Tale: Text Chat

July 27th, 10:59am

UsernameKopakaWasTaken is online

UsernameKopakaWasTaken: Tenuk, are you there?

Tenuk992: Yeah, I’m here, Kopus, what’s up?

UsernameKopakaWasTaken: I saw someone today. Have to tell you now.

Tenuk992: Who? Aren’t you out with that Nidikus guy? Going Lactara Hunting or something?

UsernameKopakaWasTaken: I was supposed to be. Tuya, Nidikus’s girlfriend, is scaring me and Pohus greatly. The other guys, Lican and Terry, aren’t helping much either. I mean, Nidikus is a totally decent person. Shame he has such a bad taste in partners.

Tenuk992: You totally fancy him.

UsernameKopakaWasTaken: I… kinda do. But he makes Pohus jelly, and Pohus can’t stand any of Nidikus’s friends.

Tenuk992: You were saying about something.

UsernameKopakaWasTaken: Oh.

UsernameKopakaWasTaken: Sorry, I get sidetracked. There are Temthans here and by Stasis they pollute the air with their stench and vile addictive drugs. Nasty.

Tenuk992: So who the fuck are you on about?

UsernameKopakaWasTaken: You seen their new Xentress? Have you SEEN her? Or should I say HIM?

Tenuk992: It’s Arkay. I know.

UsernameKopakaWasTaken: …

UsernameKopakaWasTaken: Guess I should have known that you’d know. How did you find out?

Tenuk992: Kohra told me. He actually got invited to meet the new Xentress and nearly had a heart attack. Uh. Well, not a heart attack. You know what I mean.

UsernameKopakaWasTaken: So is that why you’re online on the Spastnet again?

Tenuk992: Pretty much. Dad wants to keep me around as insurance in case the Temthans work out Arkay’s a Theokton.

UsernameKopakaWasTaken: Why haven’t you gone saved him yet?

Tenuk992: Guess.

UsernameKopakaWasTaken: Hm. Lord Avra told you not to?

Tenuk992: He doesn’t want another war, not after the Soul Rupture and the GDW all those years back.

UsernameKopakaWasTaken: Surely everything has recovered?

Tenuk992: Soul Rupture was terrifying.

UsernameKopakaWasTaken: I guess. But still. You could save him.

Tenuk992: I really want to. I can’t begin to imagine what they’ve done to him. I can’t even go and visit him or anything.

UsernameKopakaWasTaken: Well…

UsernameKopakaWasTaken: biam

Tenuk992: Ok

UsernameKopakaWasTaken: Ok back, he’s literally in here right now. Nidikus caught him by accident when going for a Lactara. By Stasis I think they were going to give him to the Lactara, that’s why there’s so many Temthans here!

Tenuk992: IS HE OK?

UsernameKopakaWasTaken: Seems fine. A bit dazed. Pohus is checking him over.

UsernameKopakaWasTaken: Can Rethans get Physical Schizophrenia?

Tenuk992: Not naturally, but it’s possible. Why?

UsernameKopakaWasTaken: He has Physical Schizophrenia. 80-20% split. We got the 20% split.

Tenuk992: How do you know?

UsernameKopakaWasTaken: Took the hit for the other half. The lesser side always does that.

Tenuk992: They were going to feed him to a LACTARA?

UsernameKopakaWasTaken: No, the Temthans do this weird thing where they make their best Raptesses and Raptorans fuck one of their holy Lactaras in order to bring prosperity to the Temthans or some bollocks like that. Being drug-addled fucktards, they go through with it. Clearly they brought their new Xentress too.

UsernameKopakaWasTaken: Guess it’s not so bad though as Lactaras are technically Panvrekavok, but still, ew.

Tenuk992: Fucking disgusting. Is he hurt or anything?

UsernameKopakaWasTaken: Doesn’t seem to be. Is asleep right now, Pohus says he’s just tired. Looks a bit roughed up though. Apparently the two halves were arguing and a Temthan was trying to separate them.

UsernameKopakaWasTaken: Very lacking in memories. Recognised neither of us and only vaguely recalls your names. Didn’t know who you were but remembered the names of the other Dessaron. Hugely defensive though. Not really saying anything.

UsernameKopakaWasTaken: Pretty sure he is split between the drugged up Xentress version of Arkay and the old Dessaron Arkay.

Tenuk992: Makes sense. He has… programming that does that. I’d say though, if he doesn’t remember me, it’s not Dessaron memories. It’s before then. He’s a Ksa, they have programming inside them to revert to a more defensive form.

UsernameKopakaWasTaken: Is it hard to break?

Tenuk992: Kronospasts can’t break it. Even on non-Theokton Ksa. Literally the first shit these Ksa learn.

UsernameKopakaWasTaken: Tuya wants us to let him go.

Tenuk992: I can see why. Lanex are related to Kronospasts, the Temthans might get the wrong idea or something. You know how insane their leader is.

UsernameKopakaWasTaken: I kinda… I think we have to let him go. Nidikus suggested we make some mental suggestions, see if he comes back.

Tenuk992: That’s a good idea, actually. If Arkay is allowed any sort of freedom, his split will come back probably. Curiosity and all that.

UsernameKopakaWasTaken: Tuya is going to give him a handful of food then send him off. What should I say to him to lure him back later?

Tenuk992: I dunno. Mention that you know Retvik, me and Elksia. That you were friends. Stuff like that. Invite him to come back later.

UsernameKopakaWasTaken: Alright. I have to go now.

Tenuk992: No worries, mate. Thanks for telling me. Happy hunting.

UsernameKopakaWasTaken: Thanks. Will message you later.

UsernameKopakaWasTaken is offline.