Clearing Up Problems

Retvik was doing his best to mind his own business, but it was currently quite hard to do so. While he was busy incinerating the black splots of dead Voidborn, he could hear Galyn and Arkay arguing in the next room over. The discussion had been going on for quite a while now, but it had only just started to get angry and loud.

The subject of their argument was quite simple. Galyn was annoyed that Arkay had not listened to his instructions, but there was more to it than that. Yes, Arkay had gone and trapped the Voidborn and its cloned minions inside a bag of dark energy, crushed the bag to bits and then blew it up. But that seemed wholly inconsistent with Arkay’s previous actions. That was what Galyn was trying to get to the bottom of.

Although, to be fair, Retvik knew Arkay was rather… inconsistent. The little, yellow Decay Lord had always been all over the place with his emotions, and whenever he got particularly angry, he would do strange things, before breaking down into tears.

Right now though, Retvik had other concerns. The little black splats were all over the place, and Retvik needed to make sure he got every single last drop. The Voidborn in question, a rather nasty piece of work as far as Retvik was concerned, was capable of reforming from the tiniest of samples. Sure, Retvik had basically melted essentially the whole room, but he was pretty sure that destroying everything was impossible. He’d spotted some bits of black matter on the outside of the ship, and that meant that, almost certainly, some of the Voidborn had been blasted off into the depths of space. It was probably only a matter of time that the bastard would reform then return.

The arguing in the other room quietened down. Retvik could no longer hear shouting at all. Before he could try and listen in further, the door behind Retvik opened up, letting loose a flurry of pressurized air. Both Retvik and Galyn had briefly forgotten that the room Retvik was in had completely depressurized, and was basically a vacuum. Galyn quickly slammed the door shut behind him, grunting.

“Is everything alright, ser?”

Galyn frowned. “Arkay does not… take criticism well.”

“You just realised?”

“He is an incredibly powerful and potentially hugely talented individual. But he needs better control over his emotions. I was trying to explain to him that maybe he should not have attacked the Voidborn the way he did. But Arkay seemed to think I am being contradictory in telling him whether to kill or not.”

Retvik shrugged, going back to work. “I can somewhat see why he would think that. You suggested he outright kill Kalis, but punished him for attacking Kalis’s master.”

“Either we cannot get Arkay to react at all, or he overreacts and makes mistakes. And he seems to spend most of his time angry and tired… I just wanted to talk to him about him exploding a Void Lord all over my ship’s interior, but he took it personally…” Galyn tutted.

“Yeah… speaking of which…” Retvik gestured to the blasted open window. Galyn responded by simply grunted some more.

“I know, I know. The fucker most likely is not dead, and he will be back… But we will have to deal with that when it happens. In the mean time…” Galyn lowered his voice. “Can I ask you a question?”

“Of course.”

“Is Arkay… lonely?”

“How do you mean?”

Galyn lowered his voice further. “He seems like he wants to join in on your… antics, but feels unable to. He is frustrated and taking it out on us. In fact, he seems… emotionally very immature overall.”

Retvik sighed, returning to his chore. “We have spoken to Arkay about this. He does not wish to take part, despite his desires. Not much else we can do.”

“Very well…” Galyn grunted, his voice returning to normal. “I guess… maybe we need to have a closer look at things. Or maybe, just maybe, Arkay is not meant for this sort of life after all…”