Day After A Great Night

Relkir panicked for a moment as they woke up from one of the best sleeps they’d ever had. They weren’t in their own bed. They were sharing with someone else. Or, well, they were? It was a very, very big bed, Relkir couldn’t reach either edge if they stretched their arms out as far as they could. Sitting up straight, Relkir inspected their surroundings. Everything was massive. Not built for a small being like Relkir. But it was all cute. Cosy. Warm. Just like… last night.

As far as Relkir was concerned, that was one of the best nights of their life. They had been scared at first. It had taken a little too long for Relkir to find their confidence, but, after 34 years, something happened that Relkir originally thought would never happen: they finally slept with someone. Relkir had been certain that they were to remain a virgin their entire lives, but right now, they were lying in someone else’s bed after a night of unbridled passion and a multitude of firsts.

Admittedly, Relkir had been terrified at first. They had never let anyone see them truly naked before. Relkir had spent their entire life being judged for being small and puny and having the wrong coloured eyes, they were scared that their button was too small, their second tail too short and their valley too shallow. At the same time, Relkir had also somewhat… forgotten a lot of things from their biology classes, and there were things that Relkir flat out didn’t know, like the fact that one could cause a Rethan’s male genitalia to engorge by massaging the tender area just above their tail. Something about weird nerve endings. Relkir wasn’t sure.

Really, Relkir felt pretty fucking stupid in the beginning, on top of their fear and anxiety. But Gath, Relkir’s partner for the evening, had been insanely kind and caring and gentle and understanding. They admitted that they had not slept with anyone for at least seven years, and Gath had done everything they could to make Relkir comfortable, while also keeping the mood perky and fun. Several times, Gath had made comments that had caused Relkir to suddenly laugh, even while they were in the middle of an intimate act. Comments mostly about Gath. Gath had been careful to not say anything that would upset Relkir, but they did mention how Relkir was larger than they expected. Only because Relkir regularly complained about how small they were.

At the same time, Relkir felt… confused as to how much they enjoyed every part of Gath’s body. Gath was huge, a whole meter taller than Relkir. And they were utterly covered in scars. But they were still powerful, muscular, unique, beautiful. Even if it was a bit weird that Gath still had a bullet embedded in the plating in their thigh.

Still, Relkir was over the moon. Exhausted but over the moon. A little sore and squished too. They’d tried quite a few different positions, and at one point, Gath had been on top. How they had ended up like that, Relkir had no idea, but it turned out to be a good position, despite Relkir getting a bit crushed.

Right now though Relkir had no idea where Gath was. They were not in bed, that was obvious. However, as Relkir attempted to climb out of bed, they heard stomping footsteps. Then again, Gath seemed to stomp pretty much everywhere, they couldn’t help it.

“Relkir, dear, are you… Ah, you are awake!” Gath beamed as they knocked on the door. They weren’t wearing armour, but they did have a tummy wrap and loin cloth on. “Did you sleep well?”

Relkir nodded. “I think that was the most satisfying sleep I have ever had.”

Gath continued to smile as they sat down next to Relkir and put an arm around them. “I take it you enjoyed yourself?”

“I never thought I… that… uh… well… you know…”

“Well, you did. And you clearly had fun. I had a lot of fun as well. I will have to remember to buy some more lubricant and rubbers though, we got through pretty much all of my supplies.”

Relkir snickered. “Heh. It was… very much worth it. I am admittedly slightly upset that I have spent so long being unable to be intimate.”

“Understandable. I always thought the Traditions were stupid anyway, I cannot imagine how awful it has been for you. But that time is over now. You have a poten-partner. A very happy one at that!”

“Yes… I do…” Relkir shook their head. “I apologize, I am… I am a whirlpool of emotions.”

Gath patted Relkir in the back. “Again, understandable! Would you like some lunch?”


“Well, it is 1300 hours, it is a little late for breakfast. I prepared some mashed potato and eggs.”

Relkir blinked, then shook their head some more. Yes, they were hungry, thirsty too, but Relkir had just realized they had slept most of the day away, and they had to go back to work again tomorrow. Gath somewhat picked up on Relkir’s change of mood and took matters into their own hands. They scooped Relkir up and carried them downstairs, where lunch was waiting for them, alongside four glasses, two of apple juice, two of mead.

“I should not drink… I have work…”

Gath placed Relkir on one of the empty chairs, before sitting down themselves. “It is Sunday, you do not have work.”

“I have work tomorrow. I need to get home, clean myself up and sober up.”

“We did not have that much to drink, and this is just mead though?” Gath looked confused. “You are… already thinking about work?”


“Hmph…” Gath trailed off, and started eating their food.

Relkir sighed, then did the same, not touching the mead but downing the apple juice. They hadn’t expected to sleep in so late. Clearly, Relkir needed the rest, but it was still awkward, and it was also obvious that Relkir seemed to not be understanding something. But, despite their self-loathing, Relkir was an important individual and they needed to be fresh and ready for work first thing Monday morning.

After a handful of grunts, Gath suddenly got up and grabbed their communicator, before sitting back down and typing in a number. They hit the dial button, then waited.

“Hello? Is there a problem, Keeper?”

Relkir couldn’t properly hear the voice on the other end, but they sounded familiar.

“Oh, no, not at all! Everything is great! I was wondering, what is your schedule for the next few days?”

“One moment…” The line went quiet, before picking up again. “There is nothing major going on until Thursday. Are you requesting more time off for Relkir?”

“I am, yes.”

“Well, as long as I can have them back by Wednesday afternoon, everything should be fine. I have plenty of other advisors in the mean time. Enjoy your time off, look after my sibling for me.”

“Thank you, General Rethais.”

“Have a good one, General Gath.”

Gath went back to grinning as they put their communicator down. Relkir stared at them in disbelief.

“You… have a direct line to the High General?”

“Of course I do. I am the Keeper, after all, one of the most notable Rethans alive, even if my duties are mostly ceremonial. You have a direct line to the High General too.”

“Yes, but Rethais is both my sibling and my boss…” Relkir paused. “That being said, Retvik does not have a direct line to their own sibling… Still! That was…”

“A necessary call. We had such a lovely time yesterday and as soon as you were reminded of your duties, your mood soured. I do not want that. I want to have a few more lovely days with you, while we have the chance. And I am certain that your sibling understands that, perhaps more than you do.”

Gath went back to their food and very quickly consumed everything. Relkir no longer felt hungry, but they did drink the glass of mead.

“So, dear, what do you… want to do with our free time?” Relkir eventually asked.

“I have a… plan. Firstly, I think we should go on a walk, play your game a bit, then head to a pharmacy to stock up on supplies. Then we should buy some drinks and snacks. Then, how about we spend the evening on the sofa, watching arena matches and snuggling?”

“That…” Relkir stuttered, then smiled. “That sounds amazing.”