Hectic But Satisfied Messages

Spiritdrainer: LITVIR!

Spiritdrainer: Sibling!

Spiritdrainer: Brother!

Spiritdrainer: Whatever stupid word you use to describe yourself!

Spiritdrainer: I need to talk and this is completely inappropriate but I have literally no idea who else to speak to about this and honestly it is a good thing I ditched avid worship of the Lady of Light and religion in general when I was 25 because I think what I did is somewhat sinful but it was very enjoyable.

Spiritdrainer: My mind is a mile a minute.

Spiritdrainer: Which is worryingly fast when you are a slow Rethan who also has telepathy.

Spiritdrainer: It felt both good but wrong but also like we waited far far far too long for both of us.

Souldrainer is now online.

Souldrainer: Is something wrong Kuta, to the point that you have forgotten how to use punctuation?

Spiritdrainer: I do not know! That is the problem!

Souldrainer: Alright, fine. I do not have long, but I will sit down and talk this through with you.

Souldrainer: How are you feeling right now?

Spiritdrainer: Oh far too many emotions.

Spiritdrainer: Satisfied and happy and sleepy and very, very relaxed but also concerned and confused but also exhausted too.

Souldrainer: Alright. Now, what caused you to have all these emotions?

Spiritdrainer: Oh.

Spiritdrainer: I finally convinced Arkay to sleep with me.

Spiritdrainer: Except the condom broke. Which happens sometimes. We were both rather calm about it, I had some morning-after tablets that I took after we cleaned up and then I found myself feeling overly sleepy. It seems like the fluids in Arkay’s body do very weird, nonsensical things.

Souldrainer: I do not follow.

Souldrainer: Also this is a very weird conversation to have with your own brother.

Spiritdrainer: I do not know who else to talk to.

Souldrainer: Surely you have mortal friends? Or at least a captain you are a little too close to?

Spiritdrainer: I had sex with the God of Death, the condom broke, it turns out Death God ejecta is in fact a powerful sleep inducing drug and not the dangerous acid Arkay thought it was, and I think Arkay secretly freaked out and ran away after he very calmly tucked me into bed. Who in the name of the fucking Light am I supposed to talk to?

Spiritdrainer: I do find it weird that Arkay has a Skyavok penis though. Weird but good, I guess.

Spiritdrainer: He is a very gentle lover, always checking to make sure I was comfortable and enjoying myself. Even brought his own condoms when I had specifically bought some nice ones myself.

Spiritdrainer: We were both pretty nervous but I had fun. Arkay also complimented me on my length, I always assumed I was small because the rest of me is small and I never looked up better information but apparently I am above average.

Souldrainer: Kuta, please, too much information.

Souldrainer: I think you should go back to bed.

Spiritdrainer: Probably, yes, but it is 6am and I need to be in the office at 8am and I am worried about Arkay.

Souldrainer: Do you really just need someone to brag to?

Spiritdrainer: I am not bragging.

Souldrainer: Dear, Retvik and I spent a very long time trying to make Arkay feel well enough for him to be intimate and we never even got close, in fact, things got far worse before you came along. In what, a few weeks? You managed to sleep with someone who remained sexless for 14 billion years. Someone who Retvik and I genuinely love and have been unable to get close to. So I am rather envious of you.

Souldrainer: Also you did just brag about how you are larger than average. I am envious in two ways now.

Spiritdrainer: Alright I admit you do have me there on that second one.

Spiritdrainer: You are not small though.

Souldrainer: Compared to the two other Old Universe Rethavok I am stuck with? I definitely am.

Spiritdrainer: I still find it pretty traitorous that Retvik sleeps with you.

Souldrainer: He certainly is NOT going to sleep with Elkay. And I have already explained this to you, I changed.

Spiritdrainer: I get that, sibling, I just do not understand how Retvik accepted that.

Souldrainer: Retvik spent 50 years with a massive, brutish partner with whom he would sleep with almost constantly. In the space of only a few months he had all of that ripped away from him. Alright, granted, I did… admittedly try and do that myself, because I was an asshole of the highest order, but between the sudden loss, being torn from everything he held dear, being forced into a new, completely foreign environment, having to spend time with the yellow prick who was forced to do it and was unintentionally fucking with his emotions, then having to share a ship with a Life Goddess who essentially sexually harassed both Retvik and myself… well, not like Retvik had many options now, did he?

Souldrainer: And, I assume, until Arkay found you, he had basically had the same problem.

Spiritdrainer: You mentioned something made Arkay worse, before I came along. What do you mean by that?

Souldrainer: Uh…

Souldrainer: We… try not to talk about that.

Spiritdrainer: Must have been pretty awful.

Souldrainer: To oversimplify things, the four of us were captured by slavers, who wanted to turn Arkay into some sort of godly baby factory. I was also very nearly beaten to death and crucified. Please do not remind Arkay of this.

Spiritdrainer: You seem… almost annoyed at me.

Souldrainer: I am not annoyed, like I said, I am envious. You know how Retvik, Arkay and I are linked in some way, yes?

Spiritdrainer: Yes.

Souldrainer: Well, separation anxiety is very common among Decay Lord Trios. Something Retvik and I now have chronically.

Souldrainer: I am getting sidetracked, this is not what I wanted to say.

Souldrainer: While yes, I am a tad envious that you get to spend so much time with our lost third, I am also very happy that you make him happy and comfortable, to the point that he is willing to attempt relationships and love properly. Yes, he may have disappeared, as far as I am aware, Arkay has always randomly disappeared to deal with problems we cannot see. That and he IS a deity within a universe, he is probably busy. But Arkay will come back, and you need to be there for him. Please, Kuta, please keep it that way. Keep on making Arkay happy. Do what Retvik and I could not.

Spiritdrainer: Of course I will do that. Although I am also doing this out of my own far more selfish reasons of, well, just wanting to be in a relationship.

Spiritdrainer: And the sex so far has been nice.

Souldrainer: Do not rub it in. And well done for taming what everyone considered a monster.

Spiritdrainer: Arkay is not a monster, he never was a monster and he is probably better than you remember.

Souldrainer: That is good to hear.

Souldrainer: Let me know when Arkay returns. Look after yourself, brother.

Spiritdrainer: You too, brother.

Souldrainer is now offline.