Four Race Assistance

The four individuals all glanced awkwardly at each other as they sat in the small conference hall in a hotel in Hel, Kolasi. None of them wanted to be there. None of them really knew how they got there. Two of them had tried to leave via the door, only to find it locked. Two … Read more

Gone Cold

Epani’s screams of agony would have echoed across the cosmos, but the torture chamber Arkay had built didn’t allow for that. Really, Arkay was surprised at how quickly Epani had buckled to the pain, howling and wailing as… well, Arkay hadn’t even really done that much yet. It was mostly just the pressing of hot … Read more

Sudden Imprisonment

Epani tutted to herself as she sailed through the cosmos. She was currently in her monstrous, sea creature form, with two sets of clawed flippers, a long, finned tail and colossal jaws, and a dangling, glowing lure jutting from her head. She was currently looking for her errant fellow deity, the Thantophor, so she could … Read more

Intervention Promises

“Arkay.” “Kairos.” The Whenvern had been mightily suspicious when he’d received a message to head to one of Sini’s labs. He’d expected to speak to the Allbirther herself, but no, floating above the strange, vine-covered lab was someone Kairos did not want to see. “I am not apologising for stabbing you.” “Of course not. The … Read more

Talks About Risks

Deathbringer: Hey guys. How’s the headache, Litvir? Souldrainer: Arkay! I am very happy to hear from you! Deathbringer: Yeah, about that… Flamebearer: It is temporary, I assume. Deathbringer: Ugh… Probably… Deathbringer: I suppose I ought to explain. Souldrainer: Please do. Because I badly miss your presence. Even if it is mostly text-based. Deathbringer: Simply put, … Read more

Misplaced Communicator

Kayel waved as the sleek, shiny silver car sped off, then made his way down the pavement, towards what was now essentially his second home. Sure, Kayel did rent a tiny apartment in the Skyavok sub-district of Salla, but these days, he mostly lived with the three freaks that made up his house fighter gladiator … Read more

Headaches and Lingering Anger

Elkay sighed to himself as he sat on the very top of the Shimmering Blade and gazed off into the distance. Normally, the colossal Phantai vessel would be swiftly travelling through the perpetual darkness, patrolling its territories alongside a fleet of smaller ships, but a vast vacuum storm had brought the ship to a complete … Read more

Considerations For Revenge

Arkay expected to wake up in a cage, but, for some reason, he was in a comfy bed. He wasn’t even chained to it or anything. He was just lying there. And sitting by his side was Sini, not doing anything in particular. “Hello, brother. How did you sleep?” “Uh… angrily…” Arkay hissed, wondering what … Read more

The Rage of Life Goddesses

Kairos could count on one foot the number of times he’d had to physically get between Epani and Sini to stop an argument, but today, that number had increased by one and now he needed both feet. Normally, the two Life Goddesses would argue like civilized beings, but Epani had outright lashed out at Sini, … Read more

Lost Vahla Warrior

Talok leapt to her feet as consciousness returned to her. When she’d fallen unconscious, she’d been attacked. While Talok had powerful telepathic and telekinetic powers (as well as an array of other, more secret abilities), there was little she could have done when the room she was trapped in filled with sedative gasses. One sharp … Read more

Battling Lights

The occupants of the two Lanexian ships gazed in wander as they watched a strange, tantalizing display of colour unfold before them. Neither ship was really supposed to be there, in the presence of the twisting and turning lights, but an interspace chase had led them to the strange sight. The Coldspear was a ship … Read more

Fluffy Alternative

“Little brother!” Sini nearly screeched as she caught sight of the Thantophor. Arkay was currently in the middle of crushing up bits of Voidborn and chucking them out through a hole in the side of the universe. A hole the Voidborn had made. Normally, Arkay looked pretty well armoured and muscular, but today he was … Read more

Abrupt Arrest

The evening had turned out quite nice, but Kuta was still somewhat shocked at how they had been so blatantly ‘adopted’ into this small family of friends. Admittedly, Kuta hadn’t really said much. They had sat back and mostly just listened in, but they definitely felt like they fit in. As time passed, everyone had … Read more

Apology Pizza

“Today’s been weird…” Tenuk muttered as he sat down with a drink and a bowl of marshmallows. He was supposed to have been eating more healthily as part of a training routine to give himself more muscle mass, but Tenuk had been struggling, and it turned out that Spasts couldn’t really get muscular anyway. “I … Read more

Curious Tea Strainer

Being a small, mechanical being that also somehow had emotions, Nuh regularly wished that he had a way of expressing them outside of the tone of his flat, mechanical voice, and the brightness of his large, lime green crystal eyes. Sure, Nuh would occasionally use his telepathy to express particularly strong emotions to his siblings, … Read more