Trial Documentation

“Huh, looks like they have changed things again…”

“They keep on doing that…”

The package was surprisingly large, considering what it contained. Inside were forty metal bands, each with several indicators on them, individually marked. Also present was a LOT of documentation and information. Information which Retvik, Litvir, Vikalos, Galyn and Itaviir were all reading through.

“So, let me get this straight, our poor Decaylings have wear these bands around their necks, wrists and ankles, for… about 120 hours, in which they are limited in their movements while the bands invade their privacy and track all the horrible things they tracked in us when WE were Decaylings, BEFORE they are teleported into their Decay Lord Trial, which none of us know what it is until AFTER the Decaylings have all survived and are teleported back to us?”

Litvir in particular was very, very uncertain about all of this. The last time members of the Thantir had done a Decay Lord Trial, they’d been forced to do the trial early, because Litvir had unwittingly triggered some sort of stress level monitor and had been deemed unstable. The only way out was for he, Retvik and their missing partner Arkay to do their trial early, to prove that Litvir could survive at increased stress levels. And, in Litvir’s eyes, that was absolutely retarded, because their Decay Lord Trial was not just stressful beyond belief, but also rigged. Only one of them was supposed to have survived their trial, yet they all did.

While the Missing, as the three of them were dubbed after becoming Decay Lords, did prompt massive, sweeping changes to the path to becoming a Decay Lord, none of the Thantir felt particularly optimistic about any of this.

“Seems about right…” Vikalos grunted. “The worst part is that we will be unable to monitor them while they do the trial. When you lot did your trial, because we had been training you, we were allowed to watch alongside the Higher Lords who run the whole system. It was very difficult to do so, but it at least allowed Galyn to march in and shout at Deathven and tell them what they were doing was wrong. But we cannot do that this time, which means we cannot try and step in if we have to.”

“We… were being watched?” Retvik blinked. “That is embarrassing. We all said some rather… choice things… while we were fighting for our lives.”

“All things considered, you three handled your trial incredibly well!” It was odd for Itaviir to be optimistic, but he was trying his best. “They put you through hell and the worst things you did was condemn Deathven for putting you through said hell, and confessing your love for one another.”

Litvir was glad that his black skin meant others couldn’t see him blushing. He’d said a lot of deranged and overly sexual things during their trial and he’d had no idea up until now that people knew what he’d said. Thankfully, Retvik noticed his unease and put an arm around him.

“We will just have to let the Decaylings know that whatever they say will be recorded.”

Galyn snarled, rather angrily. “Does not matter. They have specially trained Psions monitoring everything. Or at least, they did. These bands are almost as invasive as the trackers that were embedded in your necks. Which means that Elkay will be unable to hide the fact that he is a Mimic.”

“Dear, they already know!” Vikalos frowned, holding a particular neck band. “Each band is named. This one here is meant for Elkay. They have him marked down as an Amalgam Mimic. Which is what they had Arkay classified as. They also are well aware that Phovos is a Life Goddess, the band for her, I recognize it, it has Azontan band tech in it, to limit her powers, and I am pretty sure Elkay’s neck band also has a weaker version of similar tech.”

Retvik raised a finger. “Hang on… There is technology that limits the powers of Life Goddesses?”

“Only within Deathven-controlled territories,” Vikalos explained further. “I am pretty sure the Phantai have no such systems here, they like Life Goddesses. On the Thantir One, we only had very, very basic defences that stopped Life Goddesses from teleporting around without permission and breaking in and mind-controlling us all, but…” Vikalos paused and glanced at Itaviir. “It turns out those… do not work very well… The bands only really work if you are willing.”

“And how do you know this?” Litvir asked.

“While I worked in the hybrid rehabilitation centres, we used these on some of the Life Goddess hybrids, but we only ever allowed their use with explicit permission from the hybrids themselves. Arkay did request one for a while and it did seem to help, although not as much as we’d hoped…” Vikalos trailed off again. “It did work great for Kalis though. He was very, very happy once he was rid of his Life Goddess side. In Phovos’s case, she should be able to overcome the dampeners, but… she does have other powers, yes?”

Galyn nodded. “Standard Divine Guardian abilities. Fast healing, enhanced speed and senses, weak telekinesis.”

“Phovos is a tough cookie, very little can stop her!” Retvik smiled weakly. “But I think our Decaylings will be fine. We keep them well rested, make sure they spend the next few resting and relaxing, which should keep the stupid trackers satisfied. Also, we should, just, well, go and tell them what is going on.”

The other Decay Lords all agreed. Itaviir packed everything back into the box, then picked it up and followed everyone else from the room.

The Thantir Decaylings were waiting in their private observatory. Everyone present seemed nervous, and as they saw their leaders, that nervousness only increased.

“So, uh, boss, is it time for our trial?” Eksi immediately asked.

“Not… quite yet…” Retvik waited for everyone to sit down. Galyn remained by the door, while Itaviir remained on standby, ready to hand everything out.

“What do you mean?” Elkay in particular seemed fidgety.

Retvik sighed, then started to explain. “Well, Deathven keep on… altering things somewhat. We thought they had ditched tracking in Decaylings, turns out, they just do tracking over the course of about five of our old days.”

“That should not be a problem though, none of you are mentally ill former death gods, and we can keep your stress levels low over this time period!” Galyn interrupted. “Plus, you will have all five of us, plus Kal, keeping an eye on things.”

“Things will be pretty simple.” Retvik continued. “Once you put your bands on, the bands will monitor you over the course of 120 hours, after which you will all be teleported to your Decay Lord Trial. During these 120 hours, to make sure things go smoothly, we want you all to rest as much as possible and, well, relax. Keep yourselves calm and happy as best you can.”

“Is there a chance the trackers will… detect something and potentially stop us from doing the trial?” Elkay asked. “Because I am… well, you know…”

“Unfortunately, darling, it seems Deathven is already aware of your status as a non-standard Decayon, as well as Phovos’s and Elksia’s non-Decayon statuses as well,” Vikalos did his best to calm Elkay’s nerves. “But that should not stop anything. Once a Decay Lord Trial has been set, there is very little that can stop it.”

“I bet that bastard cat probably told them…” Teekay muttered.

Galyn nodded, confirming Teekay’s suspicions. “Probably, yes. The Travellers’ duty is both Decayon collection and data collection. Something as rare as a Mimic, they almost certainly had to report it.”

“Either way, you are all very close to Lordhood!” Retvik tried to inject some more optimism into everything. “You have all proven yourselves. You are all wonderful beings. No matter what happens, we will guide you as best we can. And after your trial, which I am certain you will all pass without issue, you will all be Decay Lords, free to live your new lives as you please. Whether that means you remain with us Thantir, whether you want to stay with the Phantai, or if you want to go off on your own, whatever it is you want, you will be free to do. We will all be equals.”

Retvik’s words did seem to boost morale, just a little. The Decaylings were less nervous now.

“Alright, let’s get this over with then!” Phovos exclaimed. “The sooner we put those stupid bands on, the quicker we become Decay Lords!”

The other Decaylings all cheered.

“We can do this! We WILL do this! We’re going to kick this stupid trial’s ass!” Phovos continued, her confidence booming as Itaviir handed everyone their Trial bands. “You guys all better watch out, you’re looking at eight new future Decay Lords right here!”

Retvik and Litvir couldn’t help but smile as they looked over the beings that were technically their students.

“You will all be absolutely fine!” Retvik’s smile turned into a grin. “Good luck, all of you. You have made us proud already.”