Shop Cafe

“Hello, dear! Long time no see!”

Gath blinked, the fog clearing from his head. He had been staring for far too long at a bottle of ultra soft plating wax, a liquid soap Rethans used to clean their armour plating. This one in particular was meant for growing and developing plating that had not hardened yet. After a moment, it occurred to Gath that someone had spoken to him.

“Oh…” Gath blinked some more, his mind still rather cloudy. “Oh, hello Lysar! W-what are you doing here?”

Lysar seemed rather small compared to Gath, but in reality, Lysar was the normal-sized one, and Gath towered over her and most of the other Rethans in the store, a giant among giants. But Lysar was one of the few beings around who would or could call Gath without his title.

“I am shopping, of course! Picking up a few bits and pieces. Are you well? You are drifting off, like a burp in a fog!”

For a moment, Gath went blank. Well, even more blank. He had briefly forgotten who exactly Lysar was. She was the partner of Vice General Rethais. The brother of Gath’s ex-partner. They had met plenty of times, but not for a while.

“Sorry, I am extremely tired…”

“I noticed!” Lysar was still smiling. “Come, let us sit down and chat!”

Before Gath could refuse, Lysar took Gath by the hand and led him and his wheeled shopping basket to the small cafe at the back of the shop. The only other beings there were the nice waitress behind the counter and a couple of much older Rethans, both reading newspaper and grumbling to each other. Lysar sat Gath down at one of the empty tables, disappeared then reappeared with two large glasses of chilled caramel soda.

“So, how long?” was Lysar’s first question.

“How long until what?”

“The kid!”

“Oh…” Gath took a sip of his drink. The cold smoothness, the chinking of ice against the glass, helped clear his head far better than the conversation was. “Uh… Was supposed to be two weeks but… medics say it might be longer, because, well, they inherited my, uh, big genes.”

“Beginning of December?”

“Most likely, yes.”

Lysar beamed, placing her hand on top of Gath’s. “I am so happy for you!”

Gath however shook his head. “Please excuse me, but I do not remember… telling you… No, wait… Rethais probably told you… Sorry, I am a complete mess right now.”

“I noticed!” Lysar tipped her head to one side. “Are you alone? Do you need help?”

“No, just exhausted and emotional. Talmin is looking after the kid for me because I needed a break. I have been working from home for the last three months, barely going out at all. Just… in that specific hormonal mind state…”

“Ah, the protective mother…” Lysar hesitated. “Admittedly, I cannot really relate to the deeper hormones. But I understand how you feel. After all, I raised Relkay and Revan. This is all natural. You just clearly need to learn about taking breaks. Speaking of which, when WAS the last time you took a break?”

Gath thought to himself, then sighed. “I do not remember.”

“Have you been working more or less hours?”

“Since I started working from home, more.”

“You know that is bad, right?”

“Yes, but if I do not work, I spent all my time fretting and worrying.”

Lysar shrugged. “I see. Do you have a hobby?”

“I, uh… no…” Gath admitted, keeping his eyes away from Lysar. “Never… really had time for one.”

“Would you like a hobby? It might help with your worries. And as your kid grows, you will have something to share with them as well.”

Gath thought to himself for a moment, then sighed. “I would, but I have no idea where to start. Or even what to pick.”

“Do you want to join me in my hobby?”

“What is your hobby?”


“Hm…” Gath shrugged. “I suppose… I could give it a go…”

Lysar got up and patted Gath on the shoulder. She then handed him a small card. “Give me a call when you are ready. I have to finish off my shopping, so I will see you round!”

“Will do…” Gath smiled back. “Sounds like fun…”