Haunted Island

Elksia had been bouncing excitedly non-stop since she boarded Shield Six and the battered old ship had disappeared into the void. She’d been excited the whole time, because she’d accidentally discovered what Kal’s plans were, and when she told them, she offered to help and they all said yes. Which made her even more excited. … Read more

Four Race Assistance

The four individuals all glanced awkwardly at each other as they sat in the small conference hall in a hotel in Hel, Kolasi. None of them wanted to be there. None of them really knew how they got there. Two of them had tried to leave via the door, only to find it locked. Two … Read more

Gone Cold

Epani’s screams of agony would have echoed across the cosmos, but the torture chamber Arkay had built didn’t allow for that. Really, Arkay was surprised at how quickly Epani had buckled to the pain, howling and wailing as… well, Arkay hadn’t even really done that much yet. It was mostly just the pressing of hot … Read more

Titillating Question

The only ship that had been leaving the Phantai’s base lately had been Shield Six. While the whole sector was still suffering the lingering effects of the strongest vacuum storm in a decade, the ancient, tattered ship was the only thing capable of travelling through the weaker edges of the storm without any real problems. … Read more

Sudden Imprisonment

Epani tutted to herself as she sailed through the cosmos. She was currently in her monstrous, sea creature form, with two sets of clawed flippers, a long, finned tail and colossal jaws, and a dangling, glowing lure jutting from her head. She was currently looking for her errant fellow deity, the Thantophor, so she could … Read more

Looping Split

“So, uh, you’re actually leaving?” Kaytee tutted as he started packing away his handful of belongings. The final date that the Thantir would be moving on hadn’t been decided yet, but Kaytee had decided to get everything ready as soon as possible. Now that Kaytee thought about it though, he… kinda didn’t really own anything. … Read more

Yet More Awkward Conversations

“Whew! What a day!” Retvik grunted as he laid down on the sofa, watching as Kayel bounced around, fetching drinks for everyone. The mood was high, but everyone was pretty tired. They’d all just got back home from work, having fought a massive beast in the arenas. However, Kayel also fought his first solo match, … Read more

Intervention Promises

“Arkay.” “Kairos.” The Whenvern had been mightily suspicious when he’d received a message to head to one of Sini’s labs. He’d expected to speak to the Allbirther herself, but no, floating above the strange, vine-covered lab was someone Kairos did not want to see. “I am not apologising for stabbing you.” “Of course not. The … Read more

The Golden Charge VS Xeno Dessaron One

It was extremely rare for Torr to willingly participate in the Great Arenas. They were a prideful, cruel, powerful race that heralded from a strict, survival-of-the-fittest society and believed themselves to be better than everyone else. Not only were Torr muscular, athletic beings, but they were rather technologically advanced and wealthy as well. Well, some … Read more

Talks About Risks

Deathbringer: Hey guys. How’s the headache, Litvir? Souldrainer: Arkay! I am very happy to hear from you! Deathbringer: Yeah, about that… Flamebearer: It is temporary, I assume. Deathbringer: Ugh… Probably… Deathbringer: I suppose I ought to explain. Souldrainer: Please do. Because I badly miss your presence. Even if it is mostly text-based. Deathbringer: Simply put, … Read more

First Steps Towards A New Base

“Thanks for agreeing to come with us, Akah!” Leh clicked with excitement as the ship Shield Six began to slow down, approaching what looked like a dark, rocky mass ahead. “Normally we’d be doing this stuff in secret, but you and your four-finger-and-a-thumb hands and lean, upright, tail-less form are so, so helpful when it … Read more

Misplaced Communicator

Kayel waved as the sleek, shiny silver car sped off, then made his way down the pavement, towards what was now essentially his second home. Sure, Kayel did rent a tiny apartment in the Skyavok sub-district of Salla, but these days, he mostly lived with the three freaks that made up his house fighter gladiator … Read more

A New House Fighter

Talok felt very small right now. To be fair, she’d always felt small among other beings. She was a Vohra, and Vohra were short, round creatures that were never more than a meter tall. Worse, Talok felt naked. Vohra didn’t wear clothes. Sure, Talok wore a special sash and medallion, showing that she was a … Read more

Headaches and Lingering Anger

Elkay sighed to himself as he sat on the very top of the Shimmering Blade and gazed off into the distance. Normally, the colossal Phantai vessel would be swiftly travelling through the perpetual darkness, patrolling its territories alongside a fleet of smaller ships, but a vast vacuum storm had brought the ship to a complete … Read more

Considerations For Revenge

Arkay expected to wake up in a cage, but, for some reason, he was in a comfy bed. He wasn’t even chained to it or anything. He was just lying there. And sitting by his side was Sini, not doing anything in particular. “Hello, brother. How did you sleep?” “Uh… angrily…” Arkay hissed, wondering what … Read more