
Kinisis is one of the three multi-dimensional beings of the Phoviverse. She is the personification of the Endless Cycle, the Matriarch of All, of the constant life, death and renewal of all things within the universe. Kinisis appear to have in three forms – Genisi, the avatar of birth; Thanati, the avatar of death; and Kykli, who encompasses renewal. These forms are only used cosmetically, and all forms of Kinisis are essentially the same, just used in a way to separate out each of Kinisis’s duties. Kinisis only appears to mortal other beings under the guise of Thanati, better known as Death, rarely being seen in her other forms.

Kinisis’s duty is to maintain the continuation of the Cycle and to slow down entropy. She watches over the birth of new life, then returns it to its component parts and recycles life when it dies, whether it’s microorganisms, sentient life or stars and galaxies. Kinisis also keeps Stasis and Kairos at bay, keeping their more aggressive influences on the cycle to a minimum.

Kinisis in all her forms sees herself as allies with both Kairos and Stasis. Although she disagrees with how they both work and influence her and her cycle, Kinisis understands that both are vital to the continued existence of the universe and the continuation of cycles, both now and in the future.

Kinisis’s abilities are varied and often incomprehensible to mortals. She can completely break down anything and turn it into something new, including but not limited to subatomic particles and entire galaxies. Kinisis can change the shape of herself and others, as well as control them and manipulate their thoughts and actions, but these abilities are rarely seen outside of Kinisis’s ‘homelands’ – the pocket dimension known as Kinigi, where sentient life is recycled. One of her more commonly known abilities is to cure illnesses and diseases, but Kinisis is also just as likely to spread infections as she is to cure them. Kinisis is the only being capable of harming Kairos or Stasis and cannot be killed either – she can only be forced to be trapped inside an endless loop.

All of Kinisis’s forms look similar, apart from colour. She has the appearance of a feminine humanoid/reptilian being, with a short pair of horns on her head and occasionally tendril-like hair, with a tentacle/flame-like mass draped across her body. She has a long, flowing tail which always loops back on itself. Her Genisi form has fading pale blue and pink skin with a white mass; her Thanati form has dark brown and green skin with a black mass and her Kykli form is black and white with a gold and silver mass. Despite her forms, Kinisis’s eyes are always the same – looking into them is described as ‘looking directly into the universe itself’.

Although all life in the universe is considered to be born from Kinisis, her two forms Genisi and Thanati have their own children born directly from her blood. The children of Genisi are Theoktons, beings of any sentient race with the ability to kill Deitics and Kronaron. They are created when Genisi ‘joins in’ during conception. Theoktons who prove their worth (although what this truly means, no one knows), become the children of Thanati when they die, and are transformed into Veth, glowing, shape-shifting monstrosities which roam the rivers of Kinigi.