Bang At The Door

“Hey, were either of you expecting a par-”

The front door blasted off its hinges throwing Kayen backwards and flinging him across the floor. Before he could even attempt to work out why the front door had exploded, a heavy metal collar snapped around Kayen’s neck, pinning him to the tiled floor. Immediately, Kayen began to panic, using his Skyan telekinetic powers to empty the contents of a nearby shelf and throw it all at the gigantic Rethan soldier who had just broken into his apartment.

Kayen’s retaliation though barely made the Rethan flinch. Instead, they pressed down harder on Kayen’s neck, holding him in place via the collar, which was attached to a long metal pole. Behind this soldier, more Rethans flooded in, all armed to the teeth.

“GUYS HELP I’M BEING ATTACKED!” Kayen shrieked, still trying to telekinetically throw nearby objects at the Rethan soldier. When that failed, the tiny Skyan struggled a bit more, before attempting to relax and wriggle free from his bonds. Kayen tried to unlock the collar from around his neck, but since he couldn’t see, it couldn’t get a grip on it. So instead, Kayen went back to throwing things at the soldier.

In the other room, more crashing and banging could be heard. Clearly Kohra and Timik were both busy trying to fight off the Rethan soldiers who had barged in. There was a brief flicker of hope as Kayen briefly saw something crash on the ground behind him. Unfortunately though, it turned out to be Timik, pinned down by four Rethans, all using the same collar technique that was being used on Kayen. The only difference was that they had pinned Timik down on his stomach, rather than on his back like Kayen.

In another room, Kohra was clearly trying to talk the soldiers down, but they were insisting that he close his mouth and come quietly. After a few more moments of angry arguing, two Rethans led Kohra out from the bedroom area, chains around his arms and legs.

“We apologise for the discomfort. The Void Lord requires your capture…” one of the soldiers, the largest and spikiest of the group, grunted.

“What the fuck, fucking let us go you fascist monster assholes!” Timik growled, attempting to kick his legs.”How dare you! Fucking bastards breaking my door down! Fucking breaking my house and throwing my stuff everywhere!”

“Actually… that was me…” Kayen admitted. “Was trying to break free…”

“Oh…” Timik trailed off, before suddenly thrashing his tail around in a bid to escape. The Rethan soldiers though quickly caught on, and one of them grabbed hold of Timik’s tail, pinning him down further.

“Please, remain calm. The more you struggle, the harder you make this for all of us. Act peacefully and everything will go smoothly…” The leader grunted some more, before activating his communicator. “Ser, we have the Kronospast in our custody. Do you want us to administer amnetics to the other two?”

“Hm. No. Bring them both. They may… provide some ample entertainment…”

“Ser, they are just…” the leader stuttered.

“No buts. Bring them along as well. After all, they were hiding a fugitive in their home…”

The Rethan soldiers all sighed, then did as they were told. With low grumbles, they picked up Kayen, Kohra and Timik, then led them out of the apartment. Downstairs and outside, several large vans were waiting for them.

“Well, we’re fucked…” Timik hissed as the soldiers forced him into the back of one of the vans. “What the fuck do we do now?”

“Wait and see, I guess…” Kohra sighed, not really having any answers.