Quick Unsettled Messages

Deathbringer: You there, Retvik?

Flamebearer: I am, yes, but not for long. Have volunteered for a patrol mission.

Deathbringer: Oh.

Flamebearer: Is something wrong?

Deathbringer: Yeah.

Deathbringer: Ever since I read those stupid books Kinisis wrote when Epani was ill, I keep on getting random memories from my distant past popping up.

Deathbringer: Like, really, really old ones.

Deathbringer: Before I was made into a god. When I was mortal.

Deathbringer: I knew someone then. Someone else called Retvik. I think it was short for something, but there was another you. Same way I have a new you, I have an old you too.

Flamebearer: That does not surprise me. Kaytee, the Phantai soldier who wishes to join us, has mentioned that he knew someone who shortened their name to Retvik.

Deathbringer: I feel bad.

Flamebearer: Why? You have done nothing wrong.

Deathbringer: I hurt them. They considered me to be their kid, and they watched their kid die.

Flamebearer: You feel bad for dying?

Flamebearer: Have you not died multiple times? You broke mine, Tenuk and Elksia’s hearts when mortal Arkay died back in our universe. But you had no choice, you needed to go back to your duties as the God of Decay. And we all mourned then moved on.

Deathbringer: I have done so much wrong by you.

Flamebearer: Arkay, are you well?

Deathbringer: Not in the slightest. I am insanely anxious right now and I keep on getting awful pains across my body. Stomach pain and chest pain. And I have no energy what so ever, I’ve kinda just been trying to sleep as much as possible.

Flamebearer: Maybe you should speak to a medic. Or Yisini. I take it, being the Goddess of Life, she does regular checkups on you all?

Deathbringer: Ugh I can’t face speaking to Sini right now. I can barely give myself the energy to go outside. Only places I’ve been lately are the shop to buy food for me and Kuta, Kuta’s temporary apartment and the pharmacy for painkillers.

Deathbringer: I have to buy Banikan painkillers. Nothing else works.

Flamebearer: Arkay, you really need to do something about this. For your physical health.

Deathbringer: I know. I kinda just hope that if I rest up for a few more days that it will all go away. I got stuff to do tomorrow though.

Flamebearer: Like what?

Deathbringer: One of the Below Twenty Generals is hosting a movie night and they invited Kuta and since I’m Kuta’s boyfriend I ought to go with them.

Flamebearer: Which Below Twenty? I used to be a Below Three Hundred General but did somewhat always wish I was lower. That being said, the closer to zero you go, the more work you do.

Flamebearer: Is the First Legion still empty?

Deathbringer: Yeah. There’s only 17 Below Twenty Generals but most of them are actually kinda decent.

Deathbringer: General Lysar has invited us, since they have just recovered from their injuries and wish to celebrate somewhat. 99% sure we’ll be watching some arena reruns or something but I’m tight with the higher ups among the Skyavok and Banikans, might as well try to be nice to my new Rethan subjects as well.

Flamebearer: I do not follow.

Deathbringer: Oh.

Deathbringer: There are twelve main races in this universe, split evenly between us. I didn’t get to pick my three races but I got the Skyavok, Ksithans and Banikans. Epani was treating her races like shit so we intervened, and now Kairos, Sini and I have four races each and I got the Rethavok.

Flamebearer: Huh.

Flamebearer: Well you used to occasionally help our Reth-Vrekan Union anyway. Is that still a thing?

Deathbringer: Uh, no. The Vrekans are a Sinian race now, allied with the Temthans and Vohra. The Rethans were allied with the Torr and Lanex and I inisisted that the Rethans remain in a union with the Lanex because those guys have it rough.

Flamebearer: How comes?

Deathbringer: They’re the only Thropic species around. Although they are less Deitonic though. Kinda like thropic Rethans that wear masks and coat their plating in thin layers of metal.

Flamebearer: Your new universe seems calmer now.

Deathbringer: Oh it is. We don’t have Kinisis and Kenon constantly fucking things up any more. And with Sini and Epani both being Life Goddesses, we have more checks and balances too.

Flamebearer: That is good to hear. They are not bullying you, are they?

Deathbringer: Nah. Sini has my back these days. You wouldn’t recognize her.

Flamebearer: I feel I would not recognize much in your new universe.

Deathbringer: You would recognize Rethans. They are slower now though and I don’t know why. Might be an age thing, this universe is only 2 billion years old, your universe was 14 billion years old.

Deathbringer: Time is so weird.

Deathbringer: This is making me anxious.

Flamebearer: Arkay, take some nice, deep breaths, then focus on the room around you. Count up the things you can see, hear, smell and feel and reorientate yourself.

Deathbringer: That is…

Flamebearer: Litvir is a psychologist, he does know his stuff. He has been invaluable in keeping Elkay calm.

Deathbringer: I spoke to Elkay yesterday. Just gotta keep on reinforcing who he is.

Flamebearer: He is back on his feet again. Typical Rethan, does not like resting.

Deathbringer: You’ve always been just as bad.

Flamebearer: I cannot disagree.

Flamebearer: Hmph, I must go soon. Getting ready for this mission.

Deathbringer: What mission?

Flamebearer: Taking out a unit of Voidborns.

Deathbringer: Isn’t that fucking dangerous?

Flamebearer: The Voidborn cult here is rather stupid. Vohra tactics rather than Spast tactics. I have been desperate to burn something for a while and now I have a chance to.

Deathbringer: I want to hug you and tell you to keep safe.

Flamebearer: I will keep safe. Most Voidborns here are just mindless, easy-to-kill shells.

Flamebearer: I sadly cannot give you a hug, but may I make a suggestion?

Deathbringer: Sure.

Flamebearer: Go find Kuta and give him a hug. I am sure he would appreciate it.

Deathbringer: They’re in a meeting right now though.

Flamebearer: Then wait until the meeting is over and surprise Kuta. While yes, you are separated from me and Litvir, your blood-bound, Kuta is the next best thing. Make the most of him. Because he seems to genuinely love you, and will not stop messaging Litvir about how much happier he is now.

Deathbringer: Awwww, that’s sweet.

Deathbringer: Yeah, I’ll do as you say. You’re right, you’re always right.

Flamebearer: Not always.

Flamebearer: I must go now. Have a good one, dear.

Deathbringer: Thanks for calming me down, Retvik.

Flamebearer: No worries.

Flamebearer is now offline.