A Basic Study and Explanation of Psions

“So, what’s next?” Pentaflame glanced across the room. This meeting between the Pentathax and the local sect leaders had been going great so far. Sure, there were very few sect leaders present, but all of them had been rather friendly and courteous to each other. And most of them were already Corruption Purgers or military … Read more

A Proper Vacation

“I feel like they are testing us.” “Why?” “They are keeping us together.” “Because we are triplets.” “No, to see who is the worst and who is the best. And the worst is clearly me.” “Relkir, just because you are not physically strong, does not mean you are less than us! After all, I am … Read more

An Uncertain Decision

“It’s so damn nice being allowed to freely shadowjump!” Kayel exclaimed as he leaped through the big shadow in the corner of his apartment. “I’ve saved so much damn money on fuel, you have no idea! Alright, kinda spending the savings on ammo to shoot pigeons if I exert myself too much, but still!” Arkay … Read more

Multiuniversal Closure

The last meeting had lasted forever, and by the time Tahnaiious had managed to escape and reach the stone balconies in order to take a breather, he was absolutely furious. He admittedly didn’t want to be here, all Tahnaiious wanted was to get his hands on some extra firepower, but the appearance of another Decay … Read more

Explanations of Purification Strategies

“So you do purifications?” “We do, yes.” “Huh…” Most of the meeting so far had been about combatting Corruption, but as Stormshade described how he had nearly accidentally been corrupted when an inky black monster had attacked his ship directly, the conversation had moved on to how to get rid of any infections. “So what … Read more

Another Voidborn Check-In

It was weird, sharing a bed with someone. Originally, when Arkay accidentally found himself sharing an apartment with Kayel, a cute yellow-plated Skyan he’d somehow made immortal, Arkay had slept on the sofa. He didn’t really sleep much, only for a couple of hours a day. He did his best to not get in the … Read more

Warm Welcomes and Warmer Rooms

The initial introductions had gone pretty well, and Retvik was rather pleased that he hadn’t made a fool of himself yet. Everyone had a lot of questions for the “stupidly young Hidden Trio member” but as Retvik had explained things, people had settled down. It turned out, Retvik wasn’t alone when it came to his … Read more

Gladiator Counter Offers

“Fuck me, you are fucking huge!” Kayel accidentally exclaimed, before swiftly apologizing. “I’m so sorry, you are… just way bigger than I expected. And I have met some pretty big folks.” Abius stopped what they were doing, some simple weight-lifting, put the heavy dumbbells down and grinned. “It is fine! Retvik, it is great to … Read more

Meeting the Doom Drums

“Hm. There are… fewer here than I expected.” The Doom Drums inspected a series of screens, all of which were showing a security feed from a large meeting hall. These three beings were the leaders of the Pentathax, an ancient Decay Lord eradicator sect that specialized in destroying Corruption. However, they were also a mobile … Read more

Gentle Brushing 4

“Hey, sis, what’s up?” Phovos glanced up at Elksia, who was bouncing around excitedly as always. The young Life Goddess was just sitting down, chilling out with a large bottle of water, getting over her daily blood donations. To her left, Elkay had been doing the same, but he’d fallen asleep and seemed to be … Read more

Arrival At An Ancient Base

Retvik felt rather dizzy as he exited the teleporter pod. However, he quickly picked himself, his bag of belongings and his sword and shield up and began to inspect his surroundings. Everything was cold, grey stone. Ancient. With not much lighting either, mostly just white light strips running down the corners of the room. Wasn’t … Read more

Pentathax Invitation

“Good morning, Retvik, Litvir, good to see you both up and in a better mood!” Vikalos smiled as the two young Thantir leaders headed into the main office at Savepoint. “We have something… interesting today.” “Good interesting or bad interesting?” Litvir immediately asked. “Because, lately, things have been veering towards bad interesting and it has … Read more

Big Bad Argument

“Well, I’m not normally one to argue against polling data, but by the Darkness, you can be utterly terrifying, Ret.” Timik and Valorier shrugged as Tanok swept up bits of rubber training mat into a neat pile. Meanwhile, Retvik had just torn through a second rubber mat with his teeth, and was now sitting on … Read more