Catching up with Frost

“Operator, you have messages, are you not going to respond?”

Ordis had been watching Volt do void fissure missions for hours and concern was budding in the Cephalon’s mainframe. Volt had blatantly ignored Ordis every other time he had tried to slow him down and stop him from doing more missions, but now Ordis had an excuse to stop Volt from going out again.


“Yes, Operator! I am… afraid that they are not as encrypted as they should be…”

Volt waved his hand dismissively. “That’s not your fault, Ordis. These days, anyone can send a message to anyone. Heck, when I was a brand new little Initiate, I was getting messages from the Stalker and Vay Hek and all sorts. Sent to me, a dumb, newly awoken Volt. Anyway, who sent me messages?”

Ordis displayed the inbox to Volt. Volt though just sighed at the first message.

“Ghouls? Again?”

“Unfortunately, Operator…” Ordis seemed to agree. “It seems Vay Hek never learns…”

Vaguely annoyed, Volt opened the second message. It was… a gift? Someone had sent him a gift? Volt opened the gift, only to reveal a single strand of Kavat DNA.

“Uh, Ordis, who sent that?”

“Your friend Frost did, Operator! He left a message too! One saying “Where the… star star star star, … have you been?” Oh, Operator, I think he wants to meet up!”

Volt shrugged. “Did he say when?”

“Yes. In about three minutes from now.”

Volt immediately leaped up to the navigation console.



Before Ordis could finish, Volt input the coordinates for the Strata Relay on Earth and the ship began to fly off.

Frost was sitting on the small balcony above the Ducat Kiosks, gently kicking his feet, when he heard a small crash below him. Someone had run into one of the rails, flipped over them and landed head first at the bottom of the massive Ember statue. Frost peered below him to see who it was.

“Oh, hi Volt! Trying out a new speed build I see!”

Volt picked himself up and dusted him down. He tutted, then effortlessly bullet-jumped onto the platform next to Frost.

“Hi, Frost. You wanted to talk?”

“Well, yeah, haven’t seen or heard from you in ages!” Frost played with the tassles of his cloak. A while back, he had saved up his platinum to buy some armour and some colour palettes for himself, so he looked pretty different. He’d always used white and blue, but now he was using ice blue and a dark grey. “I wanted to catch up with things. You heard the things the upper Tenno Council have found recently?”

Volt tilted his head to one side. “What things?”

“You haven’t been watching the Streams?”

“Uh, no…” Volt shook his head this time. I’ve been doing nothing but Void Fissures and the occasional thing for Solaris United. Disruption was a nice distraction but still…”

Frost pulled up a little screen and showed it to Volt. “I thought you’d have seen it. Because I thought you’d find it interesting…”

“Why? Is there a real Volt Deluxe Skin coming out?”

Frost blinked. “There is already a Volt Deluxe Skin.”

“No, that’s a Volt Proto Skin…”

Frost blinked again, then went back to what he was talking about. “Nah it’s nothing like that. The upper Tenno Council have found information on two previously undiscovered Warframes!”

Tapping the screen, Frost played the transmission. Volt looked closely, wondering why this was so special. He didn’t normally care that much about new Warframe discoveries. Not unless they involved Warframes with whips and cats. As Volt watched the video though, he realised something was amiss.

“Uh… what?” Volt blinked his neural sensors. “A… running Warframe?”

“Your replacement!” Frost beamed.

“You’ve got to be kidding me…”

Frost took the screen back and restarted the video, showing off the look of this new Warframe. “Looks like you had a baby with a Zephyr.”

Volt jolted backwards, horrified and shocked by Frost’s words and aware of how awkward and punny that sentence sounded. “Fuck off! You KNOW we don’t do that sort of thing! I don’t even know a Zephyr!”

“I bet, if you did know a Zephyr, you’d make a cute couple!” Frost teased.

“Oh, like how you thought me and Ember would be a cute couple. Then you said me and Saryn would make a good couple. Then how you suggested I go and date Mag for a bit…” Volt put his head in his hands, sighing. “Why are you trying to always get me to go on dates?”

Frost shrugged. “Because otherwise you’d never stop closing Void Fissures? Or maybe I just wanted to make a funny joke?”

“Yeah well…” Volt shook his head, looking back at the video. It had continued playing on its own, showcasing another rediscovered Warframe. “Maybe that bulky fat Warframe will replace you!”

“What bulky… Oh…” Frost paused, also looking at the transmission. “Huh. Good one.”

The two Tenno fell silent, watching the rest of the video. It swiftly finished, leaving them with nothing else to do.

“So…” Volt muttered. “You want to go and open some relics? I heard Baro’s on his way soon.”

“Yeah, sure…” Frost shrugged. “I haven’t got anything better to do.