Request of the Panelix

The Panelix circled the heavens, soaring over stars and fields of asteroids, before finally settling down on a somewhat plain, rocky planet. From the surface, it looked barren and hostile. Underground, it was a small paradise, filled with thriving Vohran nests that had created a small utopia for themselves. This world was Vohranic 9, the home world of a very specific breed of Vohra.

The entrance to the largest nest was protected by ten large, adult males. They instantly recognised the Panelix and bowed, allowing her to pass through. Each long cave was lined with glistening, glowing strands of mushrooms that changed colour based on where each individual wanted to go. They glowed a bright white for the Panelix, directing her to the main throne room of this nest. As she travelled, male and female adult Vohra assisted each other in day to day chores, while younger, juvenile Vohra watched and learned, being educated for their future jobs.

The throne room was not much different, aside from the size of it. In the centre sat a huge, bloated Vahyra Queen with various tubes going in and out of the lower half of her body. Half beloved royal ruler, half permanent baby machine.

“You’re, like, that space goddess thing, right? Epani or something?”

The Panelix nodded. “I am indeed the Goddess of Space.”

“You’re, like, I dunno, supposed to kinda look after us or something, right? Like a patron or something?”

The Vahyra Queen smiled at a couple of passing Vahrgan workers then turned her attention back to the Goddess.

“Like, why are you here?”

Epani bowed. “I wish to ask of your assistance, Queen Vargek.”

Vargek awkwardly leaned to one side, fiddling with a tube embedded in her stomach, then looked around the room, checking to make sure that the other Vohra present heard the same words Vargek had heard.

“You, uh, want my help?”



The Panelix clicked her tongue, summoning a large scroll. The scroll unravelled, showing a variety of crudely drawn images.

Vargek’s eyes twitched, trying to see the scroll. She called out to one of her Vahla guards, who sheepishly picked up the scroll and brought it closer to Vargek’s face, so she could properly inspect it.

“So, uh, am I getting this right? Those are pictures of the other gods who we don’t worship. And there’s that one in the middle who I don’t know. But the snake one is making an army of lizards and the blue dragon one is making an army of… stuff… And the yellow one in the middle is protecting the other one in the middle I don’t know…”

The Vahla tapped Vargek on the arm. She leaned down so the Vahla could whisper something in her ear.

“Oh. You think?”

“Yes, my Queen.”

“Well the answer’s like, no way!” Vargek turned back to Epani. “I’m not letting you use anyone in my nest as an army to fight back!”

“That is not what I want you to do.”

Vargek looked back at the scroll. Several other Vahla had gathered, as well as some larger Vahyra and Vahrga. They all concluded that an army was what the Panelix wanted, at least according to the scroll.

“Well what do you want then?” Vargek asked.

“I have reason to believe that my fellow deities wish to use genetically engineered monsters to attack the Vohran swarms. With enough murder and death, this could lure out the Thantophor from the centre of the universe where he has our mother captured. Once lured out, he can be removed from power and our other freed.”

The Vohra all fell silent, telepathically muttering to each other.

“That’s a stupid idea!” Vargek exclaimed. “I mean, won’t that make the yellow guy more powerful? He is a death god, right?”

Epani nodded.

“So you don’t want to follow this plan?”


“So why are you here?” Vargek and the Vohra were all very confused.

“Because I need your help spreading tactics,” Epani explained, speaking slowly and calmly. “They will try to murder your kind. It will be instinct to fight back, send your own armies, murder them all. Instead I need you to spread the message that we must defend ourselves and avoid death as much as possible.”

Vargek shrugged. “Your plan sounds cool, you know? But we’re not exactly influential here. Like, the other nests think we’re weird.”

“That is why I suggest you send Levik out to spread my instructions…”

“That’s a great idea!” Vargek beamed. “Levik, come out here!”

A green Vahrga rolled his dark, crimson eyes as he stepped forward.

“Levik! You’re perfect for this!” the Queen cheered. “Help the nice goddess with her quest!”

“Yeah, sure, whatever…” Levik muttered as he followed Epani. “Not like I’ve got anything better to do…”