
“Another one, seriously?”

Phovos sighed as she wiped golden blood off the head of her axe.

“Another one, unfortunately, Phovos…” Retvik also sighed. The pair of heroes were in the middle of cleaning themselves up after a battle with far too many gilded beasts, all sent to kill them.

“I don’t get why they bother!” Phovos’s tone was one of annoyance. “Every Void Lord does this, sending tons of monsters in the hopes that they overwhelm us. But it always turns into a blood bath.”

“At least the blood is gold this time. It does not look as horrific.”

“What’s more horrific is that this is yet another slave cult run by a Void Lord, claiming to be a savior and just taking advantage of poor, unsuspecting folk.”

Retvik nodded in agreement. “Thankfully, Tenuk does have the deprogramming stuff all sorted out, so there is a chance that this place can save themselves.”

“Well, it worked the last few times. I worry about a Void Lord making his cult of followers suicidal, in case the Void Lord falls. It’s totally possible that some of these void scumbags wouldn’t think twice about using their own cult followers as a personal body shield.”

“That is why we do this, my dear!” Retvik put his weapon down and gently stroke Phovos’s face, leaving a small smear of gold blood. “The amount of innocents we have saved is amazing.”

“Amazing and lucky, so far. But for every damn Voidborn we kill, another springs up, somewhere within this massive sector!” Phovos exclaimed. “And that is just our sector. Imagine what things are like outside this realm, where they don’t have small-time heroes like us!”

Retvik frowned. “I understand how you feel, how we are fighting an uphill battle…”

“It really is, an uphill battle with no peak to be seen. Sometimes I don’t feel too much about it, but sometimes…” Phovos pulled away from Retvik and leaned against a nearby wall, sliding downwards. “Sometimes I ask myself why I am bothering. We defeat one Voidborn, another one pops up. Sometimes the same one, because these bastards can respawn.”

Phovos slumped down against the wall, still sighing and looking rather defeated. Retvik hesitated, then decided to stay quiet for a bit.

“Ret, dear, when this all blows over, can we have some greedy time?”

“What is greedy time?” Retvik asked. “Like, a food holiday?”

“Kinda. We basically do whatever the fuck we want, and fuck everyone else. Proper you and me time.”

Retvik smiled. “I like the sound of that. I would love for us to have greedy time.”

Phovos also smiled, just a little. “It’ll be fun.”


Suddenly, both Dessaron paused. A low rumble could be felt in the ground beneath them, to their south. Retvik and Phovos both got up, taking a defensive stance.

“What was that?” Phovos asked.

“Sounded like a small explosion…” Retvik grunted. “We need to get to Tenuk and Elksi, and fast. Maybe they are in trouble.”

Phovos grabbed her axe and charged off, running in the direction the sound came from. “Let’s go then!”