Well, we did. We had so much to drink that we overcame our coldness and slept together…” Galyn muttered. “I did genuinely enjoy our brief moment of warmth though. And I very much hate our Beh’en biology. Considering our kind were curated by a collection of Life Goddesses, it bothers me greatly that we can lose the ability to love one another.”

“Indeed…” Itaviir couldn’t help but agree as he staggered to his feet and better inspected his surroundings. Everything was soft and pink and glittery. The ground beneath Itaviir’s feet was springy and warm, and he could feel himself sinking down a bit. The sinking sensation alongside the hangover, confusion and uncertainty were making Itaviir feel an emotion he hated: fear.

Galyn eventually got up as well, but it took a couple of attempts, since he was still ever so slightly drunk. Wherever they were, it was somewhat dark, and the walls were a little too tight, stretching upwards. Small alcoves could be seen, lit with twinkling crystals but not really providing any real light. On closer inspection, everything seemed somewhat… fleshy.

“Feels like we are inside a, uh, womb or vagina or something…” Galyn lowered his voice, not sure if he and Itaviir were alone.

“When was the last time you were inside a vagina?” Itaviir sneered.

Galyn glanced at Itaviir, then shuddered. “More recently than you’d think.”

“Wait, what do you mean by that?”

“Uh…” All of Galyn’s confidence, well, what little he had left, immediately vanished. “You remember Life Goddess Kinisis, yes?”

“Yes, the horrible carenizing bitch we spent way too much time and energy on, while dealing with her poor, broken son. What about her?”

“Well, firstly, Arkay is not actually her son, he was… technically adopted. Secondly, it turns out that Kinisis was actually the Final Mother of Phantai legend. Thirdly… I, uh… I… I slept with her.”

Itaviir didn’t respond at first. He stared menacingly at Galyn, before giving up and sighing loudly.

“You are a fucking idiot.”

“I know. I was broken and depressed and she took advantage of me. Sometimes, late at night, when my mistakes race through my head, I wonder if I ever truly consented, or if she was manipulating me the entire time…”

Galyn did his best to hide his sadness, but Itaviir realized he had upset his partner. Still sighing, he put a hand on Galyn’s shoulder in a bid to make him feel better. Now Itaviir had sobered up, his coldness, his inability to feel love, compassion and warmth, was gradually returning. But not completely.

“I suppose at least you have slept with a female. You even had a family and kids when you were mortal.”

“A family that was murdered by a Time Drake.”

“A family nonetheless. You were tied to a universe where male Be’hens were allowed to stick around and have a family, even though it was taken from you before you were deified. Like most Phantai, I have always been a deity and have never felt the warmth of a female.”

A giggle echoed around the pit, bouncing off the walls in a way that made little sense, considering how soft and squishy everything was. Both Galyn and Itaviir span around so they were back to back, in a defensive stance, and extended their arm blades. However, they quickly realized that they couldn’t summon their godly weapons, and Galyn couldn’t create the thorny vines he normally used to protect himself.

Up above, ten tiny heads appeared. They floated out of the alcoves and drifted down towards the two colossal brutes. At first, they seemed rather small and meek. However, they had a handful of features similar to Itaviir and Galyn. The same head and body shape, the same long tails and similar armour plating on their forearms, chests, groins, heads and legs. However their eyes all glowed brightly in the same bright white, their teeth were tiny and rounded and their claws were blunt. Each one was two sets of different colours, one skin colour and one armour colour.

The largest of them, which was black and gold, hovered down in front of Itaviir and playfully tapped him on the snout.

“Hai!” the creature smiled. “You’re cute!”

Galyn relaxed ever so slightly and retracted his arm blades, but Itaviir remained defensive. He hadn’t quite realized what he was looking at.

“I am not cute.”

“Well, you are. There is a reason why Vikalos and I like you…” Galyn muttered, before turning his attention to the creatures. “Why have you taken us?”

“Why do you think?” a white and pink creature asked.

“I don’t know. It has been a very long time since I have laid my eyes on a Beh’ena.”

Itaviir suddenly realized what was going on. “Many of us thought the Beh’ena were gone!”

“That’s because we were!” a grey and yellow Beh’ena sighed. “You were losing the war. The Unhomed were coming too close. So us females went into hiding, looking to protect ourselves. We wanted to wait things out, until it was safe to return.”

“But it’s safe now!” a silver and blue Beh’ena beamed. “We can start mating again! Start making new baby Beh’enle! And we have decided to start with the two studs who ended the war!”

Galyn frowned, edging closer to Itaviir. “I don’t think Itaviir and I are good candidates to be donors. We are old and broken.”

“Wait, you have kidnapped us to… mate with us?” Itaviir exclaimed. “You want… you want us to be fathers?”

The black and gold Beh’ena tutted. “We were just going to do what we always used to do, kidnap a bunch of Beh’enu, drug them, fuck them silly and have kids that way, but since you two helped make these lands safe again, we thought we’d be polite and ask you first.”

“You don’t even need to worry about raising the kids. A Beh’enu hasn’t been involved in childrearing for aeons…” a blue and purple Beh’ena added. “We just want your sperm, to be honest. After all, aside from the Three Blades, there aren’t that many… more independent, more intelligent Beh’enu any more.”

“Even if you don’t want kids though, we want to pleasure you. You saved us all. Can’t offer anything to your weird, armoured bear friend, but we can offer you an orgy like no other.”

Galyn though seemed very unsure. “You do not want to use my genetics or use or pleasure me in any way. I am an unworthy idiot of the highest order.”

“Oh, come on, Galyn, you have done stupid things, but you are not that bad!” Itaviir protested. “I am admittedly very unsure about the prospect of having children, but neither of us should say no to an orgy with the best Beh’ena.”

“The only Beh’ena…” a black and white female sighed. “Us ten, we are all that’s left. Which is why we want you both. We believe that your… more independent selves will allow us to create better children. Stronger children. And, hopefully, stronger future Beh’ena, not just Beh’enu. We’ve seen that two better species exist now, but we don’t want to just fade away. Not when it’s now safe again.”

Galyn hesitated, then sighed. “Can we… think about the whole… having children thing? It is a very sudden thing to have to decide upon.”

The Beh’ena all giggled again, then floated closer to the two Beh’enu, rubbing themselves up and down the Beh’enu’s bodies.

“Of course!” a cream and green Beh’ena smiled as she tickled Galyn under his chin, then kissed him gently. “In the mean time, let us make you feel good, let us reward you. As you deserve. You two are our saviours, after all…”