Treaty of Reduced Combat

The Periuniversal Void is nigh infinite, and contains endless existences. Universes burst into life and fade into nothingness on the regular. Those who live outside universes understand that, without spontaneous creation and destruction, without the Three Main Types of Void, Creation and Time, there would be nothing at all, and universes provide all that allows external entities to thrive and grow. In order to allow the Three Main Types and infinite chances and possibilities to flourish, we must protect Void, Creation and Time, and give universes their chances to grow and develop, to form their own patterns.

However, within the Three Main Types, conflict is always apparent. This is understandable, for Void, Creation and Time are forever different aspects of existence overall. After all, the path from atoms to grains of sand to rocks, moons, planets and more, the path from proteins to intelligent life, all come with some form of conflict.

The Denizens of the Periuniversal Void are no different. Conflict from those born of Void, Creation and Time, as well as those In Between, will always be present. These conflicts though can and have caused far too much damage, to the point that both the Three Main Types and universal seeds are being damaged or even destroyed. This negligence, this needless damage, this additional destruction cannot continue.

In order to combat damage, to reduce collateral, to protect those who do not deserve to be caught in conflict, and to protect the Three Main Types and the infinite possibilities that fill the Periuniversal Void, a treaty will be made between the Periuniversal Void’s main Factions and Controllers, and all beings within the umbrella of the In Between.

We, the Denizens of the Periuniversal Void, beings of the Spaces Between Universes, agree to the following bindings:

• All Denizens will avoid directly disturbing universes or interfering with them or their processes.

• All Denizens will not directly harm universes, unless euthanising them to destroy Corruption.

• All Denizens will attempt to protect universes if they have the ability to do so.

• All Denizens will attempt to end conflicts with non-violent methods such as diplomacy and sanctions before using violent methods.

• All Denizens will not harm those not involved in their conflicts with others.

• All Denizens will not allow universes to be damaged as collateral within their conflicts.

• All Denizens will no longer use stellar-, galaxy- or universe-based weaponry to harm any other entity, universe or object.

• All Denizens will no longer use hoplotech capable of destroying anything larger than a planetoid of 1,000km in diameter.

• All Denizens will lower their hoplotech to levels akin to a standard in-universe space-faring intelligent species.

• All hoplotech designed to directly damage universes is to be destroyed or dismantled immediately.

• All antimatter- and black hole-based hoplotech is to be destroyed or dismantled immediately.

• All hoplotech capable of destruction above the size of 1,000km must be dismantled or locked away immediately.

• All Denizens will abide by the bindings in this treaty.

• Any Denizen that breaks this treaty will be stripped of the protections from this treaty and will be disarmed.

Failure to abide by this treaty will cause all other rights from other peace treaties to be revoked.

This treaty has been signed, physically, digitally and biologically, by the following entities:

Mythra, Xa Thimisievousesa

Panthe, Holder of the Panzontai and Epanazonta

Miterakinisi, Queen of the Vast Mothers

Yliokenos, Void Lord of the Chrysem Eternatum, Leader of the Plated Voidborn Cult Alliance

Asimeniochon, Void Lord of the Abyssal Perpetuem, Leader of the Ligatus Partnered Voidborn/Life Goddess Alliance

Psatheskonontison, Void Lord of the Phthoraion Expurgatanum, Leader of the Xataran Voidborn Cult Alliance

Kroniaxx, Arch General of the Kronothrax Time Drake Military Force

Aevumox, Arch Keeper of the Chronoriver Chroniclers

Akairos, Arch Mage of the Time Drake Consortium

Panton Eternatos, Codename Everlord, Co-Founder of the Everon Decay Lord Society

Lifean Zontastara, Codename Lifelord, Co-Founder of the Everon Decay Lord Society

Deathven Talir, Codename Deathlord, Co-Founder of the Everon Decay Lord Society