Going Cold

“I assume your meeting with the Whenvern did not go well…” Kuta did not need their telepathy to tell that Arkay was utterly broken inside. The Thantophor was currently in the form of a beautiful yellow-plated Rethavok, but black tears were running from his eyes, gnawing at the silver armour he was wearing. Normally, Arkay … Read more

Draconic Flashes

Arkay hated this particular Chrono-Palace. The Whenvern had four Chrono-Palaces, four large homes, one in each corner of the universe, situated on the exact Y coordinate of zero, but this one, the Crystal Coliseum, was made entirely out of translucent diamond, meaning you could easily see through most of the walls. And considering that the … Read more

Fearful Future Nightmares

“This is the third time in three days that you have had nightmares.” Kuta stood in the kitchen, arms crossed and tutting, as they watched Arkay make an impromptu midnight snack of fried eggs and buttered bread. “Yeah. Third night where I’ve had nightmares about you…” “You said you get nightmares regularly though. What is … Read more

A New Shadowy Trick

Kuta rubbed their eyes and rolled over as they felt something odd poking against their side. When they had gone to bed earlier, Kuta had been sleeping with a yellow-plated Rethan, but as Kuta turned to look at their beloved poten-partner, they were surprised to see a rather… draconic being. Arkay was still vaguely Threanic, … Read more

Good for Once

Kuta couldn’t help but smile to themselves. Not too long ago, things had not been great. In fact, things had been very bad. They had been lonely and overworked and miserable. And then briefly homeless. And also had both their legs broken. But now things were awesome. Kuta had a new home, a new job … Read more

Awkward Job Changes

“Hey, Kuta.” “Hello, Arkay.” Kuta looked and sounded miserable, and Arkay completely understood why. There had been a lot of delays, and Kuta was still stuck in temporary housing and their insurance money still hadn’t come through, meaning Kuta hadn’t been able to go out and buy new belongings. Sure, Arkay had bought Kuta a … Read more

Hectic But Satisfied Messages

Spiritdrainer: LITVIR! Spiritdrainer: Sibling! Spiritdrainer: Brother! Spiritdrainer: Whatever stupid word you use to describe yourself! Spiritdrainer: I need to talk and this is completely inappropriate but I have literally no idea who else to speak to about this and honestly it is a good thing I ditched avid worship of the Lady of Light and … Read more

Lying in Bed with a Death God

“Are you alright, dear?” “Ugh…” The God of Death was lying in Kuta’s bed, his head buried in pillows, his body obscured by sheets and blankets. Both he and Kuta had been rather busy over the last few days, and, weirdly for a deity, the Thantophor had been ill. “Arkay?” At the mention of his … Read more

Love in a Temporary Home

Kuta tutted to themselves as they wandered around their temporary new home. Most Rethans lived in what were normally dubbed half-houses. Not because they lacked anything, but because they tended to have one and a half floors, with the second floor only covering half the area, generally above the kitchen and storage area, making the … Read more

Not Leaving

“Arkay! I am so happy to see you! You need to stay with me! We need to stay together! The Allbirther demands it but also I demand it! We…” Kuta fell silent, covering their mouth. In their excitement and relief, they realized they were speaking far too quickly. The Thantophor remained in the doorway for … Read more

Rumbling Aftermath

Kuta couldn’t help but panic as they opened their eyes. They could not remember anything that had happened in the last 24 hours and they couldn’t feel their legs. Kuta was also in a lot of pain, but, being a Rethan, that didn’t bother them nearly as much as the lack of feeling. As Kuta’s … Read more

Messed Up Apartment

“You were not joking when you said you lived somewhere poor…” Kuta found themselves ducking under the doorway as they entered the Thantophor’s home. The place looked almost exactly like a typical one bedroom rented apartment for a single, low-wage Skyavok, because that was what it was. The only real thing that made this place … Read more