Meeting of the Unmourned

“Thanks for coming with me, Tenuk… Uh… Tenia…” Tenuk glanced down at his chest. His female chest. Tenuk was currently shapeshifted into a pale blue female Temthan and was pretending to be Nyssi’s girlfriend, calling himself (herself?) Tenia and wearing quite a few of Nyssi’s clothes, mostly a black vest top and jeans, as well … Read more

Too Many Teekays

Deathbringer started a new group chat. Deathbringer invited Telecharm, Loopblade-1, Loopblade-2, Loopblade-3, Loopblade-4, Loopblade-5, Loopblade-6, Shocktrooper and Electricshadow to the chat. Telecharm is online. Shocktrooper is online. Loopblade-1, Loopblade-2, Loopblade-3, Loopblade-4, Loopblade-5 and Loopblade-6 are online. Shocktrooper: Oh hi Arkadin. Thought u went no-contact or smth? Deathbringer: Oh piss one Teekay too many. Sorry. Deathbringer: … Read more

Tharric Message

As soon as Nyssi had read that sickening message, she knew she needed to urgently do something. Right that second. Without hesitation, she cancelled the date she’d planned with a random fan from her slowly growing gladiator fan club, she’d apologized to her team for bailing on going to the mall with them (although Retvik … Read more

Pah’s Rocky Hobby

“Hey guys, are any of you willing to give me 5000 Deathvenbucks?” Tah glanced up from the article he was reading on his tablet. Ever since they’d helped to destroy the Diamond, the Crystal Doom’s mothership, the team of tiny purifiers found they didn’t really have much work to do, to the point that the … Read more

Named Trios

Named Trios are teams of three Decay Lords bound by blood and honour, who are distinctively recognized and given a title by the Overlord and Higher Decay Lords of Deathven. Most are known for achieving specific feats. Many Named Trios run Decay Lord Sects or otherwise lead or guide other Decay Lords. The majority of … Read more

Fluffy Alternative

“Little brother!” Sini nearly screeched as she caught sight of the Thantophor. Arkay was currently in the middle of crushing up bits of Voidborn and chucking them out through a hole in the side of the universe. A hole the Voidborn had made. Normally, Arkay looked pretty well armoured and muscular, but today he was … Read more

Abrupt Arrest

The evening had turned out quite nice, but Kuta was still somewhat shocked at how they had been so blatantly ‘adopted’ into this small family of friends. Admittedly, Kuta hadn’t really said much. They had sat back and mostly just listened in, but they definitely felt like they fit in. As time passed, everyone had … Read more

Apology Pizza

“Today’s been weird…” Tenuk muttered as he sat down with a drink and a bowl of marshmallows. He was supposed to have been eating more healthily as part of a training routine to give himself more muscle mass, but Tenuk had been struggling, and it turned out that Spasts couldn’t really get muscular anyway. “I … Read more

A Lack of Contact

“Tenuk, we need to talk, right now.” Tenuk rolled his eyes as he and Plasmablade, a fiery orange and silver Phantai Decay Lord, turned to face the flaming, clearly angry Rethan standing before them. “Oh, hello Flamebearer!” Plasmablade beamed. “It is an honour! How can I and my new friend Mimicblade assist you?” Retvik grunted, … Read more

Going Cold

“I assume your meeting with the Whenvern did not go well…” Kuta did not need their telepathy to tell that Arkay was utterly broken inside. The Thantophor was currently in the form of a beautiful yellow-plated Rethavok, but black tears were running from his eyes, gnawing at the silver armour he was wearing. Normally, Arkay … Read more

Draconic Flashes

Arkay hated this particular Chrono-Palace. The Whenvern had four Chrono-Palaces, four large homes, one in each corner of the universe, situated on the exact Y coordinate of zero, but this one, the Crystal Coliseum, was made entirely out of translucent diamond, meaning you could easily see through most of the walls. And considering that the … Read more

Fearful Future Nightmares

“This is the third time in three days that you have had nightmares.” Kuta stood in the kitchen, arms crossed and tutting, as they watched Arkay make an impromptu midnight snack of fried eggs and buttered bread. “Yeah. Third night where I’ve had nightmares about you…” “You said you get nightmares regularly though. What is … Read more