Knocked Out Briefly

“Was he… was he dead?”

“I don’t… I don’t know…”

“Did I accidentally kill him?”

“No, you just… well I think you just knocked him out…”

Arkay sputtered back to life, his head throbbing and his side hurting. He wasn’t quite sure what had happened, aside from seeing Ebania running up to the house and him following her. Then something hit him. Everything had gone black and… he had heard things. Now Arkay was lying in the middle of the living area with three pretty big and vaguely familiar beings hovering over him. As he blinked, the beings began to focus.

“Arkay! You’re alive!” Ebania gasped. “I thought I killed you!”

“Maybe that’s why Skyavok have armoured skulls…” Arkay grumbled as he sat up, looking around. “Uh, how long was I unconscious for?”

Ebania stuttered, feeling embarrassed. “About five minutes… We brought you in and fanned you and made sure you were breathing. Or rather, Sini did. Kairos and I had no clue what to do.”

“Oh…” Arkay wasn’t sure how to respond. He had other things on his mind anyway. For some reason, he couldn’t quite remember what he had seen while he was unconscious.

While Arkay thought to himself, Sini placed a cushion behind him then held an ice pack to his head. Sure, they were different species now, but Sini wanted to make sure her little brother was okay, because she could tell something was still wrong with him.

“You need a glass of water or something?” Sini asked.

“What? Uh, no thanks. I’m just… dazed.”

“You look like you’re trying very hard to remember something…” Voltiidro tutted. “Is this a regular occurrence, beings being knocked out by bigger beings?”

Arkay shrugged, still confused and his head still hurting. “There was something. I only vaguely remember it though. It was dark and gloomy and… we… I… there were noises… I don’t know how to put this…”


The little Skyavok paused, then sighed. “I don’t know. I think I was just having weird dreams from being knocked out. It was probably nothing.”

“Are you suuuuuure?” Sini smiled, sticking her face in front of Arkay. “Because you seem particularly shaken up today. Sure, Ebania’s fat ass is scary, but it’s not that scary.”

Arkay shook his head. “I’m fine. Just dazed. Probably just need to lay down for a bit.”

Ebania and Sini both helped Arkay back to his feet. He wobbled slightly but quickly regained his balance.

“So, uh, Ebania, what was it you needed before you knocked me out?” Arkay asked.

The Falena blinked, then suddenly remembered. “Oh yes, you were supposed to come with me for my meeting with the Raptor! Do you… still want to come? Or did I bash you too much?”

Arkay hesitated, feeling awkward, since he had forgotten about Ebania’s meeting. “Uh… I suppose I should come… Why do you need my help?”

“It would be a great confidence booster for me…” Ebania admitted. “As far as we are concerned, right now, the Raptor is more of a goddess than we are.”

“What do you mean by that?” Sini interrupted.

“She is in charge around here. And she is very powerful.” Ebania tutted, then smiled. “Plus, your little friend Kayen will be there! You two get along so well!”

Arkay rubbed his head, then shrugged. “Sure, I said I’d come. Let me just get a fresh ice back for my head and I’ll be right with you…”