Tea and Mind Chains

Epani looked on from a distance, inspecting the cold, twisted plains that surrounded Arkadin’s home. The Death God, much like Epani herself, was often a solitary being, but the fact that Yisini, the Goddess of Life, had been wandering around Arkadin’s property had made Epani both curious and suspicious. Unfortunately though, due to her massive size, there was no way Epani could sneak around. Both Yisini and Arkadin knew she was there.

“Why don’t you come down and have some tea?” Yisini shouted as she waved Epani down. “Don’t hover up there like a nosy freak!”

Epani glanced an unblinking eye on what Yisini was working on. She had brought several laboratory experiments and placed them on the outdoor furniture. Arkadin seemed to be standing guard rather than actively participating.

“Come on, sister!”

Eventually, Epani gave up. She shrank herself down to a much more reasonable size, then greeted her sibling deities properly. “Hello, what are you doing?”

“Oh, Arkadin’s just helping me with some experiments!” Yisini beamed. For some reason, the normally pristine swimming pool behind her was oozing with a weird, purple liquid.

“What sort of experiments?” Epani looked at Arkadin and directed the question at him. Arkadin took a second to properly reply.

“Extending natural life. What Yisini always does.”

“You don’t normally help her.”

“She has… new ideas.”

The Panelix looked back at Yisini. There was clearly something off with her youngest sibling. Yisini could sense Epani’s expression, then waved her hand at Arkadin.

“Dear, could you go inside and make us some tea?”

Arkadin immediately did as he was told and disappeared inside.

“You’re controlling him somehow…” Epani growled. “What are you up to?”

“He threatened me and my work, sister…” Yisini sighed. “I acted in self-defence. If I hadn’t… well…” The Allbirther shook her head. “Doesn’t matter. I managed to save my most important work and I managed to get inside his head.”

“You have complete control over him?”


Epani grunted. “That won’t last. He’ll break free. Then he will hurt you again. What good is there in controlling him anyway?”

Yisini started smiling as Arkadin returned with two cups of tea. He placed the cups on a table next to the two Goddesses, then stood perfectly still, awaiting further instructions.

“Well, I discovered that he in fact does not know the secrets to eternal youth. In fact, he knows nothing of the sort. But with him under my control, I have been able to better test my experiments! I’ve managed to expand the life of common fruit flies by 25% so far! If I keep this up, I should have a somewhat usable form of immortality for mortal life in about 700 years!” Yisini paused. “You don’t seem too excited…”

Epani also paused. She glanced at the tea Arkadin had brought, then at Arkadin. He looked… dead inside. More so than normal. Very briefly though, he looked back at Epani, only to abruptly go back to being motionless.

“What you say sounds exciting, sister, but I worry about future consequences. The Allmaker may not be too happy with how you are treating her youngest. I worry that Arkadin may wriggle free from your chains. But worse, I wonder if you will use these same controlling powers on others.”

Yisini laughed loudly and rudely. “Use these powers? On you, dear sister? How would that benefit anyone? You worry far too much, Epani! I have this under control, and I have no reason to control you or Kairos either. Like, you two have nothing to do with what Arkadin does. It’s all on him. Plus, if he even tries to break free, I’ve got a long list of horrible things I can hurt him with. Not that he can escape, mind you. These mind chains keep him shackled up tightly.”

“How do you mean?”

“His conscious thoughts are chained up by my own thoughts. He can’t think for himself because I’m thinking for him.”

Epani scratched her head awkwardly. “So you have made him an empty shell that you control?”



Yisini stopped laughing but continued to smile. “You want to stick around for a bit? I can show you what I can do with him.”

The Panelix shook her head, hiding her worries and her disgust. She doubted how strong Yisini’s chains were. “I apologise, Yisini, but I have work of my own that I must do. Perhaps some other time?”

“Sure!” Yisini beamed. She patted Epani gently on the head, made Arkadin wave at her then continued to smile as the Panelix flew off.

Once the coast was clear, Yisini went back to her own work. But before she did so, she glanced at Arkadin.

“I saw you trying to communicate with her. I think I’m going to have to punish you for that.”

Arkadin didn’t answer. He couldn’t. Yisini put her work down and confronted Arkadin directly, placing one of her slimy claws across Arkadin’s face. As she did so, the smile on her face twisted into a horrific snarl.

“Hmm, so many friends, so many little mortals… Tell me, dear, which one of your friends will you miss the most?”