Left At The Oasis

Eksi frowned as he watched the small Thantir ship disappear into the darkness, then went back to work, standing at the main entrance to the Kinigi Oasis. It was his job to make sure that no tourists came in, since the Life Oasis was closed for… Well, Eksi didn’t know why. But he was feeling bored and somewhat jealous. Thankfully, a friendly voice arrived, someone to talk to at least.

“Off they go again,” Litvir smiled, towering over Eksi. Eksi may have been tall for a Skyavok, but Litvir was tall for a Rethavok, and was close to nearly double Eksi’s height. “We are due to switch shifts soon.”

“Thank fuck…” Eksi cursed. “I was getting very bored. This stuff feels like a waste of godly power, you know? I was thinking when Kuta picked me up, that we’d go on adventures and the like!”

Litvir grabbed a nearby chair, then sat himself down next to Eksi. “Is that what Kuta said to you?”

“Well… He didn’t mention adventures. He just said excitement…” Eksi trailed off a little. “Maybe I should have, like, read through the legal stuff better… I just kinda want to go on adventures and stuff. That’s what Retvik does.”

“I will be blunt, it is not as fun or enjoyable as you think.”

Eksi blinked, then turned to Litvir. “Are you saying what they are doing isn’t fun?”


“How do you know?”

Litvir tilted his head to one side, sighing. “What did you think Retvik and I did before we ended up here? We had missions and tasks that needed doing, and we did so without any sort of safety net. Yes, we are all deitic beings now, but we can be very easily killed by all the monsters out there. The darkness is a horrible place not meant for any of us younger gods. It is not even meant for anyvok aside from Life Goddesses.”

Eksi’s eyes widened. “You mean… it’s all…”

“Mostly just things that want to enslave you or kill you or, well, you get the idea…” Litvir sighed again. “Honestly, out there, it is mostly empty space. Infinite nothingness, with specks of existence. Much of which will want you dead one way or another.”

“Because all the fun stuff happens in universes?”

“Basically…” Litvir grunted some more. “Trust me, being here at this Oasis is far better than being out there. Better than being in another Life Oasis too, I assume. Most Life Goddesses are not as consistent or stable as Kinisis is.”

“She’s stable?” Eksi exclaimed, rather too loudly. “But, like… how… Why are these Life Goddesses so powerful anyway?”

“They are the only beings who can create something from nothing. With that sort of power…”

“They go crazy with it?”


“And most of what’s out there is just as bad?”


Eksi clicked his tongue in vague annoyance. “Is it really that horrible out there? I mean, surely there is some good stuff hidden away in that vast emptiness, right?”

Litvir nodded, checking for the nearest clock. “You are correct, we just need to find the good spots and try not to get killed in the process. Either way, the job we have is a lot more comfortable, compared to being out there… Anyway, I do believe this is the end of your shift, Eksi. I can take things from here.”

Eksi smiled a tiny bit, jumping off his chair. “Cheers, Litvir. For both talking and giving me horrible things to think about.”

“I did not intend to-”

“It was a joke,” Eksi smiled some more. “See you later, right?”

“Of course. See you later.”