Just Two Skyavok

Kayen slammed the door shut with his foot while he carried his groceries inside. He dumped the bags on the table then threw himself into his single comfy beanbag chair. Kayen was angry and tired and didn’t want to do anything right now.

Of course that meant that the doorbell had to ring.

With several loud curses, Kayen dragged himself to the door and threw it open.


“Hello… I’m not interrupting anything, am I?”

Standing there was a familiar face. Arkadin, the Thantophor and the Lord of Decay, dressed in nice armour and looking pretty.

“Yeah, but who am I to say no to you?”

“I can come back later if you are busy…”

“You’re the death god, you shouldn’t have to wait for anything.”

“I can wait. It’s not urgent.”

Kayen sighed. “No, come in now. I’d rather get all of this crap out of the way, rather than dread having you pop by later…” He moved to one side so Arkadin could come in. As he did so, he realised that the Death Lord was holding… a box of chocolates?

Arkadin seemed to hesitate as he glanced around Kayen’s apartment. He knew the little Skyavok was renting somewhere small, but he didn’t realise the place was this small.

Kayen grunted as he led Arkadin into the living room. “You want anything to eat or drink?”

“I’m good, thank you. I just wanted to have a quick word with you. Privately.”

“There’s no one else here…” Kayen sighed some more as he threw himself back into his comfy chair. “Sorry, I only have the one. There’s some stools over there.”

“It’s fine. I can stand…” Arkadin sighed back. “I’ll make this brief. I did something incredibly stupid due to peer pressure. I bet one of my favourite replica swords that you would potentially… go on a date with me. Then as soon as the others all left, I remembered that I had specifically said to you and Psiksi that I wouldn’t do such a thing because I believe it’s wholly immoral to date a mortal.”

Kayen sat up a little, mulling over the gibberish the Thantophor had just spouted. Finally, he leaned forward, staring at Arkadin.

“What sort of sword is it?”


“The sword you used to make your bet.”

“A replica Galatine Prime, a gold and black greatsword.”

“Is it nice?”

“Yeah…” Arkadin shook his head, trying to refocus. “The sword is beside the point. I want it back, yes, but I… I don’t know how to put this. I would like to try and go on a date with you. But not as Arkadin, the Lord of Death. I want to ask you on a date as a mortal. I want us to go out on a date as just two Skyavok.”

Kayen rolled his eyes, then smiled. “Hah. It’s funny. Timik was having a go at me the other day because I was grumpy and single and he suggested that Phovos and Kairos and you and I go on a double date. I got pissed off at him and left. And now… you’re here…”

“Just goes like that sometimes…” Arkadin shrugged. “I had a similar conversation with Kairos and got mad when he mentioned a double date…”

“Really?” Kayen blinked.


“Huh…” Kayen trailed off. “Maybe… Maybe this was kinda fated to happen then?”

Arkadin tutted. “I doubt it. 99% of the time it is just coincidence and chance, we just notice because they’re similar scenarios.”

“Still… Maybe we could go out and get a drink and talk… Rather than standing around in my shitty apartment…” Kayen suggested.

“So you want to… go on a date?”

“Yeah, sure…” Kayen smiled. “But if you win your bet, I want to see this sword of yours…”