Mysterious Blue Entity

Phovos wasn’t sure what she was looking at as she stormed into the private training area for Xeno Dessaron One, favourite ever House Fighter arena team. She’d expected the four of them to either be sparring or sitting around chatting, but no, currently Retvik was just wandering around the room, carrying Kayel in one hand … Read more

Drunk and Awkward Messages

Spiritdrainer: Hello, are you there? Spiritdrainer: Litvir? Spiritdrainer: Litvir are you available to talk? Souldrainer is now online. Souldrainer: Hello, deary! I am! Spiritdrainer: Oh good. Because I have a very awkward question and I am very embarrassed. Souldrainer: That has not stopped you before! Souldrainer: Please excuse me, I am very, very, very drunk. … Read more

Cards Against Existence

Things had finally settled down on the Shimmering Blade, and the last few days had been spent with constant Phantai patrols, wiping out any remaining Voidborn ships. In fact, today, not a single Voidborn vessel had been seen across the entirety of the sector. However, the Thantir though were all relaxing and doing precisely nothing. … Read more

Good for Once

Kuta couldn’t help but smile to themselves. Not too long ago, things had not been great. In fact, things had been very bad. They had been lonely and overworked and miserable. And then briefly homeless. And also had both their legs broken. But now things were awesome. Kuta had a new home, a new job … Read more

Sinian Demands

It was pretty late, and most of the arenas had shut down. There were a couple of late night matches just finishing up, but things were quiet, which meant that the commotion in the Gold Suite sounded weird. Normally, the Gold Suite was left empty, as it was meant to host the four deities of … Read more

Drunken Decayling Rambles

Moonblade was pretty sure he was in the wrong observatory, but this one was quiet and empty and he needed to sit down for a bit. Like many of the Phantai, he was rather tipsy, having had too much to drink while celebrating. But the more Moonblade had to drink, the more he felt that … Read more

Post-Show Weirdness

“Well that was hot.” “Definitely.” Kayel yawned and sat up, stretching out his arms. There were still specks of blood on him from his arena battle. He’d played the Big Bad, a vicious monster, his job being to stop a bunch of contestants from escaping a specially set up arena. Had any of the contestants … Read more

Big Bad Skyan

Normally, the Big Bad in the popular Thirteenth Night arena game show would be announced in advance, and there were several House Fighters who would regularly play as the big, scary monster that would go around pretending to kill contestants. Today though, the identity of the Big Bad had been kept a secret until all … Read more

Vastly Distant Thank You

While the Phantai main ranks were busy celebrating the demise of the leader of the Crystal Doom and the destruction of their main ship, things were much quieter on the top level of the Shimmering Blade, where Retvik had taken Litvir in order to talk privately. They quickly locked themselves in their private quarters, before … Read more

Triumphant Return

Retvik struggled to remain upright as Litvir wrapped his arms around him, holding Retvik a little too tightly and clearly sobbing, showing a lot of emotions that were out of place for a Rethan. Really, considering Retvik’s injuries, he was amazed he could even stand up, and Galyn, Itaviir and Vikalos had all offered to … Read more

A Familiar Miracle

Everything was cold and dark, but Retvik could feel something warm, drifting nearby. At first, he thought he was dead, but the sickening pain radiating across his body told him he was definitely still alive. There was definitely something jutting out of Retvik’s stomach, probably a piece of debris, he could feel blood leaking out … Read more

In the Claws of Krystahamos

Elkay was pretty sure that he had somehow blown his cover and his disguise, but as he edged down a rather cramped hallway, none of the Voidborn minions had attempted to touch him. In fact, some of them had moved out of the way, allowing Elkay to pass. Despite the fact that Elkay had been … Read more

Into the Voidborn Darkness

“Careful now, boys!” Elksia seemed way too chirpy considering what was going on. The Life Goddess ship “Yisini” had fastened itself to the side of the Diamond, the Voidborn mothership, and she and Elkay had just cut a large hole into the side of said mothership, allowing them entry into the dark depths below. All … Read more