Planning an Alibi

“Phovos, you there?”

Phovos grunted as her little telepathic communicator sprung to life. The other Guardians were messaging her from the ship outside, while she was on duty watching over their boss.

“I am. What is the problem?”

“Is Kinisis still with you?” the high pitched mind-voice squeaked. Phovos immediately recognized that Tahvra was communicating with her, and she could sense that Vexer, Akah and Tahnahos were all nearby.

“She is drunk and unconscious. I am waiting for her to wake up and sober up.” Phovos eyes glanced across the small bar. It was mostly filled with sleeping Life Goddesses, many of whom had taken part in a large orgy not too long ago. As far as Phovos was aware, eating, drinking, sleeping and orgasming were the only things the Life Goddesses here did.

“Has she… left the area at all lately?”

“How lately?”

“Like, since you two entered the Oasis?”

Again, Phovos glanced around, counting up all the Life Goddesses. At the bar, the lone bartender was busy wiping down the side.

“No. We have been here the entire time. Why are you asking?”

There was a lot of sudden muttering, tutting and hushing. Phovos grunted some more, waiting for an answer.

“A Life Goddess attacked the main Thantir ship. We were… worried that it might have been Kinisis.”


“Whoever did it seemed to directly target Decayling Arkay, you know, Kinisis’s kid that doesn’t want anything to do with Kinisis.”

“Kinisis hasn’t left this place…” Phovos sighed, not at all liking where this conversation was going. “She had been complaining that her son didn’t want to see her, but she didn’t mention anything… litigious… or dangerous…”

There was more muttering and tutting. The Guardians back on the ship were clearly discussing what to do, without including Phovos. She understood why; it was possible that Kinisis might pick up on Phovos’s telepathic link.

“Did Kinisis talk to the other Life Goddesses about her kid?”

“No. Not directly. General bitching, I would call it.”

“No one overheard her or asked too much?”

“No… What is going on? Do you want me to wake Kinisis up and bring her back to the ship?”

“Uh… hang on…”

Tahvra was clearly passing the main link to someone else, as he seemed very unsure what was going on. The link between Phovos and the ship faded, only to suddenly come back.

“Hey Phovos, Tahnahos here. I need you to stay put there.”

“Why?” Phovos grunted. “What good is it if Kinisis is here?”

“The other Life Goddesses know her, right? And the staff at the Life Oasis? We’re assuming right now that Kinisis is the main suspect in this attack on the Thantir, but if you stay there, we have a fuckton of alibis to prove Kinisis was not involved. The longer you stay there, the better.”

“What about Kinisis herself?” Phovos asked. “She might-”

“You’ll have to convince her to stay a bit longer. And preferably don’t tell her about any of this. If we get involved too much, then we become suspicious again. Alright?”

Phovos tutted, then sighed. “Alright, fine. I’ll stay put. But you have to keep me informed.”

“Will do…” Tahnahos replied. “We’ll call you back as soon as we know more…”